Those several million Israelites who came out of Egypt and then wandered in the wilderness for 40 years...never had a problem hearing God’s voice nor knowing God’s will.

They just were unwilling to do it.

Hearing from God and knowing His will has never been our problem. ‘Doing it’....has.

So when Jesus makes the rather clear and defining statement that while ‘many who say Lord, Lord’ will seek to enter the kingdom of heaven, it is only those who ‘do the will of God’ that will. (Matt.7:21-23)

Which hopefully would give us all pause and ask, ‘So just what is the will of God?”

Paul admonishes us in Ephesians 5:17 writing: “Don’t be unwise (foolish)...but understand what the will of the Lord is.”

And here’s the encouraging news: He will tell you!

Now there are plenty of well-meaning folks out there who would suggest that if you ever hear another believer tell you that ‘God talks to them’, run in the other direction. And yes, I can to some extent understand the thinking behind that but I have no problem telling you publicly, how sad a condition that is if you don’t believe that God can’t talk or communicate to His children. And there is plenty of scripture to bear this out.

How about John 10:27 to start with: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them and they follow Me.” (You might link that to Matt. 7:23 and see if you can spot the connection there)

But Jesus was pretty matter of fact when He said that.

God told Isaiah there was a day that was coming when: “Your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, ‘this is the way, walk in it.’ Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.” (30:21)

The writer of Hebrews brings to mind, three times nearly back to back, via the Holy Spirit this warning: “Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” (Heb. 3:7,15; 4:7)

Take a look at what Jesus told His first disciples, knowing that He would be departing in a short while: “I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have make known to you....and I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However , when He, the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth,...and He will tell you things to come.” (John 15:15; 1612-13)

When it comes to knowing the will of God, I heard a really profound statement made years ago distinguishing the difference between God’s ‘revealed’ will and His ‘written’ will.

His written will is laid out nicely there for any and all to the Bible. That would be a really good place to start. His ‘written will’ is pretty clear if we just take the time to dive in and begin reading and asking the Holy Spirit to lead us. Seriously!

If we demonstrate a lack of desire or interest to spend time in His word, then guess what? That sends a pretty loud message to Him that knowing His will is not that important to us; so why bother sharing His ‘revealed’ will to you on more personal matters that might impact your own personal life and that of your family?

Let me share a few examples. I bet you have read before that we should “do all things without complaining and grumbling.” (Phil. 2:14). Or how about ‘show hospitality to one another without grumbling.” (1 Pet. 4:9)

Then there is James 5:9 that says: “Do not grumble against one another, brethren, lest you be judged/condemned.”

“Judged”...for complaining? Well....yeah...that is what it says. Have you not read Paul’s warning in I Cor. 10:10 as to what happen to a bunch of folks who did complain back in the wilderness? Serious stuff there.

So...if we continue to grumble and complain and ‘air out all our frustrations’, despite knowing the ...’will of God’ on the’s clear we have not repented of it.

How about all that ‘foolish talk and coarse jesting and improper speech that ‘should not even be named among us? (Eph. 5:3-4). God’s will is pretty clear there, don’t you think?

I could go on but I bet you get the idea.

Looking in to His written will...and then ‘doing whatever He says’ (John 2:5) would be a great way to convey to God you really are interested in not only knowing His will, but then doing it.

Start there...and see how that works out for you. Why...the next thing you know, He might even whisper in to your ear and give you some even more detailed specifics about what He wants you to do. He might even make it clear when it’s time to pack up and move west. ;-)

Listen up: God’s talking...are you listening?


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