Jesus began His ministry preaching: “...behold...the kingdom of God is near...repent and believe in the gospel”. (Mark 1:15)
What many people have failed to realize is that this gospel was not just meant to be ‘believed in’, as if mentally being in agreement with what Jesus said; ... the gospel was meant to be ‘obeyed’.
How do I know this, you ask? You might go underline Rom. 10:16; 2 Thess. 1:8, and 1 Pet. 4:17 for starters. We professing ‘believers’ really have a hard time when ‘faith’ and ‘obedience’ are used in the same sentence. I wrote a post not long ago explaining about how ‘obedience is the fruit of faith’ (6.28.24) and before long I was accused of being an ‘enslaved gnostic’ ...expressing the thoughts and words of the ‘antichrist’. Feel free to read Hebrews 3:14-19 and see if you don’t draw the same conclusion I do. If you’d like one more reference, read John 3:16 and Hebrews 5:9 back to back. Oh, have I cited Acts 6:7 before?
It's really not difficult to figure out who really ‘believes’ something they hear taught or preached. If an announcement comes over the speakers where you work saying the building is on fire and you need to exit the premises immediately, anyone with half a brain who hears that will be inspired and motivated to act upon what they just heard... if they really believe it.
So what part about this ‘gospel’ is meant to be ‘obeyed’? I suppose that is a fair question. How about starting with what Jesus commanded in the same breath when He said “repent”. (Mark. 1:15; Matt. 4:17)
And let’s be clear here- He did not start preaching...”Hey everybody...I really love you and have a wonderful plan for your life. Will you consider accepting me and then start hanging out with me?”
Let me be clear, loud, and bold when I say: NOT... the ‘gospel’.
It goes without saying, there are plenty of ‘other gospels’ out there being preached and peddled today. Paul warned of a day when this would happen. (2 Cor. 11:3-4; Gal. 1:6-9) But there was only one gospel that Jesus preached and then commanded His true followers to likewise, go and share as well. We are going to examine that a bit closer here over the next few days, Lord willing. But let me first begin by reminding us that the word ‘gospel’ literally means ‘good news/message’. And the gospel truly is wonderful news. Yet, as I have made the case for here previously, one really cannot appreciate ‘good news’ until they are aware of the ‘bad’ news first. Sadly, it seems modern Christianity has shied away from making that ‘bad news’ known since it gets in the way of drawing crowds and increasing numbers. Besides, we have enough ‘bad news’ out there today...folks need lifting up and encouraged more than anything else, right?
Um...when was the last time you had a better idea than God? Join me tomorrow?
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