How anyone can come to understand the process of human development along with witnessing a human birth...and still claim to be an ‘atheist’ is beyond me. I just don’t have words or the ability to explain or comprehend  that. (Ps. 14:1)

There are so many fascinating stages to me, when it comes to how a human is formed and then born alive. But one stage of this development that really intrigues me is the fact that when conception takes place and the male sperm joins with the mother’s egg and it is fertilized, at that moment in time, all the ‘data’ (chromosomes) of that soon to be human being has now been ’downloaded’, the hard-wiring is in place, and many of the future physical traits and characteristics of that person have been determined. i.e.- hair and eye color, body type, etc. Obviously it is not evident at this early stage...but give it time for ‘nature’ to take its course...

And so it is when we undergo the ‘spiritual rebirthing process’ and ‘become...children of God’. (John 1:12). The plan here is for all who ‘call upon the name of the Lord’ undergo a spiritual rebirthing where we literally become...a “new creation in Christ’...and ‘all things become new’. (2 Cor. 5:17). This is no metaphor, no poetic or symbolic language. It is the very intent, by God’s design...for lost sinners to be conformed to the nature and likeness of Jesus Christ who was/is the ‘firstborn of many brethren’. (Rom. 8:28-29). How else... would we be capable of 'walking as He walked'? (1 John 2:6)

And it all begins in the same fashion as it did with Mary, the mother of Jesus who first...had to ‘receive the Word/Seed’. (Luke 1:38; 8:11). Unless there is a ‘receiving’ of the Word, there can be no fulfillment of the Word becoming flesh, or formed in us. (John 1:1,12,14).

You see...the first time we were born into this world, we were born of ‘corruptible seed’ as we were born in the ‘first Adam’ and we had his ‘DNA’. (Rom. 5:12-19). I wrote about this the other day. But those who do ‘receive Him’, we are ‘born again of incorruptible seed, through the word of God which lives and abides forever’. (1 Pet. 1:23) When we receive Him, we literally are receiving God the Father’s ‘DNA’...and at that point when we do receive it by 'faith', something incredibly miraculous takes place...just as it does in the natural realm. All the attributes and characteristics of God are now ‘in us’. And yet, it would be a tad presumptuous on our part to go out and begin claiming something... that has yet to manifest.

But make no mistake about it...provided you ‘continue on’ and truly ‘abide’ in Jesus, you can find solace and comfort and assurance in these three passages: Jude 24; Phil. 1:6; and Col. 1:21-23. I would advise you look them up, highlight them, and even write them out for your own good and spend time meditating on them. And if you are not careful here, you will view them as ‘promises without conditions’ which is another way of assuming something is ‘guaranteed’ without reading the ‘small print’.

Jude writes...assuring us that God “is keep us from stumbling and to present us faultless...”. He did not say that God ‘would’, but that He is ‘able’ to do this. This is no small point. Then, Paul would write to the Philippians that he was ‘confident...that He who began a good work in us will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ’. (1:6). But be careful here in reading that as some unconditional assurance or guarantee. I only say that because he writes something similar to the Colossians and includes a ‘qualifier’. Go read that passage now- 1:21-23.

Once again, we see the promise that those who have been reconciled back to God can/will be ‘presented holy and blameless and above reproach in His sight....”....”IF” ... what? (vs. 23) That word ‘continue’ sounds like ‘abide’ to me. Be sure to meet me back here tomorrow.


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