Day 4 – Sickness and disease, and what does the Bible have to say about these things that nobody ever wants to talk about, let alone experience, but How often do we hear today about a growing ‘health-care crisis’ in our country? Man certainly has not come up with a solution or ‘fix’ for it so why not go back and re-examine scriptures with the hopes we might learn some new truths that maybe we skipped over and missed the first time around? I mean, how often do we start ‘googling’ symptoms that pop up in our bodies, or those of our loved ones, and begin doing intensive ‘research’ to investigate? Why not examine scripture with the same fervency while we are at it? 

And don’t forget the agreement we made on day 1 of this series: We need not fear what God’s word has to say, and... we are going to lay aside (for the time being) things we may have been taught previously on this subject, accompanied by our own personal experiences with sickness and disease. And as usual, I’m not asking you to believe anything I share here; only that you would be willing to search the scriptures for yourself to see what they say. (Acts 17:11)

We have been looking at some promises God made to that first generation of folks He delivered from bondage in Egypt. The plan was to lead them to Canaan land where He was going to establish them and bless them as they multiplied. Some ‘rules’ were laid down (the Law- 10 Commandments) to which the people all agreed to abide by. The people were also informed that there were some hostile nations on the land that would need to come off but God had this in control and would be the One doing it; they just needed to cooperate with Him. But the folks crashed and burned out there and rebelled against God, which is never a good idea. (Num. 13-14). So God let them wander for 40 years while the first generation died out, with the exception of Joshua and Caleb. Paul would later write about that first generation and basically tell us believers today – “Don’t be like them!” (1 Cor. 10:1-11)

This all set the stage for ‘Attempt # 2’ where God wanted to continue on with His plan which leads us in to the book of Deuteronomy. This time, we have more details included as God gives a brief history lesson for this next generation about to go in and possess the land. There is also a review of the Law followed up by all these incredible promises that await the people provided they do what He asks of them, which now leads us in to chapter 7. You might take a moment and read the first 11 verses there to get the vibe God is offering up here.

“ shall come to pass, because you listen to these judgments, and keep and do them...-keep and DO them-...that the Lord your God will keep with you the covenant and the mercy which He swore to your fathers...and He will love you and bless you and multiply you.” (12-13). He then goes on there to list all that He wants to bless which includes the wombs of both women and livestock. In other words, there will be no barren among them.

Then comes vs. 15: “And the Lord will take away from you ALL sickness and will afflict you with none...of the terrible disease of Egypt which you have known, but will lay them on all those who hate you.”

Now bear with me for a moment, but in that passage, who seems to be the one that does the ‘taking away’ and ‘afflicting’ of these ‘terrible diseases? And what did we learn from Job in our study a few days ago about who actually struck Job with boils? (Job 2:7)Tomorrow – Day 5 (Lord willing)


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