There is no telling how many countless people have been led or instructed to pray that they might ‘receive and/or accept Christ as Savior’, and then immediately afterwards are told, if not promised, they are ‘now a child of God’. I mean, we read in John 1:12 that “as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become ... children of God’. And yet, we somehow forget about teaching them what Romans 8:14 brings to the table- “for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these... are the children of God”.

So...what does it mean to be ‘led by the Spirit’? How would you explain that to a new convert? This would not strike me as being some trivial option for a believer, does it to you? And this is where we probably get all kinds of personal antidotes and opinions. Maybe we should go back to see what the word has to say since we are promised by Jesus, who IS...the Word...that He was going to send a ‘Helper’ to lead and guide us. (John 14:16-18; 16:13). It might help if we had a better understanding as to how this ‘works’.

Again, I use the diving analogy. No doubt, you are aware that many if not most roads, or highways at least, have this nice feature of those ridges that hug the lane of a shoulder, so that if you drift out of your lane, you know it immediately with that rapid- bump-bump-bump. It should get your immediate attention to get back in your lane. Then, there are those plastic or metal ‘caps’ that protrude ever so slightly that when you hit those, you know it immediately. I should also point out that many of the newer cars have a feature that alarms you when you cross a lane without using a turn-signal (unintentional drifting) to get your immediate attention.

Now let’s break it down. We are told that when a person truly repents, and surrenders their hearts to Jesus...that it will be followed up by an outpouring and/or visitation of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:8; 2:38). Acts 3:19 describes it as the ‘times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord’. Do you recall ever experiencing anything like that after you had a ‘come to Jesus moment’ when you were wiping away the tears and snot and you found yourself enveloped in His loving presence?

Ever wonder why that ‘feeling’ did not hang around long? I bet you may have even heard a well-meaning, but mis-informed deacon or altar worker advise you to ‘enjoy it because it won’t always be like that’. Sigh....

Guess what God intended to be your ‘guide’ to keep you in ‘your lane’, or better yet...’His lane’ of abiding in Him? What are we told in Isaiah 55:12 & Col. 3:15? You might go read and underline those right now, as this could be a HUGE revelation for you. :- )

Friends...when you ‘lose that peace’...that is a pretty good indicator that you ‘zagged’ when He was wanting you to ‘zig’; and the sooner we learn this, the sooner we will learn what it means to be led by His Spirit...and avoid so much unneeded heartbreak and pain and suffering. (Hosea 4:6)

And here comes what may be the most painful truth you have to come to terms with. I’ve written about this before...but how many of you would be willing to admit...that you don’t always ‘ zig’ when He tells you to ‘zig’? truly love Jesus...and truly want to abide in should always want to do...what He says...because you love Him more...than anything else in the world. And first and most important commandment...that we love God with ALL our heart and soul and mind....and IF...we do, we will do what He commands. (John 14:15)


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