When I was a young teen-age lad growing up in northern Illinois where my dad was stationed for several years, I found myself gravitating towards things that lots of guys my age found themselves being drawn to at that time.   Among those alluring activities had to do with girls; and an older one in particular was showing an interest in me. 

 For the record here, I was raised in ‘church’ and attended services weekly. But let me be clear, I was not anywhere close to being a ‘follower’ of Jesus. That was never on my radar nor something I was consciously aware of being an option. You just go to church and do your best to be a good person. And if/when you die, you simply go to heaven, right? 

 I do remember one particular Sunday morning attending our Sunday School class for teens, and the lesson that day was going over the Ten Commandments. I found myself, oddly enough, curious about this lesson given some 'tempting possibilities' for me with this older girl, and I guess I had some sense of wanting to know: ”Is what I’m being drawn into OK with God?” Interesting, is that not? And in my mind, I was pretty sure I had a ‘clear lane to run’ based on my limited knowledge and understanding of the commandments. The only one I was wanting to hear more about was that one about ‘adultery’ and figured that since I was not married, things were looking rather hopeful and ‘legal’ for me. 

 I should also state that I was not seeking an avenue in which I could please God by obeying or keeping His word. On the contrary, sin was ‘crouching at my door’ (Gen.4:7) and I had zero interest in ‘mastering it’ as God told Cain to do. I was looking to open that door and let ‘it’ in without getting caught or in trouble. Is it any wonder how easy it is for the ‘wicked’ one to blind us, deceive us, and lead the whole world, astray. You might look up these verses: (1 John 5:19; Rev. 12:9; Eph. 2:1-3; Acts 26:18; 2 Cor. 4:3-4) 

 When God draws a line in the sand, establishing His ways, His Laws, His boundaries, (Remember those two trees in the garden? Gen. 2:15-17) and we find ourselves trying to see just how close to that line we can get without getting God mad at us...we are moving in the wrong direction. This reflects a misguided attitude of our corrupt, deceived, and defiled hearts. 

 So back to that class where I was in anxiously awaiting to hear more about that seventh commandment. It’s been years now, obviously, but there was these two defining moments that are forever etched in my memory banks. The first one was when the teacher elaborated on this ‘adultery thing’ and then brought up what Jesus taught there in Matt. 5 when He said if you even entertain those thoughts in your heart, you have already committed the sin. I don’t recall any further explanation on how to deal with this sin or temptation or handling all these tempting thoughts and desires that had already filled my mind and heart. 

 But I do clearly remember, walking out of the class that day quite incredulous and frustrated and even angry...at God. I was not 'convicted' by the word, I was angered by it.  And this thought just entered in and overtook me....”Well if I’m going to hell for just thinking about pursuing this, I may as well do it and at least enjoy it!” 

 IF...there was even the briefest pause to reconsider the prospect of a literal hell, it was quickly brushed aside with this thought: “God is not going to send you to hell for doing what all guys want to do at this age.” 

 “You surely shall not die”, said the serpent to Eve. (Gen. 3:4) 


 Nearly half of a decade would pass before there was any interest or talk of turning my life over to Jesus in which I eventually did. 

 So why am I sharing this story from my past with you today? Because of a lesson I recently learned from the Lord regarding that period in my life and I want to share it with you as well. It has to do with the way we respond to God’s word when we are confronted with it. 

 Even after I came to being ‘introduced’ to the Lord at the age of 19, and for years afterwards, I looked back at that time and kind of resented that teacher for laying out ‘the Law’ without giving me any insight or encouragement or explanation on how to overcome the temptations I was facing. I mean, honestly, how unfair is it to just tell a young teenage boy that if they are even thinking about or entertaining such thoughts...that they had already committed the sin, and for the most part were ‘on their way to hell’. 

 But then the Lord recently set me straight on that and it had nothing to do with the limited amount of information given by that teacher that morning. It had everything to do with my own sinful heart and how my desires had nothing to do with seeking God’s will in my life or pleasing Him. I saw His ‘law’ as infringing on my ‘freedom and desires’. His commands were burdensome and grievous to me. I was looking for an excuse to ‘justify myself’ like that lawyer did when he approached Jesus there in Luke 10:25-29. [How many youth pastors have been asked by their students- ‘how far can I do’...and still be ok with God?”] (John 3:19-21) 

 If you had asked me back then If I was a “Christian”, I would have been clueless on what that even meant. Yes, I went to church and ‘believed in God’ (whatever that entailed) but I was as lost as could be. So of course the Word was ‘offensive’ to me and I had no interest in wanting to obey, let alone believe what God had to say about much of anything. Most ‘lost people’ think that way. But what about those who do claim to be followers or believers in Jesus? What is your initial response when you come across scripture that ‘pricks’ the heart and soul? Do you recoil and resist and resent what it says? Or do you find yourself humbled and broken by truth and want to receive it? That is...what we are to do with God’s word IF we are His children. 

 ”Receive with meekness the implanted word which is able to save your souls.” (James 1:21) 

 Every now and then when I bring up those passages (like in 1 John 3:6,9) about how anyone who is truly abiding in Christ no longer sins...a little voice whispers to me how unfair that is and don’t I know how offensive and confusing that verse is and how it will drive people way, and blah blah blah. And trust me....I see a lot of angry and resentful responses when I bring those passages up, and it puzzles me at times. 

 It would seem to me, that anytime...we come across scripture that doesn’t ‘jive’ with how we think or believe, that our response to it would be more of a humbled approach...where we say: “Wow...that does not reflect how I am living...or believe. Lord...help me understand and increase my faith so that I can align my life up with Your word (as opposed to making His word ‘fit’ with how I want to believe and live). But I see more people offended by His word. Then I’m reminded how when the “Word who was made flesh and dwelt among us” offended the ‘experts in the word’ back in His day and how they ‘stumbled over the rock of offense’. They eventually nailed Him to a tree for being so offensive and blasphemous. 

 That day Jesus was teaching the multitudes His Sermon on the Mount - I have no doubt there were many ‘take aways’ from what He said after it was over. How many scoffed then, when they heard Him talk about ‘lusting in the heart’ or ‘praying for your enemies’ or how calling someone a ‘fool’ would bring the hell fires your way. And we don’t see a lot of follow up explanation there either regarding some of those ‘tough statements’. These people were burnt out and bitter towards their Roman oppressors...so I’m thinking those comments about ‘turning the other cheek’ and ‘going two miles when asked to go one’ did not set well with that crowd either. 

 Yet He declared the Word of God. And those who hungered for truth...pursued Him. Others... got tired of hearing it and no longer walked with Him. (John 6:66). Jesus was not about drawing crowds for His ego. He said “Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division.” (Luke 12:51). True disciples...when they ‘hear His Word’ will press in...and ask for more understanding. Let’s face it, His word is a closed book to us unless He First...has our hearts. Once we come to Him, then...He begins to open our understanding to His word. It is, a mystery after all. (Matt. 13:10-13; John 5:39-40; Luke 24:32,45) 

 Oh....for anyone who might find this interesting...I have shared this in the past, but another memory that is also etched deep into my soul has to do with when I finally did surrender my heart to Jesus back in early spring of 1980. The very first lesson I was ‘schooled on’ happened only hours after I had prayed asking Him to come in and take over my life. It was a sobering, and even frightening, eye-opening lesson on the reality of demonic spirits who were warring for my soul. Another story for another day. But it sure got my attention quickly and in a serious way. 

 The next lesson I was schooled on...had to do with this particular word that kept popping off the pages of my new bible I was learning to study. The word was ‘fornication’. I had no idea what it meant, but the reason it kept ‘popping up’ was because I was guilty of committing it with my then girlfriend who was not a believer. When I realized that I was continuing to sin in this area and God’s light was shining truth on it in my life, my initial response was not to justify or excuse or reject it now. I loved God with all my heart and wanted to please Him more than anything or anyone. So after I repented and confessed my sin to Him, I then told my girlfriend we would not be able to do this anymore given we were not married. She thought I had lost my mind and I knew it was only a matter of time before that relationship went up in smoke. 

But God has this wonderful way of blessing us when we align our lives with Him and His word and begin to abide in Him. John 15:7 reads “IF you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you.” 

I loved my girlfriend ...but I loved God even more and wanted to please Him above all else. (John 14:15) So I began praying for her to come to know Jesus as well...although on the surface, it was looking bleak. 

But God. 

We celebrated our 42 anniversary last month. :- )

See you tomorrow?


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