When one of the leading and well-respected Pharisees sat down with Jesus that night and flat out admitted that he, along with his counterparts, ‘knew...He (Jesus) was a teacher sent by God’, (John 3:2), Jesus did not waste any time teaching Nicodemus.

Jesus was not there to have a round-table discussion, a debate, or to find out what Nicodemus thought about things. He was there to shed some light. The Pharisee might have come to Jesus in the dark of night, but when you decide to have a face to face encounter with the Son of God and are willing to just lay it out there and be honest with Him (and yourself)...you are gonna see some light and hear some truth. You may not like what you see and hear, but there will be no mistaking the light. And what you do with that light/truth depends on where your heart truly is. God has this thing about testing men’s hearts. He always has. (1 Thess. 2:4; Deut. 8:2; Prov. 17:3; Jer. 20:12)

To Nicodemus’s credit, at least he was willing to come to the light. You’ll read further on down in that passage of John 3 where Jesus tells us that even though ‘light has come into the world, men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.” (19). And “everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light lest his deeds should be exposed.” (20)

So Jesus begins to teach Nicodemus. If you would, please allow me to take some liberty here in relaying, once again, a response Jesus offers up to not only the inquisitive religious teacher, but to any and all of us who might come to Jesus (in the day or night) and want to know what it really means to see and experience God's kingdom...

“Nicodemus, you say you know I am a teacher sent from God, do you? Good. Let’s talk about this kingdom I have come teaching about. (Matt. 4:17). You’ve spent some much time studying those scriptures yourself, Nicodemus. Why, you have given much of your life devoted to this pursuit thinking that in those scriptures that you will find eternal life.” (John 5:39). But there’s a reason as to why you have not yet experienced this ‘life’.”

“Nicodemus – you, like many others before you and the countless numbers who will follow...spend much time ‘learning’...but yet never come to the knowledge of the truth.” (2 Tim. 3:7). I Am...the way, and I Am...the truth...and I Am...the life, (John 14:6) and no one comes to the Father except through Me.”

“I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10).

“But here’s the catch, Nicodemus, you have to be willing to come to Me if you truly want this life I have to offer.” (John 5:40). And ‘coming to me means being willing to forsake all and loving Me most, even more than mother and father, wife and children, brothers and sisters; or else you cannot have this life.” (Luke 14:26). “If I see something in your heart and ask you to lay it down, you have to be willing to do that. This will be hard for many...as you will see when a certain rich, young ruler comes to Me...just like you are doing now, Nicodemus. He too will express interest in following Me that he might inherit this eternal life. But when his heart is revealed to him, he will make another choice. In fact, he won’t even be happy about his choice and will walk away sorrowful.” (Matt. 19:16-22)

“Nicodemus...you should be quite familiar with what the ‘great commandment’ is and how it reads, are you not? You shall love the Lord your God with ...ALL your heart...soul... and mind. (Matt. 22:36-37). That has not changed, Nicodemus, and I did not come to do away with that law; I came to fulfill it and show you and everyone else ...how this is done.” (Matt. 5:17). And should you choose to follow Me and allow Me to be your Lord...you too, will walk just as I have walked and you too...will fulfill all the requirements of this law.” (1 John 2:6; Luke 6:46; Rom. 2:13; 8:4)

“Nicodemus...you of all people should know full well the importance and significance of this law. Do you really want to inherit eternal life? Then Do This Law!” (Luke 10:25-28)

“Now I need to tell you something here, Nicodemus... and it will take a bit of time for this to sink in and become real to you. But listen carefully to what I am about to tell you. You are incapable of fulfilling this law in your own power and strength. No matter how hard you try, you will fail miserably. And if you are unwilling to come to Me with all your heart, you will be tempted to start whittling away what My Law has required of you, and you will begin to teach your own views and traditions and doctrines which will have a devastating effect on My people. (Mark 7:6-13). Don’t go down that path, Nicodemus.”

“You might be feeling the same thing that another counterpart of yours will express later on when he teaches future followers of Mine that he agrees that the law is good, but finds that ‘another law’ within him is working against him. He will express angst over this conflict and cry out to Me for deliverance so that he too can fulfill this law and find life.” (Rom. 7:14-25).

“Do you truly want to live and experience all that I have come to offer you, Nicodemus? Do you really want to be ‘made well’? (John 5:6). Would you really like to ‘take up your bed, and walk...and then go...and sin no more?”

“Then here’s the answer, Nicodemus....are you listening? Are you ready for this? The only way that you can ever have any hope of truly seeing...experiencing, and then inheriting this kingdom of Mine...is you must be born again.” (John 3:3)

“I don’t mean for you to go through  steps 1-2-3 and then get busy by helping  me out by doing all kinds of noble acts of righteousness. Many will come to Me in that day listing all the things they have done in My name. I won’t be impressed with them”. (1 Cor. 13:1-3; Matt. 7:21-23; Luke 10:40-41)

“Nicodemus – you will need to undergo a spiritual re-birth, that will be both of ‘water and spirit’. (John 3:5) You will truly become a ‘new creation’. (2 Cor. 5:17). If you are willing to surrender to my Lordship and follow and obey Me, you will be conformed to My likeness.” (Luke 6:46; Heb. 5:9; Rom. 8:29). And the fruit the comes from this rebirth will be the true sign or indicator that you belong to Me.” (John 13:34-35; Matt. 7:20)

“So now Nicodemus...that silly question you asked about returning to your mother’s womb in order to be born again...I know you wish you could take that one back. [Can’t you see Jesus smiling at Nicodemus there? :- )]. Let me tell you how this rebirth begins. It begins like any birth does...with a seed. In fact, Nicodemus...how do you think I got here? It began with a ‘seed’. One of My Father’s angels appeared to Mary and told her what was about to happen. She too, was confused and asked questions like you...’how can these things be?" (John 3:9; Luke 1:34)

“And I’m going to clue you in to some truth here, Nicodemus...when I talk about ‘seed’, I’m talking about My Father’s word. (Luke 8:11). In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And you should see now, Nicodemus...that the Word became flesh and dwelt among you. I’m proof of that as I sit here before you.” (John 1:1; 14)

“I know this is challenging for your natural mind to comprehend all this. It was difficult for my mother, Mary, as well. But she decided to not ‘lean in her own understanding’ and simply surrendered to the will of My Father and said: ‘let it be to me according to your word’.” (Luke 1:38)

“She received the word into her heart, Nicodemus...and nine months later I just  arrived in a dingy manger. And just you wait to see how future generations will commemorate that night with the various ways they will try to celebrate it. Don’t get drawn in to all those distractions.”

“Just know, Nicodemus’ that whoever is born again will themselves becoming as a little child. This is the only way you can enter My eternal kingdom. (Matt. 18:3). There will be growth; and guess what will fuel this growth, Nicodemus? My word. Hunger for it...take it in like a newborn babe so that you may grow and mature.” (1 Pet. 2:2). But don’t just read it and quote it and memorize it for the sake of doing those very things. DO...what the word says. If you really want to experience this new birth in order to see and enter My kingdom...do what the word says. That is the only way true transformation will come.” (John 2:5; Matt. 7:24-27; James 1:22)

Now....do yourself a favor, friends...

Take the time and go re-read this again and in place of ‘Nicodemus’, put your name.

Join me tomorrow? ;-)


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