“This is My commandment: That you love one another as I have loved you” - Jesus (John 15:13)

It wasn’t a suggestion.

Nor was it some lofty ‘goal’ that we should all be willing to aspire to obeying even though we’d continue to fall miserably short in doing so.

It was a commandment. His....commandment.

Jesus did clarify it was a ‘new commandment’ that He gave us...’that we love one another as He had loved us’. (John 13:34)

And if there was any room of doubt as to why this was a significant marker, He made it clear that it was by “this...that all...will know that we are His disciples”...(John 13:35)

Did you catch that? This would be the sole identifying mark as to who His disciples...His sheep.... His children were: IF they loved one another as He loved us.

It would not be the label on the church we attended nor our baptism certificate or whether we spoke in tongues or aligned ourselves with Calvinism or Arminianism that would be the identifying mark.

One thing...Jesus made clear there: “By this will all know if you are My disciples...that you love others as I have loved you”. Period.

Oh, you cast out devils in His name, you say? And did many wonderful works in His name, even prophesying and such? He won’t be impressed. (Matt. 7:21-23)

You want to talk about the great ‘faith’ you had to move mountains and how you understood all mysteries as you sold your earthly goods to feed the poor, some of you even offering your body to be burned at the stake for the gospel’s sake? That’s not what He was/is looking for. If you didn’t love others as He loved us...it ‘profits you nothing’. (1 Cor. 13:1-3)

Perhaps you want to remind God, if not yourself about all those beautiful times of ‘worship’ you had, both during church services and outside in the privacy of your own home and how you played worship music around the clock and would break out in praise and ‘make melody in your hearts’ and all. I’m sure those were special moments for you, personally.

But may I remind you what King Saul was told by the prophet Samuel when he fell short in doing what God asked of him. Saul wanted to use the ‘worship card’ to justify his disobedience and was rebuked by the prophet when asked: “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams.” (1 Sam. 15:22)

When did God change? (Mal. 3:6)

He left us with just one commandment: Love others as He first loved us.

Oh, but you love Jesus with all your heart, you say? Who am I to question what is in your heart and what you feel personally. All I can do is draw our attention to His word and Jesus said:

“IF...you love me, keep My commandments.” (John 14:15). And if you read a little further down in that passage, you’ll come across some pretty amazing promises that await those...who do indeed, ‘keep His commandments’. (21)

Uttering words declaring that ‘Jesus is Lord’ is a factual statement. But as to whether He is Your Lord or my Lord...remains to be seen. Jesus asked one group: “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord’, and not do the things I say?” (Luke 6:46)

If you have made it this far and are feeling a tad uneasy or anxious, maybe even wanting to fall in to the pit of self-condemnation...hold on there for a moment. I understand the waves of despair that might be wanting to wash over you as you see the replay films wind through your head highlighting how much you fall short in obeying Him on a regular basis.

It’s important that you follow me here in this line of thought and hopefully you might find some encouragement.

First of all...it needs to be stated...God means what He says. He fully intends for His children to obey Him...so that it will go well for them. God has always meant what He said...whether it was His loving warning issued to Adam in Gen. 2:17 or what He instructed Saul to do there in 1 Samuel 15; and...what Jesus commanded those who ‘call upon His name’ do throughout His ministry.

God would never lay down commands or expectations for us that were impossible to fulfill. Nor more than you would as a parent...lay down seemingly impossible expectations for your own children:[ i.e. - you will pass every test and quiz in school with nothing short of 100% and you will hit a home run every time you step up to the plate in your youth games.]

“Not everyone who says, ‘Lord, Lord’, will enter the kingdom of heaven but those who do the will of My Father who is in heaven.” (Matt. 7:21)

What is...the ‘will of the Father in heaven?” To love others as Christ loved us. And His commandments are not burdensome or impossible to fulfill. (1 John 5:3)

And if you think you can accomplish this by just ‘pulling yourself up by your bootstraps’ and trying harder to do better...you are so gravely mistaken and should know by now how impossible that will ever be to do. The majority of the church world has worn themselves out trying to do that very thing and in turn, we’ve become ‘enablers’ consoling people that they are fine ‘just the way they are’ and how ‘God understands we can’t really do that (obey Him) and just be thankful that His love for you is unconditional and His mercies are new every morning. After all, ‘Christians are not perfect, just forgiven’. Or so we like to tell ourselves.

There’s just one problem with all those overused ‘spins’. We are without excuse.

The reason we have failed to truly obey God, whether you choose to believe has anything to do with our ‘salvation’ or not, despite what Hebrews 5:9 makes known- has more to do with our corrupt, fallen, sinful-human nature.

There is absolutely no way...we could ever love others in the same manner that Jesus first loved us. Yet...that is what we are commanded to do. No wonder Paul lamented...”O wretched man that I am...who will deliver me from this sinful body?” (Rom. 7:24)

Here’s the reason that we are ‘without excuse’ - as Peter clearly tell us. “His divine power has been given to us in all things that pertain to life and godliness...that we might be partakers of the divine nature...” (2 Pet. 1:3-4)

That is what Jesus came to do...to conform us to His nature and likeness as He would be the ‘firstborn of many brethren’ (Rom. 8:29). How else could we possibly ‘love others as He loved us’ and ‘walk just as He walked’ unless we are abiding in Him? (1 John 2:6). And IF...we are truly abiding in Him, He is going to lead us to ‘literally’ put to death, (not figuratively or ceremoniously) our sinful flesh nature. (Rom. 8:13). Why? Well, for two reasons stated there in Romans 8. IF we continue to live in the flesh, we will ‘die’. And...to remain carnal is to make ourselves ‘hostile towards God’ incapable of fulfilling God’s law. (Rom. 8:7-8)

If we don’t ‘decrease’, then He will never be able to ‘increase’ in us. (John 3:30)

Once again...all I can do is lay the word out here for you to examine and search your own hearts, humbling yourself before God and drawing near to Him that He might extend His grace to you. You can search these things out to see whether they are true or not. (Act 17:11)

And should you take the time to open up your Bible...and examine these verses...you will clearly see...It. Is. Written.

[side note here: the next few days here on my end will be a bit ‘touch and go’ so if I drop off the radar a time or two with my daily postings...no worries. All good here. ] Be blessed. ;-)


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