One has to do some pretty fancy ‘tap-dancing’ to get around the profound truth laid out in Galatians 5:24. – “And those who belong to Christ Jesus (the Messiah) have crucified the flesh (the godless human nature) with its passions and appetites and desires”. (AMPC)

I can remember so clearly...coming across that passage in a seminar I was attending back in 1985 and that verse just hit me hard right between the eyes/heart. Friends...God has been trying to get my full, undivided attention for a long time now. I was sitting near the front and when those words rolled off the page as the speaker read it aloud...I was afraid to look up, or at anyone else around me for that matter.

Despite all my busy ‘activity of sincere service’ in my church life over the previous 5 years since ‘coming to Christ’...I knew...that I knew...that I ‘flesh nature’ was NOT dead, but very much an ongoing ‘battle’ I had to contend with. And yet...there it was clearly spelled out....”those who belong to Jesus Christ...” have put that old man to death along with its passion and desires. You really should open up a parallel Bible and read the multiple ways that one verse is say the same thing! There is absolutely no wiggle room to make it say anything else, despite the efforts many will attempt to offer up simply because it does not fit the popular narrative of today’s ‘gospel’.

And I will gladly go ‘on record’, with a confident humility...and tell anyone...because we have failed to grasp the truth of that statement...many...have continued to struggle, suffer, and yes...even be ‘destroyed’...for a lack of knowledge, (Hosea 4:6).

There was an interesting exchange between Jesus and Peter as relayed in Matt. 16. It came fresh off the heels of Peter’s grand declaration that Jesus was indeed, the ‘the Christ, Son of the living God!”. (16). Mind you, Jesus was quick to point out here that Peter did not ‘figure this out on his own’, was ‘revealed’ to Him by the Father. If God does not open our eyes to His truths...we simply will never see it; Period. And best I can tell, He only reveals those truths to those who come to Him with ALL their hearts. (Matt. 13:11; Luke 10:21; 24:32,45)

But the exchange I am referring to is found further down in Matt. 16:21-23. Jesus had just finished telling His disciples that he must/will ‘suffer many things...and be killed’. (21). It was at this point that Peter ‘took Jesus aside’ if he was needing to ‘get in His ear or head’. (Guess who else likes to do this with us?). You can read for yourself there what Peter is trying to tell Jesus....but basically it is: “You don’t have to die, Jesus!”

Then, read vs. 23: “But He (Jesus) turned and said to Peter, ‘Get behind Me, Satan!. You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men!”

Jesus was not calling Peter ‘Satan’, but He sure knew who was trying to ‘get to Him’ through Peter. Do you know what one of the lessons here is that we sure don’t want to miss? Satan will try to derail your walk and can often speak to us through those who are closest to us. Don’t think it can’t happen. You say you trust and respect your pastor and/or whoever is a ‘spiritual food source’ in your life? Great. But if they try to water down Gal. 5:24 in any shape or form wanting to convince you that neither do you...’have to die’...there ought to be ‘red flags and sirens’ going off everywhere.

“Let God be true...and every man a liar!” (Rom. 3:4)

You may want to ask me here- "Are you saying that if a person truly comes to a place of 'belonging to Christ and have put that old man to death', as that passage reads...that they can no longer be tempted to sin according to the flesh?"  And that is a fair and legitimate question. So let me give you a short, simplified answer if I may-

Have you ever had a 'dead' battery in your vehicle and called for someone to ' jump start' it?  Guess what Satan spends his time doing as he 'roams about like a roaring lion seeking to devour' (1 Pet. 5:8)? Imagine him having a 'tow truck' of sorts and he is seeking entrance into your life to 'jump start' that old man.  What do you think temptation is all about? (James 1:12-16) And why do you suppose we are told to 'resist him'? (James 4:7; 1 Pet. 5:9). And what do you think the illustration Jesus shared in Matt. 12:43-45 was all about?  How else can we become 'perfect and complete'? (James 1:2-4; 1 Pet. 5:10)

If/when he 'pulls up', you have the choice to shut it down immediately...and not even 'open up the hood', giving him access with his 'cables'.  Ephesians 4:27 ring a bell?  How about Romans 13:14? But if you are welcoming him and giving him access...what does that say about what your heart might be loving more...than God? (John 14:15; Luke 10:25-28)  

See you tomorrow?


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