IF...you are abiding in Jesus, you will not continue to practice sin. And can someone tell me where in the Bible does it suggest that ‘abiding’ is some kind of ‘holy option for super-saints’?
I know that makes our flesh, if not ‘other things’ ...bristle within us, but I don’t know how else to say it; and mind you, these are not my words, but His. We know that whoever is born of God does not sin. (1 John 5:18; 2:6; 3:6,9; 1 Pet. 4:1-2; Rom. 6:2,7,18,22)
The problem with this assessment is that it does not ‘fit’ with most, if not all of the many man-made doctrines being taught today. I know that sends up ‘red flags’ for many of you; really...I get it. It would have for me too, years ago. And this leads to even a bigger problem when we refuse to acknowledge and believe what God’s word says, because if we are not truly abiding in Him, then we can produce ZERO fruit. Again, His words, not mine. (John 15:4-5). And you should know by now what problem that in turn, leads to- because fruit really matters. Every ‘tree’ that does not bear good fruit will be ‘cut down’ and tossed into some ‘fire’. (Matt. 3:10; 7:19; Luke 13:6-9; John 15:6)
So maybe we need to take a step back and examine just what ‘sin’ is...and isn’t. Because the majority of professing ‘believers’ today will readily admit they “are sinners...saved by grace”, as opposed to ‘were’ sinners. Most are taught they will always continue to ‘sin’ on ‘this side of heaven’. Friends...if that is the case, then what did Jesus come and set us ‘free’ from? (John 8:32-36; Luke 4:18; Rom. 6:2,7,18,22) Because He was the one who made it clear that “whoever...commits sin is a slave to sin...and a slave does not abide in the house forever.”
And did Jesus tell folks to ‘go and sin less’...or to ‘sin no more’? (John 5:14; 8:11). Why tell someone to go and do something that is ‘impossible’ for any of us to do, or so we have falsely concluded. Yet this message will cause more people to rise up and refute it because we have all bought in to believe just the opposite.Anyone ever hear of the term- ‘self-fulfilling prophesy’?
So what exactly is...’sin’? And please...can we bypass the literal Greek translation for that word that suggests ‘missing the mark’? That just blurs or muddies things in a practical sense because any decent archer will tell you they can never ‘hit the bullseye’ every single time they sling an arrow. Trying to apply that to our ‘sinning’ is counter-productive. Why not just look at how the Bible defines it, because it does: “Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness.” (1 John 3:4). Sin...is breaking God’s law, sin is violating God’s commandments.
Now many sincere believers, if not most, will tell you in one breath...that they are ‘sinners’ who ‘sin regularly and often’, yet will also be quick to say that we are ‘not under any law’. Some even believe the law was ‘done away with’, which is a lie. (Matt. 5:17) So do you not see the contradiction right there in that statement? Where there is no law, there can be no sin.
I cannot underscore the importance , the seriousness, and the urgency... of this message. And I will continue to share this message as long as I feel compelled and led to because a day is coming when many sincere people who thought they were ‘serving God’ will be turned away and for one reason alone: They continued to ‘practice lawlessness’ (sin). (Matt. 7:21-23).
'Sin'...is the reason God's people continue to be 'destroyed' (Hosea 4:6) because 'sin' is what 'gives place to the devil...to come and steal kill and destroy'. (Eph. 4:27; John10:10). Sin is the reason you can go to any church today and see why families are hurting...marriages are failing...children are abandoning the faith. Sin is the reason sickness and disease abounds...and spreads. Would it not be interesting to have a church body bring all their prescriptions and meds to a church service one Sunday? Why are so my professing dependant on medications and treatments. Lord knows how many are depending on anti-depressants today to battle depression. Friends...this was not what God intended for His body. (Ex. 15:26; 23:25-26; Deut. 7:15; 1 Cor. 11:30) Sin...is the root cause of all suffering. And Jesus came to set us free from ALL sin....where we could go and 'sin no more...lest something worse happen to us'. (John 5:14).
We. Haven. Been. Lied. To. We. Have. Been. Deceived.
We’ll continue on tomorrow, Lord willing.
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