There are two reasons why I continue to circle back and ‘beat that same old drum’ over and over in regards to dealing with this ‘old man’, this ‘carnal nature’ that is have been put to death’. (Gal. 5:24; Rom. 6:6). Well, actually there are 3 reasons with the first being the fact that God’s Spirit continues to compel me to go over this again and again.
Second of all, Paul makes it clear in his writings that if we continue to live according to the flesh (nature), we will ‘die’. (Rom. 8:13). In Galatians, he cites a lengthy list of what those ‘fleshly traits’ manifest as, and then wraps up by reminding us that ‘those who continue to practice such things will NOT...inherit the kingdom of God’. (5:19-21). And to clear up any confusion there on this matter, he tells us exactly what ‘those who belong to Christ’ have done – they have ‘put to death the flesh with its passions and desires’. (5:24). You might take a quick peek at Colossians 3:5-10 and Romans 1:28-32 if you have a minute.
Will there be some ‘suffering in the flesh’ as we ‘take up our cross and follow Jesus as His Spirit leads us to put to death the deeds of the body’? (Rom. 8:13) Absolutely. But Peter reminds us that this is supposed to be our mindset and that those who have ‘suffered in the flesh have...CEASED FROM they can do the will of God.’ (1 Pet. 4:1-2)
The third reason why this ‘old man’ must because it is what ‘gives place to the devil’ who we know comes as a ‘roaring lion seeking to devour’, and to ‘steal, kill, and destroy’. (Eph. 4:27; 1 Pet. 5:8; John 10:10). How do you think he ‘controls’ us before we surrender to Jesus? (Eph. 2:1-3; 1 John 5:19)
How many sincere believers do you know today who are literally experiencing ‘hell on earth’ by all the things they are going through, and yet they throw their arms up in despair, clueless as to ‘why’ this is happening to them, but bless God...’we are not meant to know or understand why we suffer’...just like poor, old Job we will just trust Jesus and sing His praises while we are being destroyed. And what was God’s reason in explaining why His people are destroyed? (Hosea 4:6)
Do you recall what ‘curse’ was placed on the serpent back in Genesis 3:14? He was going to crawl on his belly and ‘eat dust all the days of his life’.
Are you ready for a ‘light bulb moment’ here? What is man’s ‘flesh’ made of? (Gen. 3:19)
Do you know why the enemy continues to ‘eat your lunch’? The same reasons unwanted critters make their way into your home ... they found a food source. This is why that ‘food source’ (our carnal flesh nature) must be dealt with once and for all. The problem is: we’ve failed to have been taught, or to have learned this lesson.
Too many believers have struggled with ‘double-mindedness’, as James calls it (1:8), where we try to be ‘spiritually minded’ yet ‘live carnally minded’. (Rom. 8:5-8). I hate to break the news to you, but we can’t have it both ways; it’s impossible and just leads to instability and destruction, not to mention an awful lot of frustration and discouragement. That’s why James called them ‘adulterers’ in (4:4). Tomorrow...we will look more into why he used that term, a term, I might add, that is assigned to the ‘great harlot’ in Revelation 17. I hope you can join me.
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