May I state the obvious here and say that there is quite the difference between ‘putting something down’, like a rabid, aggressive and uncontrollable wild dog perhaps, as opposed to ‘keeping it locked up in a cage or kept on a leash’? And when I use the term ‘put it down’, I trust you understand I’m talking about ‘putting it to death’ so it no longer poses a threat or danger to anyone.

You have to ask many sincere ‘believers’ today, continue to suffer needlessly (yesterday’s message) because they have failed to follow through in ‘putting that rabid dog to death’, once and for all? And of course I am referring to that ‘old man’ or ‘carnal nature’ that most will admit sheepishly...’gets the best of us at times’.

Paul was not ‘suggesting’...that we ‘put to death your earthly body [with its sensual, self-centered instincts]’ (Col. 3:5- Amp.) was a command. And I would go as far as to submit to you that this was to be done on the ‘front end’ of our walk of faith as opposed to what many have falsely concluded can’t or won’t happen until they ‘get to heaven’.

You do realize that a ‘wild horse’ is useless to its new owner until it has been....’broken’? So it is with us ‘ believers’ who many, have been persuaded to ‘sign on to follow Jesus’ so we can go out and ‘fulfill our destiny as we do great things for the kingdom of God’. That is the popular line of thinking these days in many of our churches; and I’m not talking about us being ‘broken’ part, either. Far too many sincere converts have been pushed out to do ‘great things for God’ with their ‘talents’ as if God needs them to fulfill His will on the earth today.

Let me tell you...God has quite the ‘culling process’; and the last thing He is concerned about is compromising ‘quality’ for ‘quantity’. “For many are called, but few are chosen” – Jesus (Matt. 22:14).

“Enter by the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many... who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” -Jesus (Matt. 7:13-14)

The story of the Israelites who were delivered from Egypt as slaves under Pharaoh, as relayed in the Book of Exodus, tells us they had nothing but a promising life ahead of them as God led them out. But there was this certain and important part of the ‘journey’ they had to go through before arriving in the Promised land. We know it as the ‘wilderness experience’ that they had to get through first. Do you know what the purpose of this was? God made no attempt to hide the fact that HE...”led them all the way in the wilderness humble them and to test them, to know what was in their heart, whether they would keep His commandments or not.” (Deut. 8:2)

Do you remember how many men from that first generation of adult men ‘passed the test’ and got to go in and see the blessed land God had for them? Two, ONLY two...survived the ‘culling’ process! Joshua and Caleb.

If you think God has changed up his ‘MO’, you are gravely mistaken. (1 Thess. 2:4; Mal. 3:6). Oh, and did you know that Jesus had His own ‘wilderness test’ to go through also? (Luke 4:1-14). Guess what? We do too! Join me tomorrow?


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