So we love to remind people that it’s ‘by grace we are saved, through’s the gift of God...not of works, lest anyone should boast.” (Eph. 2:8-9)

Here’s a question I would like for you to ponder: When did obeying God become a ‘work’?

Jesus asked: “Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord’...and not do the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46) I could be wrong, but I don’t think responding to that question with “I didn’t feel like it” or “I’m a flawed, imperfect human who sins” the answer He is looking for.

We read in Hebrews 5:9 that Christ became the source of eternal salvation to all those who ...obey Him.”

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but those who DO... the will of My Father in heaven.” – Jesus (Matt. 7:21)

And yet, it seems the popular theology which many have ascribed to would suggest at the end of the day... none of that really matters...because it is by ‘grace and faith alone’...that we are ...‘saved’. And therein lies a big problem which is why scripture exhorts us over and over: “Be not deceived!” (James 1:16; Eph. 5:6; 1 Cor. 6:9; Matt. 24:4-5). IF we are just a ‘hearer of the word...and not a ‘doer’...then what does James say happens? (James 1:22)

If verses like those above make you feel a tad 'uneasy', have you stopped to ask yourself why that is?

There is an interesting exchange found in Acts 17 where Paul is engaged in conversation with a group of ‘religious’ folks in Athens, Greece. As you read there from vs. 22-30, it is apparent that the people back then held a wide variety of beliefs (much like we do today), even setting up a tomb to the ‘unknown God’. (23). Paul was there to set the record straight and to declare the ‘Truth’ to them, making it known that we ‘ought not to be devising and shaping’ our beliefs to suit our own needs. (29) We tend to do that, you know; why do you think we have over 400 ‘Christian denominations’ today?

Then comes this sword of clarity: “These times of ignorance God overlooked, but now... but now...but now...He COMMANDS ALL MEN repent!” (30). This was not a suggestion. And what did Jesus Himself say would happen to anyone who failed to ‘repent’ as we read in Luke 13:1-5?

Was this not His opening proclamation when He arrived on the scene declaring to the world that the ‘kingdom of God was at hand’ and that we ought to ‘believe in the gospel...and repent!”? (Matt. 4:17; Mark 1:15)

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself: “repent from what?” No -no-no- no; Stop right there! I mean it- what exactly are we ‘repenting’ of or from?

“Sin”, you say? Okay...well if ...“repent = to turn from”, and you continue to sin, have you truly repented or turned...from your sin? Careful there and think that one through before answering. And for the record, ‘repenting’ and ‘asking for forgiveness’ are two different things.

Meet me back here tomorrow?


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