How many of you out there today were led to believe that when you ‘gave your heart’ to Jesus that you would most likely continue to ‘sin’, but you were now exempt from any penalty of sin because Jesus took our punishment for all ‘past, present, and future sins’ on the cross? I only ask that because I have heard well known preachers state that very claim from their pulpits.

Do you know what that reminds me of? Something a serpent whispered to Eve way back in the garden. “ can eat off this tree that God said not to eat off of...and you surely will not God said you would.” (Gen. 3:1-5; 2:17). Paul would even express concerns of this very lie being spread amongst the church, deceiving many. (2 Cor. 11:3-4)

He actually warned the Ephesians to be weary of such deception. (5:5-6). So did Jesus, for that matter. (Matt. 24:11-12; John 5:14)

Friends...when did the ‘wages of sin’ cease from leading to death? (Rom. 6:23). When did Paul change his mind in regards to what happens to those who continue to live according to the flesh nature, which is what ‘sin’ is? (Rom. 8:13; Gal. 5:21)

If Jesus taught ‘most assuredly’ that ‘anyone who commits sin is a slave to sin’ (John 8:34), and that no man can ‘serve two masters’ (Matt. 6:24), where do we come off believing that we can remain living as a ‘saint who sins’? Oh...”Christians are not perfect, just forgiven”, you say? What verse is that in the Bible?

Do you think it is remotely possible, that due to faulty teachings and man-made doctrines, that many of us have continued to suffer from a lack of knowledge? (Hosea 4:6). Perhaps we were falsely led to believe that just ‘accepting Christ in our hearts’ and ‘believing He died on a cross and rose from the dead’ ...was all we ‘needed’ to do to insure all would be well with our souls. Oh...I suppose if you wanted to live that ‘abundant life’ you might ‘try harder to do better’ at serving God, but that sure falls short of what it means to abide in Him. (John 15:1-8).

And this we can be sure of: “Whoever claims to abide in Him ought himself to walk just as He walked”, (1 John 2:6) and “whoever abides in him does not sin.” (1 John 3:6)

But please understand...when a person is abiding in Jesus, they are not obsessed nor consumed with trying their best ‘not to sin’. That is not what abiding in Him is all about. The fact remains though...when your heart is totally turned to Him, fully committed to ‘doing whatsoever He says to you’ (John 2:5; Heb. 5:9; Luke 6:46), then the fruit or evidence of this new walk as a ‘new creation’ will be undoubtedly noticeable.

By this...will ‘all men know’ that you are a follower of His. (John 13:34-35). And I am not talking about all those people ‘out there’ ...who you want them to think you are a true believer. I’m talking about those where it matters most.

You don’t want to miss tomorrow’s message.


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