Yep...I brought this graphic back today as a ‘refresher’. It’s been awhile...look familiar? :- )
So you were taught that “Christians are not perfect, just forgiven”; or maybe we are just ‘saints who sin’; but just not as bad or as often as we ‘use to’. And the reason being...’we are human with a carnal nature’ ....a nature, mind you... that we will always contend with on this side of heaven, right?
Well, there’s just one problem with that faulty theology - scripture teaches just the opposite. happens, which is why Paul warned us by giving a ‘heads up’ that we would be exposed to a plethora of ‘other gospels’ that would lead us astray, just as Eve was. Why, we might even end up receiving ‘another spirit’ and/or following ‘another Jesus’. (2 Cor. 11:3-4). And should we fail to maintain a ‘love for the truth’ we could end up ‘believing a lie’ (that God actually sends) and in the end...we will perish. (2 Thess. 2:9-12; Luke 13:3,5; 2 Pet. 3:9)
I am going on my 4th year now of posting these messages, nearly daily. Today is post #1120. I have written in great detail addressing this topic, and all the posts are available for you to go back and revisit should you feel so inclined. (see my blog page link in first comment below).
Let me be clear here: everything about our carnal-flesh nature is in opposition to God’s character and nature. If we remain ‘carnally minded’, then we remain hostile towards God and will not subject ourselves to God’s law, nor are we capable of doing so. (Rom. 8:7-8). No wonder Paul lamented in the previous chapter there: “O wretched man that I am...who will deliver me from this ‘body of death’?” (7:24). Guess what? He answers that very question by pointing to ‘Jesus Christ our Lord’ and then launches off into chapter 8 explaining just how this happens. The Spirit of God leads us to ‘put to death the deeds of the body (flesh nature)... so that we will live.’ (Rom. 8:13) This is NOT a poetic metaphor or an idealistic goal that cannot be attained.
Oh, did I mention that this is what the ‘children of God’ do since they are actually ‘led by the Spirit’? (Rom. 8:14). That is what God’s ‘sheep’ do. (John 10:27; Heb. 5:9) I should also point out that those who do follow and obey...are the ones who are ‘in Christ’ and no longer under ‘condemnation’. (Rom. 8:1,4; 1 John 2:5). If you are not surrendered to His Lordship, I hate to break the news to you, but you are still ‘breaking the law’ (sinning) and are indeed under ‘condemnation’. (Luke 6:46; Matt. 7:21)
And if you do tend to adhere to 2 Cor. 13:5 where we are admonished to ‘examine ourselves to see if we are actually in the faith’, then Gal. 5:24 should bring clarity because that is where we are told what those who ‘belong to Christ’ have done. Go read that one again, if you would, please.
Guess what? acting out in/from our flesh nature. That is why it has to ‘die’. And if you think it’s normal for ‘Christians’ to manifest ‘both kinds of fruit’, well... Jesus teaches differently. (Matt. 7:17-20). And the ‘payout’ for sin has not changed. (Rom. 6:23; 8:13)
I realize that IF... this is beginning to ‘sink in’, then it has to be a shock to your belief system; especially if we have just been ‘coasting along in His grace’...on that ‘wide path that leads to destruction’. (Matt. 7:13-14) Can you imagine the shock those folks in Matt. 7:21-23 will experience on that day...when there is no time to change course?
Could you please finish up today by reading Romans 13:11-14, and meet me back here tomorrow, Lord willing...of course.
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