How about an ‘open-book-pop-quiz’ this morning? May I encourage you to do a quick read through starting at Hebrews 3:7 and read all the way through to 4:2. Hopefully you will see this is referring to that first generation of folks who came out of Egypt and crossed the Red Sea as Moses led them into the wilderness before continuing on to the promised land. A generation, I might remind you, that enthusiastically promised to do all that God commanded them to do. (Ex.24:3,7; Luke 6:46 & Matt. 7:21)

They didn’t. And what happened to them according to Heb. 3:16-19? As you read 4:1, what ‘tone’ do you feel the writer is setting there for us to hear?

Now, if you would, please turn to 1 Cor. 10:1-12 and read through there as this is where we will begin the ‘quiz’ portion. I’ll present the questions and then include the verse number where you might find the answer. (Pretty easy quiz, would you not agree?)

Who was with these people that followed them in the wilderness? (4) We know they were disobedient and as a result, how did God feel about them? (5)

Now Paul is recounting this important lesson in their history and explains why he is sharing this with us New Testament ‘believers’ today; and what is that reason according to vs. 6?

Adding a footnote here to remind you as you read vs. 7 that an ‘idolater’ is anyone who loves something more than God. If you are unwilling to repent from various sins in your heart, you are in effect telling God that you love those sins more than you love Him. That is how we make or hold on to idols in our hearts. You see, IF we love Him, we’ll do what He says. (John 14:15)

Paul mentions how they committed sexual immorality in vs. 8, admonishing us not to follow their example because what happened to those who did? (Num. 25 has more background)

What happened to those who ‘tempt/try’ God according to vs 9? Do you know how we ‘tempt Christ’? When we don’t do what He tells us to do. Ever have a child ‘try your patience’? And what do you suppose those ‘serpents’ there represent for us today?

What happened to scores of people who were found grumbling and complaining? (10)

Last question: If verse 11 is not underlined in your Bible, you might want to do that now. Why is Paul recapping all these horrible things that happened to that first generation of people who came out of Egypt? As in, why are these things ‘written down’ for us to read?

Bonus question: When did God change? (Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8)

Extra Credit Portion: Do you know when, where, and how that first generation ‘crossed the line’ and lost out with all that God had promised them? (Hint- read Numbers 13-14 and join me tomorrow)


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