Just because you hear something that is ‘new’ to you, for the first time perhaps, does not mean it can’t be ‘truth’. Nor does the fact that just because what you are hearing is not ‘mainstream’ negate the idea that it could be true either. And watch out for pride slipping in and telling you that there is no way that you, of all people, could ever be ‘deceived’. (You may need a moment with that to let sink in as you read it again, a time or two maybe?) 

If you have any degree of faith in and love for…Jesus, surely you are not opposed to at least examining scripture from His word. The more I study, see, and share here with you from God’s word, the more I come to realize and accept that I cannot get or make anyone to ‘see’ anything when it comes to revealing truth. And I’m fine with that. That’s His job. All I can do is share what I learn and then implore you to do what the Bereans did there in Acts 17:11- 'they searched the scriptures daily to see if these things were true or not'.

If you are not ‘all the way in’, then you are not abiding in Christ. I don’t know how to say it any other way.

You may have a ‘form of godliness’, (2 Tim. 3:5) but it is devoid of power. You may be busy ‘doing wonderful things for God in His name (Matt. 7:22-23) but He doesn’t know you. Why you can even have ‘faith to move mountains, understand all mysteries, give all you have to feed the poor and even offer your body up to be burned for the glory of God; but if you are not being perfected in His love (that only can happen if you are abiding in Him) then all that other stuff ‘profits you nothing’. (1 Cor. 13:1-3)

To abide in Jesus is to ‘stay in your lane’, or His lane, actually. (Yesterday’s post). When you are abiding in Him, you walk just like He walked. You walk in the light as He is in the light. (1 John 2:6; 1:7). To abide in Jesus is to ‘hear His voice’ and you are assured that He truly does ‘know you’ as you follow Him. (John 10:27). That’s what children of God do...they abide...and follow. (Rom. 8:14). And...they no longer continue to sin. (1 John 3:6,9)

Can I just tell you...honestly...we’ve been lied to. We’ve been deceived. We’ve been brainwashed to think we could never be free of sin on this side of heaven. Talk about having ‘egg all over our faces’. Do you know what Jesus came to do? He came to set us free from sin. All sin. But you have to hear the truth...first; receive it and believe it, and then walk in it. (John 8:32-36). "Has God really said?" (Gen. 3:1)

And as I have stated repeatedly here in my daily postings....it has nothing to do with us ‘trying harder to do better’. It’s all Him and His grace...that empowers us to be what we could never be, and to live as we could never live, outside of abiding in Him. (Titus 2:11). I mean, it is only through His grace that we are saved, by faith, not of ourselves lest any man should boast. (Eph. 2:8-9)

For as many people who love and can quote that 23rd Psalm, many of those same people continue to seek for those ‘green pastures and still waters’ that we read about in there. Want to take a guess why they have eluded them? Because this Shepherd ‘leads us in the paths of righteousness’ (3) which suggest we are supposed to follow (abide). It is only then...that He can ‘restore your soul...for His name’s sake’. (3)

I was sharing in my post yesterday, some practical examples of what I have come to learn and experience what it means to truly abide in Him. Not only is there a continuous peace and joy that fills my heart, but there is clarity in His voice as I hear...and follow. Staying in the lines, or the lane’ really is not hard at all. And yes, I can choose to swerve outside of them any time I want. But there is a price to pay if I do. (Rom. 8:13; John 5:14)

In the early stages of my personal ‘awakening’ as I was learning all over again...’how to walk’, I recall vividly, defining lessons that resonated deeply within me. One example, was when I was shooting a ball game one evening. During a time out, I was chatting with someone I had known for a while and wanted to tell him about an incident I had experienced recently involving the wearing of masks. I want to say that there while there was nothing ‘sinful’ in the story or the sharing of it, at least to another ‘guy’, (I would not have shared in mixed company) there was an ‘edge of carnality’ to the story I saw as being funny. And immediately afterwards, as the game resumed, I felt this ‘wet blanket of emptiness’ come over me. Or should I say “an absence of peace and joy”. I wonder now if it was something like what Adam and Eve felt right after they ate of the tree and then heard God’s voice so they hid...given they were ‘naked’.

I remember pausing...aware of this uncomfortable sensation and immediately ‘sought the Lord’ in my heart standing there on the sidelines. “Lord...what just happened here? What did I do? I sense a loss of your presence right now.” And He was quick to respond: “Don’t tell that story anymore. There is nothing edifying about it, it is coarse jesting and should not even be named among you. (Eph. 5:3-4)

What was happening in this moment, you might ask? I was being ‘chastened by the Lord’. He does that to His children He loves, you know. (Heb. 12:5-6). And it’s not pleasant, when you sense an absence of His presence. (11). This is how God ‘chastens those whom He loves’. He ‘lets the hedge down’ and you sense the enemy come in quickly and steal your joy and peace. God does this to get our attention as He communicates to us: “Don’t do that one anymore!”

It would pay to listen to Him given He means what He says and is quite serious about all this ‘walking in holiness’ stuff. Borrowing my driving analogy from yesterday, you probably can relate to driving along that road, staying in your lane when all of a sudden, your attention is diverted, and you drift and hit those ‘ridges’ on the side of the lane that let you know real fast...you are drifting. It pays to ‘correct’ your course of direction immediately.

So in that very moment at that ball game that night, I heard loud and clear what God was communicating to me. And I remember repenting immediately...telling God that I was sorry and promised to never relay that story again to anyone for any reason. I then recall thanking Him...for loving me enough to ‘correct me’ in that manner. And do you know what happened right after that, almost immediately? It was like the ‘hedge was restored’, the enemy was gone...and peace and joy returned to fill my soul. Say what you will about that, but I learned an invaluable lesson that evening and have not forgotten it. When God speaks to us, we would do well to listen...and obey.

Another lesson I have learned when it comes to abiding in Him...is how easy it is to ‘do’ what we are instructed there in 2 Cor. 10:5. Paul is writing about this spiritual war we are engaged in and how we are to ‘bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ’. I’ll just tell you now if you don’t know this already...but it is impossible to do this if you are not abiding in Him. Trust me.

Some people believe that it is a ‘sin’ to have ‘bad thoughts’. No, that is not true. Jesus had ‘bad thoughts’. Was He not ‘tempted in every point that we are?” (Heb. 4:15). It’s what we do with those thoughts that determine the outcome as to whether we ‘sin’ or not. Guess who sows those bad thoughts? The enemy does, of course. Then he waits to see what we do with them. If you still continue to love greed, or resentment, or sexual lust, you will welcome those thoughts. You won’t resist the devil as we are commanded to do. (James 4:7; 1 Pet. 5:9). This is how ‘desires are conceived’ that eventually give ‘birth to sin’ and then when it is full grown, brings forth death. That is what sin does...it leads to death. (James 1:13-15; Rom. 6:23)

I continue to be amazed these days when a potential ‘temptation’ is looming in the form of sexual lust, for example, and how the Holy Spirit is right there to assist. It usually may be an untimely ‘image’ that pops up on my computer screen or a billboard or a woman dressed in an alluring way walks by. I instantly am made aware to ‘watch my eyes’ and ‘guard my thoughts’. There is also an immediate awareness of His grace that is present to assist me in this ‘time of need’ or ‘temptation’. (Heb. 4:16)

I am also reminded that it is not ‘flesh and blood’ I am contending with here either. It’s a demon of lust and fantasizing. Religion wants to point to that ‘scantily dressed woman’ and what an evil person she must be to dress that way. God has taught me she’s not the enemy. And in that moment of testing, I can truly overcome and resist those thoughts, look the other way and honestly...it’s not that difficult of a struggle. Do you know why? Because I love Jesus more than I love sexual lust and fantasizing and whatever other sin we can be tempted with. But you cannot overcome like this if you are not abiding in Him.

Did Jesus not say that “His yoke was easy and His burden was light?” (Matt.11:30). Loving God with ALL your heart makes all the difference. This walk is only a struggle, and challenging, when we are loving other things more than we love God. And what is first, and foremost, the most important commandment that leads us in to eternal life? We are to love God with ALL our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Do this...and we will live (have eternal life- Luke 10:25-28)

Oh, in case you have missed multiple posts of mine that drives home this point: God will let your heart be tested to see how serious you are about this wanting eternal life and abiding in Him. (Deut. 8:2; 1 Thess. 2:4). This idea of getting ‘all the way in’ the ‘car or boat’ requires total surrender. If you are loving something more than God...and reluctant to give it up, well...you might want to consider your ways. (Hag. 1:7). There was the story of a young rich ruler who seemed to have so much going for him and he came to Jesus expressing a desire to have this ‘eternal life’ that Jesus was offering. (Matt. 19:16-22)

His problem was he didn’t want to come with his whole heart.(John 5:40)  He thought he was doing pretty good at this point and that he would be an easy ‘sign on’. He soon learns otherwise. This abiding thing...is simple. You are either “all in, or not in at all”. Period. I know we are reluctant to share the gospel in such a manner...not wanting to scare people off with such radical talk. But we do more harm than good, when we seek to please men, before we seek to please God. (1 Thess. 2:4-6)

Pssst: Want to hear some good news? You can be free...and free indeed. What are you waiting for?

(Got questions?  Message me.  I don't bite; I promise. ;-) )


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