I’ve been wanting to say this for a while, and at the risk of being misunderstood, and possibly offending or irritating others, it still needs to be said. It’s more of a concern, really, that I have had... that many who claim to be ‘followers of Jesus’, or ‘believing Christians’ have become overly pre-occupied with the wrong....’ship’.

Just because the ‘passengers’ elected a new ‘captain’ who made all kinds of promises to ‘turn this ship around’ offering up better days ahead...what good is it if that ship’s name is the ‘Titanic’? Yes...my concerns run deep for the many who have possibly been lured in to a false sense of security that ‘happy days are here again’ and they have no idea what may be ‘coming down the pipe’, as we like to say. The real pressing concern here is which ‘boat’ are you finding your security in these days, the Titanic (with its new 'captain'), or the ‘Ark’? And friends...you can’t be a committed passenger on both boats.

Jesus warned of increased deception at the ‘end of the age’. (Matt. 24:3-5) In fact, Paul would later write that a great deal of this ‘deception’ would be sent by God, if you can believe that; even explaining why God is behind it - because people will have no love or interest in receiving the ‘truth’. (2 Thess. 2:9-12) He even adds there that these very people are ‘perishing’. (10)

But back in Matt. 24, Jesus likened these days as being ‘similar to the days of Noah’ and how once Noah and his family entered the ‘ark’, the floods came and carried the people away to destruction...and they weren’t even aware of it until after it was too late. (Matt. 24:37-39; Luke 17:27) There were some ‘foolish virgins’ who were shut out from entering a door as well in Matt. 25:10-11 & 7:22-23.

Friends...if you have not quite yet ‘connected the dots’ here - to be ‘in the ark’ is to be ‘In Christ’. He is...our refuge, our shelter, and our fortress. This is how we escape God’s wrath which Jesus ‘saves’ us from (Rom. 5:9) as we abide IN Him.

Now this is where one needs to be careful and use discernment: there is a popular line of ‘teaching’ we hear much of in various ‘theological circles’, which you may have heard before. And there is a key word or phrase that is used which talks about a believer’s ‘position’...in Christ. It’s used to try and explain that because you prayed some prayer by repeating some words, that now, ‘by faith’ you have automatically become this ‘new creation’ and how God ‘sees you being in Christ’ despite how you are living or what kind of ‘bad fruit’ you are bearing. It ‘sounds great’, even comforting...but I would submit to you that much of what is being preached today could almost be compared to ‘snake oil’ that con-men used to sell to unsuspecting and gullible customers. (Jer. 23:16-22; Ezek. 13).

“Let no one deceive you with ‘empty words’, for because of these things, the wrath of God is coming...” (Eph. 5:6).

Remember, it was only those who were ‘in the ark’ that escaped the judgement, or were ‘saved from the wrath of God’. So what does it mean when the Bible talks about being...’In Christ’? As we looked at yesterday, we are told IF....IF...IF...anyone is in Christ ...he is indeed a ‘new creation’ where ‘old things are passed away and all things become new’ (2 Cor. 5:17). And those who truly ‘belong to Christ’...have done what, according to Gal. 5:24?

And let me also make the case here that this has nothing to do with trying to convince you with ‘positive thinking’ about some change in ‘identity’ that you must acknowledge. That is another ‘catch phrase’ that is popular today about emphasizing how believers need to see or recognize ‘who they are in Christ’ because they prayed. Friends...I know this may come across as blunt and offensive, but let me assure you...if/when anyone... comes to the Lord with all their heart, you won’t need to be convinced of anything. You will be in His presence and He will ‘lift you up’ and put a new song in your heart as he lifts you from the miry clay and sets your feet upon the rock.(Ps. 40:2)

Nobody had to convince those lame people whom Jesus healed immediately ...that they could walk again. Those whose blind eyes were opened after a touch from the Messiah needed no persuading they could ‘see’ again. And I promise you that when Lazarus walked out of that tomb on the hillside of Bethany, there was no indication that he had to repeat over and over again telling himself that he was ‘alive’. Oh...and that lame man who laid crippled in the front of the church doors his whole life in Acts 3...when he was touched by the power of God that flowed through Peter and John...it did not take a six-week discipleship class to convince him he could be free. He was freed on the spot and went ‘walking, and leaping and praising God’. (Act 3:8-9)


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