Am I aware that my writings of late have taken on a more sobering, serious, and even chilling tone? You bet I am, and for good reason. Many in the ‘church’ at large have been asleep and God is sending out a warning cry that we better wake up, just as He did with those ten virgins in the parable Jesus shared in Matt. 25.

Consider this, if you would: for all the talk and chatter that many who claim to be in the body of Christ have shared with eager anticipation concerning the return of Christ... have we forgotten the comparison Jesus made when He Himself spoke of His imminent return in Matt. 24? Of all the recorded stories we have in the Bible, He chose one particular one to draw from in describing what the coming of the Son of Man would be like. He actually used a story that some believe has to be more symbolic that an actual event given it seems so far-fetched to believe it literally happened – the story of Noah, his ark, and the flood that came upon the whole world. You can read for yourself there in vs.36-39 and then in Luke 17:26-27. “As it was in the days of shall it be...”

Jesus describes a coming ‘flood’, and even made reference to a flood that would come to test the foundations of those who ‘claimed’ to be of Christ, and those who actually were. (Matt. 7:21-27). But going back to Matt. 24, following his comparison to Noah’s day, look what advice He shares there in 42-44. He speaks about keeping ‘watch’ and the importance of protecting the ‘house’ from ‘the thief’. The use of this word ‘thief’ is an interesting one because we see it used in multiple places when we read about the severity of the hour that God wants us to know about. Joel 2:1-13 would be a good place to start as we hear about the ‘armies’ that come storming the city. You might underline vs. 9 there. Now see if Habakkuk 1:6 & Matt. 12:43-45 ‘connect any dots’ for you.

Then, back to the NT ...Paul describes the “Day of the Lord” as a “thief in the night”. (1 Thess. 5:1-3). What are we told will ‘come suddenly’ on those proclaiming a message of ‘peace and safety’? (vs. 3 & Jer. 23:16-20). Now, if you would, turn to Rev. 3:1-3 and see how Jesus illustrates the manner in which He will come to the church there if they don’t get their act together: “I will come upon you as a thief!” You might also glance at Rev. 16:15 as well for added emphasis.

Now let me remind you of this: John 10:10 is a familiar passage to many as we read what kind of ‘life’ Jesus came to offer us (abundant). But He prefaced that statement by describing exactly what the role or mission of the ‘thief’ was and what he comes to do: “steal, kill, and destroy”.

The prophet Isaiah used some interesting language to describe how the ‘enemy’ can come in like: a “flood”. (59:19). If you have not yet caught on to what is being conveyed here, God is withdrawing His ‘hedge’ of protection and unleashing greater forces of darkness to bring increasing wrath and judgement on the earth, just as He the ‘days of Noah’. The sobering truth woven through all of this is those who are not yet in the ark won’t even know what is happening until it’s too late, just as it happened back then. And it’s not like the people were not given plenty of warning.

Perhaps you are in the ‘camp’ of those who were taught they need not worry about this coming destruction because you will have been ‘swept out of here on the rapture bus’ by then. Friends...I’m not here to debate or argue with you on that point; but I will say this: You might want to have a ‘back up’ plan of understanding on all this in case you are wrong. And I only suggest this because we know that judgement will begin first...with the church, which means it must still be here? (1 Pet. 4:17). You might want to finish up here today by reading Isaiah 5. Oh, and did I mention this ‘coming destruction’ already here? (Matt. 3:10; Rom. 1:18; John 5:14)


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