What if ... what the Bible has to say about ‘demons’ and ‘unclean spirits’ and the ‘devil/Satan’ is not just figurative or poetic language? What if...there really is a world of spiritual influence, both good and evil and there is no escaping being influenced one way or another by these spiritual forces? Paul seemed to make a clear case that it is “Not flesh and blood that we contend with, but spiritual powers of evil and darkness’ that are at work here. (Eph. 6:12; Col. 1:13) Yes, I know many will scoff at such a suggestion; and I’m not even compelled to ask you to ‘believe’ all this. But I am wanting to at least point out what the Bible says ...and you can do what you want with that information.
So what if... there really are unclean spirits, demons, fallen angels, under the rule of Satan himself and they work as forces of darkness in attempt to sabotage anything that is good and ordained by God…with their goal being to corrupt and destroy what God has decreed to be ‘good’? You don’t think they haven’t infiltrated many churches today, along with people’s bedrooms? (Matt. 7:15; Acts 20:28-29; 2 Cor. 11:14-15; 1 Pet. 5:8)
Is it possible that these unclean spirits could influence the way we ‘think’ and ‘act’, sort of like what the Bible teaches they did in Ephesians 2:1-3?
We’ve been comparing these past two days the difference between sexual desire and sexual lust; and while most would agree that the sexual attraction felt between married spouses is ‘normal’, how might we look at someone who was sexually attracted... to animals, for example?
The Bible actually addresses this issue saying that for anyone to lie with an animal (have sex with) is an ‘abomination’ (Lev. 18:23). If you had a neighbor who was ‘getting it on' with his sheep/horse/dog, would you shrug and say to yourself, ‘to each their own’ and think nothing of it…or might you wonder if this person was ‘not right in the head’? What on earth could possibly be at work here that would cause someone to be sexually attracted to animals and find gratification with them? Or would to think that be ‘judgmental’ now, and we should just mind our own business? If it makes them happy, who are we, after all to infringe upon other people’s ‘freedoms’ to do as they please and see fit? Now I’m not advocating taking the actions for punishment as laid out there in the OT for such acts, but there is nothing wrong with acknowledging what God’s thoughts and views are ...on such behavior.
Or…how often do we hear of the topic where another ‘child porn ring’ is busted? Have you ever heard law enforcement officers speak in hearings of the atrocious things they come upon in their line of work? My mind cannot even come close to fathoming how any ‘normal’ person could be sexually attracted and even gratified by having ‘sex’ with very young children, and yes…even baby infants. One usually has to conclude that they are ‘not right in the head’. Most refer to such folks as being ‘sick & evil’. And again, we must ask…what happens ‘in’... a person who is driven to such ‘unacceptable’ behavior?
What about incestual relationships…are they not considered to be ‘taboo’ in many if not most modern day cultures…siblings with siblings…or parents with their children? God addressed this as well there in Leviticus 18.
Over the years, I have heard of, and known personally…both men and women who were married, raising families and even attending church. Then, one day, one spouse just ‘up and leaves’ to be with a new found ‘love’ as they abandon their families, leaving much carnage and devastation in their wake while they pursue their new ‘love’, which most would agree is rooted in ‘blinding lust’. And once again, we often hear or use the term that those who do such things were ‘out of their minds’. They simply were not ‘thinking right’ and were clearly being ‘controlled’ or ‘driven’ by something else that blinded their ‘common sense’.
Where am I going with all this today? I want us to examine the possibilities that there really is an invisible, yet very real spiritual component that leads people down these paths of behavior and actions, a force that is stronger than them, that has actually taken them...’captive’. And while many in the church world want to denounce and condemn such people... Jesus was hanging on a cross interceding for them...praying “Father, forgive them, they know not what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34). He saw them as being prisoners to something they were incapable of overcoming on their own. For this reason...He came and died...to set all the blinded captives free. (Luke 4:18; John 3:16-17). We know Jesus went about doing good...and healing all... who were oppressed by ...the devil’. (Acts 10:38) Then...He commissioned His church to go into all the world, to declare the same truth that He brought us that would set us free...and empower us to remain free. (John 8:32-36; Matt. 28:18-20).
The problem is...most in the church world today don’t even believe that truth as they remain captives themselves. I mean...after all...everyone says they remain sinners who continue to sin...and we know that ’whoever sins remains a slave’, does he not? Jesus taught that. (John 8:34). And let’s be real here...you can’t give to others... what you don’t have yourself, right? Peter taught us that in Acts 3:6- "What I do have...I give you..."
Meet me back here tomorrow for Part IV?
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