Pssst- hey...can we talk about ‘them’, again? Yes...I’m talking about those ‘demon/unclean spirits’ that can make some folks quite uncomfortable (or amused) to discuss in our enlightened and ‘educated’ world we live in today. I mean really, that is so ‘mid-evil times’, is it not? People back in the 12th century saw demons and devils being all the source of evil and bad things. Clearly they were ignorant and just needed to be educated, right?
Believe what you want...but I’m picking up where I left off yesterday and want to spell out as clearly as I can, why dealing with this carnal, flesh nature once and for not some ‘holy option for super-saints’. Not only does your life depend on it, but the eternal well-being of your soul is at stake, and I don’t say that lightly at all. We’ll probably take several days here to review many verses that lay there in the pages of your beloved Bible. You might want to grab a pen and paper as well.
Last week, I pointed out how there are two kinds of ‘suffering’ that we tend to endure in this life. (1.8.25) The first type is the kind of suffering we experience as we ‘take up our cross and follow Jesus, putting to death this ‘old man’ so that we can cease from sin and do the will of God’. (1 Pet. 4:1-2; 5:10). The other kind of suffering is most often a result of our not abiding in Jesus. (Hosea 4:6; John 5:14) And the one afflicting and inflicting...this ‘needless’ suffering. (1 Cor. 5:5; John 10:10; Matt. 18:34-35; 1 John 518).
Guess what? Jesus came to alleviate and deliver us from the latter. In fact, it is how Peter defined the ministry of Jesus, summarizing clearly how ‘God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and with power who went about doing good and healing ALL...who were oppressed by the devil”. (Acts 10:38). By the way, can you show me in the Bible where both Jesus...and the devil...have ceased from doing their ‘respective things’ there?
What you may find pretty amazing about this study is how much the Bible has to say about it, and involves taking multiple verses from all over the ‘Good Book’ and letting them tell their own story as the Holy Spirit would lead. So where to start? How about with an emphatic statement made by John...who begins with “We know...” (1 John 5:19) And please remember...he is writing to true, abiding believers...’who know’.
“We know...the whole word lies under the sway...the control or influence of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19). Now a statement like that might have one pausing to ask- “well then who really is ‘in control’ of the world today?” And that is a great question to which I would respond that God is...with the reminder that this ‘wicked one’ and his NOTHING... without God’s permission and/or knowledge. That might be hard for some to process and digest, but it is the truth. God could remove him and his demon angels at any time He so desired. In fact, there is a time and day reserved when God will do just that. (Rev. 20:10) Were you aware that the reason ‘hell’ was even created was for Satan and his rebellious angels? (Matt. 25:41).
You might want to read through Rev. 12:7-12 and Luke 10:18 for a review on how Satan ended up here on earth and what his role is these days. Let me close with this: we need not fear or worry about these spiritual entities of darkness...IF...we are truly abiding in Jesus. 1 John 5:18 and Ps. 91 explain why. I’ll see you back here tomorrow, Lord willing.
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