“My sheep….they hear My voice…and they follow Me.” (John 10:27)

My sheep.

They hear… My voice.

And they follow Me.

In other words, those who hear Him, they do what He says. That’s pretty cut and dry. I often circle back and think about that question Jesus asked some folks there in Luke 6:46- “Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord’, and not do…the things I say?”

It is an amazing thing to think that the Creator of the universe, the maker of heaven and earth, is not only willing to speak to us…but He desires to speak to us. And why would that come as such a shock to anyone who claims to know Him…trust Him and believe in Him? For all this talk we offer up about having a “personal relationship with Jesus”…why do some get skittish about the idea that He would actually speak to us? Friends…it’s ok to acknowledge that God speaks to His own people. He always has…He always will.

Now whether we want to listen and follow is another matter altogether. But make no mistake about it…God speaks to us and makes it clear that His sheep hear and He knows them and they actually follow Him. Can you just pause a moment here and let that truth sink in. You might even hear a soft whisper where He says…”He’s right, you know!” ;-)

The prophet Isaiah spoke of a time coming when he wrote: “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.” (30:21)

Here’s another little ‘test’ to see how that abiding thing is going for you, and do you know what it really reveals? It really has a way of revealing as to whether we WANT…to truly abide in Jesus.

You might want to read that last line again. Do we truly want…to abide in Him?... because truth be told, this is the real issue at hand as to whether one’s heart is totally surrendered to Him. And the case can be made that if He is not Lord of all, then He is not Lord...at all. We do not have the luxury of determining ‘how much of our hearts’ we can offer up to Him and still be ‘ok with God’. (or ‘saved’ as some like to say)

If God was not in the business of talking to His people, then why would the writer of Hebrews cite, three times in a row, that admonition reminding us: “Today, IF you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” (Heb. 3:7,15; 4:7)

The problem is not “does God speak”; the real issue is “Will His people listen?” That has always been the challenge for God’s people from the very beginning. Doing…what He says. He’s not in to hiding His will from us. How messed up would that be, especially since it’s not the ones who say ‘Lord, Lord’ that will enter His kingdom, but those who do His will. (Matt. 7:21). That is in your Bible, is it not?

I know lots of folks express a true desire to ‘know God’s will’ for their lives. And can I just tell you now that He really does want to make that clear to you; and He will. I can testify to this from personal experience for sure! I mean, the very fact that I uprooted from Texas and move here to the San Francisco area is a testament that God does make His will known to us and is fully capable of revealing it as well. I told my wife, and others, for nearly two years that I would NEVER move out here to be closer to family; and it’s not because I didn’t want to be closer to them. My heart ached…to be closer; I just did not see how it could ever happen for all the obvious reasons. On occasion or two, I added the disclaimer saying that “IF…we ever ended up out here, it would Have…to be a ‘God thing’.

Then, some ten months ago early one Sunday morning while I was drinking coffee and studying here like do daily…I heard His voice. It was simple and direct. “It’s time…let’s go…I will make the way and you will be just fine.” My wife nearly fell out of bed when I went in and told her we were heading west. She had convinced everyone at her work place that I would ‘never leave Paris, TX’.

But God

 I can also assure you that not once in the last ten months did I ever waiver, blink, or hesitate asking…’Did I really hear God on this?” Not. Once. And He has showed out in big ways making this all happen. (You can just ask my friend Lance who had a sideline view of the entire process, right Lance? ;-) )

I should also include this piece of information that will prove to be helpful. Years ago, I heard someone make the statement that we have God’s ‘written’ will provided for us bound on the pages in this book we call the ‘Bible’. It helps to work on doing what He has already made known to us through His written will, before we start hunting what His ‘revealed’ will is for us.

And it’s not ‘rocket science’ either. Nor is it some spiritual mystery made available to an elite few. I believe God makes all this available to ‘whosoever’. So that includes You too. ;-)

Take for example those passages you come across occasionally (IF…you are reading regularly) about grumbling and complaining. He flat out tells us it should not be named among us and He won’t tolerate it. (Phil. 2:14-15; 1 Cor. 10:8-11)

And yet, how often do we want to pipe and do that very thing, even goings as far to voice those complaints on social media all the time. This is an area He dealt with me early on; and every time I face an instance where I am tempted to do so, I hear that still small voice whisper a reminder to ‘don’t go there’. And I obey. I ‘resist’ the devil’s temptation to disobey what God has clearly revealed in His word.

Now the case could also be made that if we are avoiding time in His word, then maybe we really are not interested in knowing His will? What say you? I mean, it starts with those little steps…and if we are faithful in the ‘small things’….

If we profess to be believers or followers of Jesus, and we are honest with ourselves…we probably hear His voice more than we’d care to admit. We just don’t always ‘want’ to do what He says. And therein lies the reason why we have not experienced that miracle of transformation in our lives. What were those servants instructed to do if they wanted to see the water transformed in to wine? “Do whatever He tells you to do.” (John 2:5)

It's those ‘small things’ that end up revealing the inner man’s desire and do we really want to abide in Him…because if we do…and we really do love Him (Like we always say we do)…then we will do what He says. (John 14:15) Let me leave you with this today….I suspect that some are hanging their head feeling a bit of conviction, as we call it. Please avoid the temptation to just ‘shake yourself and commit to doing better’ next time. That’s where we keep failing miserably. May I advise you to try this approach:

Come to the place of admission and even confession…by telling God that you recognize you don’t always ‘want’ to abide and follow as evident by how things have gone in the past. It’s a ‘heart problem’. Then ask Him to ‘fix’ that heart problem so that whatever is hindering you from fully surrendering…that He would reveal it to you. Then you’ll have a decision to make. Just like that rich young ruler who came to Jesus wanting to experience this ‘eternal life’. (Matt. 19:16-22). We learn in that story that there was just ‘one thing’ that was lacking in this man’s life that hindered him. And when Jesus revealed it to him, he balked…and decided he was not ready to commit all the way. For him, it was his riches. And he turned and walked away. Once again, it was not about whether he ‘heard’ God’s voice on the matter. It was wanting to follow.

For you, it might be something else you have been reluctant to let go of. God will reveal it to you…IF…you just get honest with Him…and yourself.

This truly is a ‘heart searching moment’ for some of you. Take your time…and choose His way. It will never fail you.

I’m living proof…that He knows how to raise up beauty from the ashes and make all things new.

Now…if you will excuse me…I have a couple of boys I need to go watch today. :- )


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