Even the secular world will often make mention of people who are known to have had their ‘own demons’ to battle with in life. Granted, to them it may be ‘just an expression’ not to be taken literally...or maybe not? But why would a church world of ‘believing Christians’ scoff and roll their eyes at such a possibility existing, especially considering the countless numbers of references our beloved Bible is filled with that makes mention of them (demons).
I noted early on at the onset of this series that began comparing sexual ‘desire’ with sexual ‘lust’...that ‘lust’ may be more than just strong ‘natural cravings’. Why not consider the possibility that lust could actually be a specific ‘spirit’, and not the good kind, that can actually work ‘inside’ of us. I’m not asking you to believe what I am laying out here for you in this study, but at least be open to acknowledging that the Bible really does have much to say about this topic and if there is any truth to it, I’m confident that God is able to bear witness and confirm His truth to you...IF...truth is what you are seeking. (Acts 17:11) Do you want to be made well, Jesus asked? (John 5:6)
We know Satan and his angels were cast down to this earth. (Rev. 12:7-12). We are told that this whole world is under his influence/power (1 John 5:19) Paul was sent to the Gentiles to preach the gospel with the hopes ‘their eyes would be opened and that they would turn from the power of Satan to God...” (Acts 26:18). And Jesus’s ministry was marked by His going about doing ‘good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil’ (Acts 10:38)
We learn in Eph. 2:1-3 that when we were ‘dead in sin’, the ‘prince of the power of the air, the spirit who continues to work IN those’ who are not of Christ...operates through their ‘fleshly nature...fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind’. No wonder we are admonished to deal with this nature once and for all. Does that not ‘flip a light switch’ for any of you reading here today?
Now take a look at 2 Tim. 2:24-26 as Paul was encouraging Timothy in how to deal with those who opposed this teaching...reminding them that these people were in need of having their eyes opened that they might “know the truth and come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil having been taken captive by him to do his will.”
So when we touched on various examples a few days ago as to how a spirit of ‘lust’ might drive people to seek sexual gratification in ways that most anyone else would find repulsive and sick (with animals or infant babies), it would seem these people are driven by something that is not ‘natural’ or ‘earthly’...given they are literally held ‘captive by the devil’. And did you catch that part about the need to ‘come to their senses’ (26)? Please know I am not trying to make excuses nor justify anyone who practices such things; I am merely pointing out a possible reason or cause that drives people to such behavior. Is it possible they really are...’not in their right mind’?
I bring this up because there is a very interesting story relayed in Mark’s gospel, chapter 5. It’s the story where Jesus came to the country of the Gadarenes. And the very moment He stepped ashore , He was met by a man with ‘an unclean spirt...who dwelt among the tombs and no one could bind him, not even with chains because he had often been bound with shackles and chains...which he pulled apart and broken in pieces’. (2-5) It goes on to inform us that no one could ‘tame him’, and ‘day and night he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying out and cutting himself with stones.”
You can read the rest of the story on your own as to how he was set free instantly by Jesus. It turns out that there were more than just a few demons residing in him; more like several thousand demon spirits. But once they were gone or ‘evicted’, would you please make note of vs.15 where we are told that when folks in the nearby city had heard what happened, they came out to investigate and found this man clothed, sitting up...and...”IN HIS RIGHT MIND”. It makes you wonder how he even ended up in the condition he was. (2 Cor. 10:5)
So was he battling with a ‘mental illness’ or ‘demons’? I know the former term is easier to discuss amongst ourselves as it sounds more ‘plausible and acceptable’ to an educated and enlightened audience today in the 21st century. So why is it that many people who are diagnosed with ‘mental or emotional’ illnesses, are loaded up with medications that help them ‘cope’ with their issues and never really heal or deliver them? Is it possible that just maybe ‘spiritual healing’ needs something more than chemicals that man concocted in a laboratory? I would think ‘Yes!’...and I know the One who still specializes in doing this very thing...’healing all who are oppressed by the devil’ (Acts 10:38) even today.
I have much more to share on this and will continue doing so tomorrow, Lord willing.
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