When we walk according to the deeds of the flesh, we are breaking the commandments of God.

I can’t say it any more clear than that. (Rom. 8:7-8)

Why does it matter? Well, for starters, do you know why a bunch of religious folks were denied entrance into the kingdom of heaven, being told by the Lord that He never knew them? It was because they continued to break the commandments of God. (Matt. 7:23)

Another reason why it matters, or should matter if you love Jesus, is if we continue to live according to the flesh, we will die. (Rom. 8:13). I know...that warning tends to fall on deaf ears just like it did when God told Adam and Eve that if they eat off that one tree, they will surely die. (Gen. 2:17). Surely God did not mean that, or so the serpent convinced Eve. (Gen. 3:1-4). And what was Paul’s concern for us today in the NT Christian church era? – That we might be deceived in the same way Eve was by the ‘serpent’? (2 Cor. 11:3-4) Surely that could not happen to us now, could it? Well, yes...it surely could...and has, for many.

Many sincere professing believers are told today that once they ‘accept Christ’ they are ‘no longer under any condemnation’(and law). (Rom. 8:1). Well, that is true if they begin to ‘walk according to the Spirit and not the flesh’, which is what that verse goes on to say. (Some versions omit that last part).

If we continue to live for or according to the flesh, we find ourselves in an awkward position, one that puts us as an enemy of or hostile towards God. (Rom. 8:7-8). We cannot please Him, and it says there and we are not capable of being subject to God’s law.

Why does that matter? Because those who break God’s law are subject to the wrath of God. (Eph. 5:5-6; John 5:14). That is what the ‘law brings’ when we break it: wrath. (Rom. 4:15)

I know...we were taught that ‘faith did away with the law’ and we are not ‘under the law’ anymore, but grace. (Rom. 6:14). We were lied to, or perhaps not taught the ‘whole truth’ of the matter. Those who are ‘led by the Spirit’ are no longer under the law, if Galatians 5:18 counts for anything. And those who are walking according to the Spirit are no longer fulfilling the lusts or deeds of the flesh. (Gal. 5:16).

And in doing so (walking according to the Spirit), do you know what is happening? All of the righteous requirements of the law are being fully met in those who walk according to the Spirit and not the flesh. (Rom. 8:4). So why would that matter to us? Well, It is not the ‘hearers of the law who are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law.” (Rom. 2:13). Again, read what Paul said matters in this walk of faith that has nothing to do with ‘circumcision’ or any other ‘conditions’ we like to attach on believers: ‘keeping the commandments of God is what matters’. (1 Cor. 7:19)

Confused yet? I’m sure you might be given all the false teaching that runs rampant today. Friends...I’ve been telling you...we all...’fell asleep’ and were led astray; and God is trying to wake us up and sound the alarm. Yes...sounds so dramatic, but I have never been more serious, sincere, and concerned in all my life given what I see screaming off the pages of our Bibles.

This ‘law’ that was set in place centuries ago by God (Gal. 3:17,19), because of sin, was never done away with. (Matt. 5:17) Yes, Jesus made that clear, adding that He came to ‘fulfill the law’. But for one reason or another, most took that to assume that since He did, we just have to ‘trust in Him’ and therefore reap the benefits and rewards that come with ‘faith’. But what we failed to learn was that anyone who claims to abide in Him ought himself to ‘walk just as He walked’. (1 John 2:6)...which includes ‘not sinning’. (1 John 3:6)

Did Jesus not tell His disciples that IF...they loved Him...they would ...’keep His commandments”? (John 14:15)

So let me say it again: When we walk according to the deeds of the flesh we are breaking the commandments of God.

IF...we are truly walking by ‘faith’, we are actually confirming, or upholding the law. (Rom. 3:31). This is what Jesus came to do...He came to set us free from sin (breaking God’s laws) and to ‘save us from God’s wrath’. (Rom. 5:9). But IF...you continue to walk according to the flesh nature, you will surely die. (Rom. 8:13; John 5:14)

And if you have not made that connection yet in identifying just what those ‘deeds of the flesh’ are, then look to Galatians 5:19-21. Paul gives quite the list there; and you will also find many of those in Romans 1:29-32). Both of those passages don’t sugar coat the outcome for those who continue to live this way...as those who do are ‘deserving of death’ and ‘will not inherit the kingdom of God’.

IF...you find yourself once again, a bit unsettled by this, and even puzzled, asking yourself: “Why am I not hearing this from my own pastor/church, etc...that would be a very good question to give some thought to. Because this is pretty serious stuff.

I’m sure you were told after you ‘accepted Christ’ that you now ‘belong to Christ’ and ‘nothing shall separate you from the love of God and that no one can pluck or snatch you from the Father’s hand. But what you probably were not told was: “those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh and its passions/desires.” (Gal. 5:24) and that you ‘no longer walk that way’. (Eph. 2:1-3)

Because those who are led by the Spirit are putting to death all...the deeds of that fleshly nature. (Rom. 8:13). Again, that is what Jesus came to do - He came to die on a cross, as payment for all our sins....and the sins of the world; but then He expects us to ‘take up our cross and follow Him’ as we are taught to ‘die to self’. And this only can happen if we are ‘abiding in Him’. (John 15:1-8). That is the only way any fruit can ever be produced in us that shows we are a ‘new creation in Him’. (2 Cor. 5:17; John 12:24)

Oh, and regarding that promise how you can’t be plucked out of the Father’s hand, that was promised to ‘sheep...who hear His voice... and follow Him'. Those are the ones He knows. (John 10:27)

You know...’boot camp’ has a way of weeding out a lot of ‘wannabes’ (John 6:66; Matt. 24:13).

After Jesus was baptized, we are told he was ‘filled with the Holy Spirit’ and then immediately led out to the wilderness to be ‘tested’. (Luke 4:1-14). He passed all the tests and then was ‘empowered’ by God to go and begin His ministry....’healing all who were oppressed by the devil’. (Acts 10:38). But He had to pass the test first. You might say it was a similar test that God’s people had to pass in the wilderness...which most of them failed. (Deut. 8:2; 1 Cor. 10:5)

So what do we do today with new converts? Well after we get them baptized, we begin to encourage them to go ‘fulfill their destiny in God’ and ‘help God out ‘ as they build God’s kingdom.

I hate to break this news to you....but God does not ‘need’ us. He would like to work in and through us, but He will only do this with those who have surrendered all to Him. Why call Him ‘Lord’ if we are not willing to do what He says? (Luke 6:46). Remember...”not everyone who says, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven...but those who do the will of the Father in heaven”. (Matt. 7:21). Care to guess what God’s will is? He wants us to keep His commandments. Always has...and always will. (Deut. 5:29; John 15:10). What distinguishes the true believers in Rev. 12:17; 14:12?

That rich young ruler who came to Jesus asking what must he do to inherit eternal life, what did Jesus tell him? ...”IF you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.” (Matt. 19:17). There was just one problem...the young man had some things in his heart he was unwilling to part with. He did not pass the test and walked away, sorrowful. (21-22)

So what exactly is it about this flesh nature and the deeds or evident fruit it produces...that actually breaks the commandments of God? Good question. Here’s the short answer: Everything about our carnal, flesh nature is in direct opposition to the nature and character of God. We were made in His image, and God is love. We were commanded to love as Christ loved us. Love is...the fulfilling of God’s law. But we cannot come anywhere close to doing this as long as that ‘old man’ remains alive. This is why we are led to put it to death; not dialed down, or put on a leash, or in a cage. And if you were told this was a lifelong process that you would never see completed on ‘this side of heaven’, well...you were lied to. (Gal. 5:24)

Of course reading this would make you suspicious and uneasy since you probably are not hearing this in many other places, and yes, it just smacks up against most of what we all were taught to believe.  Which...is why I'm not asking you to 'believe' all this; I am just pleading with you to study it out for yourself first. (Acts 17:11). I just don't want you to be able to use, as an excuse that you 'never heard this before.'

Did I mention how serious this all is?


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