When encouraged to ‘examine ourselves...to see if we are in the faith and test to see if Jesus Christ is in us...’ (2 Cor. 13:5), what litmus test do you use? Is there even one we can refer to like we had in school when we had to grade our quizzes that can give us some idea as to ‘how we are doing so far’? And by the way, there was a reason the teacher always had us swap papers so we were not grading our own exam.

I have repeatedly made the case here that much of the ‘church world’ has focused on the wrong question by always wanting to ask: ‘are we... saved’? The real question that needs to be evaluated is: “Are we abiding in Christ”? So... when presented with that specific question, what mental process do you go through to assess that? I would imagine depending on what denomination you were raised in, you probably have a checklist you run down quickly. You know, things like: “Yes...I’m abiding in Jesus because....”

“I was baptized as an infant and attend service weekly.”

“I walked an aisle at a revival meeting and accepted Christ and He came into my heart that very moment and I wept as I felt His love all around me.”

“I confess daily that Jesus is the Son of God and died on a cross for me so I could have eternal life. I read my Bible and pray daily. I attend church and Sunday School regularly. I sing in the choir and work in the nursery and volunteer to help with VBS every summer. I also host a small group in our home; so yes...I definitely am abiding in Jesus.”

“I speak in tongues...proving that His Spirit is in me, so of course I’m abiding in Him.”

It would not surprise me if a large number of sincere church members, if asked that question, would give you that ‘deer in the headlight look’ before mumbling something to the effect they ‘guess they are’ since they are a ‘Christian’.

I’m sure there are other responses we could add to this list but it’s likely that most people would be familiar with any of these five common mindsets above. And I would even bet you that just about everyone who offered up any of those five responses...affirming they were indeed ‘abiding in Jesus’ would add on for clarity, something similar to this statement... as well...

“Now I’m not perfect and never will be on this side of heaven. I’m still a ‘sinner saved by grace’ and sin regularly, multiple times a day, even; but I know the blood of Jesus cleanses me and God knows my heart!”

These responses would be a good example of a common mistake many in the church world have committed for a long time, which is nothing new. But we have a way of ‘establishing our own (standard) of righteousness...replacing God’s standard of righteousness.’ (Rom. 10:2-3). And Jesus was first to blame church leaders for this grave error because they are the ones He accused of ‘laying aside the commandments of God’.... while ‘rejecting the commandments of God...as they taught their traditions’. (Mark 7:8-9)

There’s just one problem with going down that road where we, for the most part, compare ourselves with ourselves (and others)...is that first of all, it is unwise.(2 Cor. 10:12). But the reason why this is so serious, with eternal consequences on the line...can be found in two very familiar passages – 1 Cor. 13:1-3 and Matt. 7:21-23

And I doubt many will be fond of this next passage, but our Bibles teach that IF...we are truly ‘abiding in Him...we no longer practice sin’. (1 John 3:6) Now go read Romans 6:2.

There is our ‘litmus’ test right there; or should I say ‘fruit test’? And before you accuse me of taking ‘one verse out of context’, you might read vs 9 there, then flip over to 1 John 5:18 before landing on 1 Pet. 4:1-2. And if you are reluctant to accept and embrace what God’s word clearly says, well...then you need to really take some time and examine just why is that so.


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