The apostle Paul spent some time in Athens sharing the gospel with crowds of people who were no stranger to a wide variety of religious and philosophical thought. After hearing Paul’s message, (Acts 17:22-34) we read where the responses to his words varied. Some mocked or scoffed. You can see the eye rolling and hear the chuckling as they walked away, most likely assuring themselves that this ‘Paul guy had to be delusional’. They made their decision. They wanted nothing to do with that ‘light’. 

 There was another group we are told that seemed...interested maybe? Indifferent, perhaps? Who knows? All we read there is a willingness on their part to ‘hear him again on the matter’ regarding the things he had just shared with them. (32). I think many of us can fall into this category. We want to be ‘open’ and are willing to ‘chew on some things’ when we hear a good word. But lukewarmness can be the silent killer. That spirit of indifference is one we are well acquainted with. We have ‘good intentions’...but...well, you know...other things are pressing and maybe we’ll circle back again and hear some more. And maybe we won’t. Just remind yourself how you ‘accepted Christ’ and all is well with your soul, right? 

 The Parable of the Sower shared there in Luke 8, talks about the various ways people respond to this word. One of the more telling or insightful truths revealed (and there are many woven through this parable) is found in Luke 8:12. After people hear it...they are not out and out rejecting it, nor are they welcoming or embracing it. It just ...lies there. How many times have you heard or read something that quickened something within you...and you told yourself...I need to go look that up or study that out...and forgot about it. Your favorite show was coming on or there was a game you needed to watch. Then look what come the birds and they gobble up that seed. But Jesus tells us plainly that it is not birds we are contending with. 

 “Those by the wayside are the ones who hear; then...the devil comes and takes away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.” (12) 

 We hear the word...we allow the word to settle in our hearts but...if we fail to ‘guard our hearts’ or ‘do what He says’...we open ourselves to a spirit of deception. (James 1:22). We fall short of experiencing genuine transformation. (John 2:1-5). That seed takes no root and therefore no fruit can be produced. And fruit matters. Every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is cast down and thrown into the fire. Jesus said Matt. 7:19. And according to what Jesus said there in Luke 8:12, we cannot be ‘saved’. 

 Do you know what Jesus came to ‘save’ us from? It was the wrath of God. (Rom. 5:9; 1 Thess. 5:9). Now for all you ‘believers’ out there who sincerely want ‘lost folks’ to be aware of God’s ‘coming judgements’ and ‘tribulation’ and how they better all ‘get right with God’, please note that God’s judgements will first...begin with ...who? (according to 1 Peter 4:17). He then asks “what will be the end of those who ...(are you ready for this?)...who DO. NOT. OBEY. THE. GOSPEL. OF. GOD.” 

 If you are one in to taking notes and such, may I encourage you to jot down or even write out that one verse; then...add this notation: “It is not enough to just hear the gospel, nor is it enough to say you ‘believe’ the gospel. We are told that God’s judgements will come or fall upon those who do not ‘obey’ the gospel. You do read that in your bible there, yes? (You might also add a footnote to look up Hebrews 5:9 as well). I might also add that just because you ‘preach the gospel’ does not exempt you from having to ‘obey’ it yourself. 

 And what can we expect as to how this plays out? I mean, Peter does use some sobering language quoting the OT writer suggesting “IF the righteous one is scarcely saved, where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?” (18) 

 Please turn to 2 Thess. 1:8 where Paul explains this period of time where Jesus unleashes God’s vengeance in ‘flaming fire taking vengeance on all those who do not know God and on those who do not OBEY...the gospel of our Lord Jesus.” 

 I know this kind of talk unnerves us...which is probably why you don’t hear it from most pulpits these days. People don’t want to hear this stuff. Just remind them how righteous and saved and eternally secure they are and let’s continue on fulfilling our destiny in God as we pursue our dreams and goals. Who’s got time for all that ‘wrath and judgment talk’ anyway? 

 I mean, we responded to that invitation years ago...we walked an aisle and ‘accepted Christ’ so we are good, right? That is an interesting term (invitation) we hear often in our churches...towards the end of the service when an ‘invitation is given’ for people to “respond.” We like to count those numbers and decisions, do we not? 

 Please turn to Matt. 22 and read those first three verses. This is another parable Jesus shared about the kingdom of heaven. Seems that there was a number of people who had been...’invited’ to a wedding. We know something about that, do we Jesus is coming back for a ‘bride’ that is pure and spotless and blameless? (Eph. 5:26-27). We also read in Matt. 25:10 and Rev.19:7 how this bride is making herself ready. (also 1 John 3:3; 2 Cor. 7:1) 

 But there was a peculiar response by many...of those who were bid to come and get ready there in Matt. 22. We read where they “were not willing to come.” (3). Others began to “make light of it”. How do you think that looked and played out? We are told that after dismissing it, you know, it’s not that serious or important, ...”they went their Own way.” 

 In another relaying of this parable found in Luke 14:18, we are told they began to offer up ‘excuses’ as to why they were too busy to respond and get ready. They had things to do...fields to work, oxen to tend to and family matters as well. (18-20). Kind of sounds like that church in Rev. 2:4 who had lost their ‘first love’. Jesus had some pretty somber warnings for them, as well as that other church in Sardis (Rev 3:1-3). In fact, you might glance over there and please circle what Jesus said that church might expect if they failed to repent and ‘finish the works’ that remained lacking. He told them He, Jesus, would ‘come upon them as a thief’. 

 What does a ‘thief’ come to do according to John 10:10? 

 How does Paul describe the ‘day of the Lord’ coming like in 1 Thess. 5:2? 

 And could you go mark Revelation 16:12-15 and see if that too, fits with this narrative we are studying? 

 Oh...what did Jesus say there in Matt. 24:43? You might also jot down and then go study Joel 2:1-9 at some point where he talks about the ‘Day of the Lord’ and how God sends these ‘armies’ that start marching on walls and such. Who do you think those ‘armies’ are today? And what does it say they do there in vs. 9? (If this is troubling you, read on down to vs. 12-13 for some encouragement) 

 There is absolutely no reason for any man to perish. God has made a way for all to be ‘saved’. It requires that we repent and come to Him with our whole heart. That is ...the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is a flood coming and is already here. And God has again, provided an ‘ark’; but it’s not a boat made of gopher wood. HE...IS...the ark. To be ‘in the ark’ is to be ‘in Christ’ as in abiding in Him. Jesus warns us of these days there in Matt. 24:37-39 and says that people will be indifferent then just as they were in the days of Noah...and were not even aware how the floods came and ‘took them away’. Indifference will do that. 

 “Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away.” (Heb. 2:1) 

 So back to Athens...where we read of the three different responses that followed Paul’s preaching....there were some who did believe and respond. (Acts 17:34) 

 Not much has changed since then when it comes to how people respond to this gospel. To those who don’t believe, it is foolishness. But to those who is the power of God unto salvation. (Rom. 1:16; 1 Cor. 1:18) 

 We are told that Jesus ‘came unto His own...and His own received Him not’. (John 1:11) But... many as did receive Him, to them He gave the right or power to become children of God, to those who believe in His name. (1:12). Whether we are talking about those fisherman who laid their nets aside to follow Jesus (Matt. 4:20) or a blind Bartimaeus who cast his cloak of ‘beggarhood’ away when he heard the invitation to come to Jesus (Mark 10:50), true belief produces a response to follow. God does not ask or require us to simply ‘walk an aisle’. He bids us to take up a cross and follow Him. And it is those who respond, who repent, who come to Him with their whole heart and follow His leading...that we are told are the true ‘children of God’. (Rom. 8:14). And the very first thing He is going to do, is lead you to put to death and bury all that which is not of Him. You cannot fully live, until you fully ‘die to self’. the gospel of our Lord Jesus.


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