Think about this: Why would God Not... be willing, or even remotely interested, in helping us to overcome various sins that we, for the most part, would admit we are enslaved to? I mean, Jesus did teach that whoever commits sin is a slave to sin. (John 8:34) 

 Would it not make sense that He had some plan to empower us to overcome all the temptations and the devices the enemy sets before us...given He’s the one to commands us to ‘go and sin no more’? (John 5:14) 

 Do we not read that Jesus was ‘tempted in all points as we are, yet was without sin’? (Heb. 4:15) 

 Does it not tell us that “For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted?” (Heb. 2:18) 

 Are we not encouraged to come with confidence and boldness before His throne of grace so we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in our time of need?” (Heb. 4:16) 

 Seems I read in John 15:1-8 that we are to abide in Him...and if we do, then we won’t be continuing to sin. (1 John 3:6) 

 So when He tells us that if we fail to repent and turn from our sins, we will perish. (Luke 13:1-5)...I honestly cannot imagine that there is anything in heaven or on earth more pressing to God...than to set us free from our sin. So where’s the hang up for so many of us? 

 Could it be...that just maybe...we are loving that sin a tad bit more than Him and that we are not quite there in wanting to give it up? No, really...think about that a moment. 

 I mean, after all, Peter does make it clear that we’ve been given divine power in all things that pertains to living a godly life and being able to partake of the divine nature while escaping the worldly, sinful, fleshly lusts. (2 Pet. 1:3-4) 

 We know God cannot lie, nor is the devil stronger or smarter than God. Could the problem actually lie within our hearts? As in, maybe we are holding on to certain things we are not quite ready to let go of? Sure would not be the first time this happened. The rich young ruler was not ready to give it all up. And remember Achan...who tried hiding some things in his tent after being specifically told not to do that? That did not end well for him or his family at all. (Joshua 7) You should go read that. 

 Why would you or I or any of us hold on to something that close to our hearts if we knew it was bad for us and God told us to cut it loose? Good question. And I think the answer is obvious. We love it. Or...should I say that we love what it does for us or how it makes us feel in the moment. I mean, there is ‘pleasure in sin’ but it doesn’t last. Paul writes that Moses ‘chose to suffer...than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin’. (Heb. 11:25). 

 We are also told that when we ‘lay down our lives’ and ‘take up our cross’ and ‘put to death our old man’,....that there will be some suffering involved. But not to the point of shedding blood like Jesus did for us. (Heb. 12:4). That pesky sin you toil with repeatedly...and try to quit or turn from...have you truly suffered to the extent of having spikes driven through your hands like Jesus did in your attempt to die to self and suffer some? I’m guessing not. 

 Peter would eventually write that “since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God.” (1 Pet. 4:1-2) 

 I think a lot of us have enjoyed the toiling with the sin more than overcoming it. We sure make lots of excuses as to why we continue in it...telling ourselves ‘nobody is perfect, just forgiven’. Or maybe you heard that popular and well-used line that ‘your spirit is saved’ but God takes a while to get that ‘flesh thing worked out’. 

 I’m no fan of professional wrestling, but those ‘tag-team’ events...where they team up...and when one member gets tied up and about to lose it, and if he can just reach out and touch the hand of his teammate who has an outstretched hand towards him, he can find instant help. Guess what? Jesus is there ready to assist you....and there’s no mistaking His’s the one with the nail scar in it. 

 I know some hate to hear this same drumbeat over and over again, but this ‘being all in’ with your ‘whole heart’ is the key. It’s as if God just patiently sits back watching while we toil in the storm before we surrender the ‘keys’ and get out of the driver seat so He can begin the restoration work. He does not need our advice or assistance...just...our hearts and willingness to submit to Him. 

 So what is it that you’ve been enslaved to? In all fairness, I should point out that this goes beyond ‘flesh and blood’ that you are contending with. (Eph. 6:12). There is a spirit involved; and you will never overcome it in your own strength or self-determination. Allow me to break it down this way .... 

 Anything we love more than God becomes an idol in our hearts. We read much in scripture about ‘idols’ and ‘idolatry’. You can clearly study out for yourself to see that there are ‘demon spirits’ attached to idols. I mean, really, why would anyone worship/serve/submit to some dead, lifeless object unless it was ‘doing something for them’. You can idolize material possessions, but there is something it is making you feel good about having it...maybe some false sense of self-worth because of the car you drive, or home you are paying for, or clothes you wear? Those things in themselves do nothing for any human. We are talking about steel and plastic and wood and brick and cotton and linen. But if a ‘spirit’ is attached to it, then that makes more sense in that a spirit gives you that false sense of pleasure or whatever it is you are seeking. 

 Same goes with physical body appetites. We can talk about eating foods or even sexual appetites that are part of our human experience. But left unchecked, it can become a door to very unhealthy obsessions and control. Look how often we refer to various foods as being a ‘comfort food’. (chips and salsa anyone?). Yet, God is the one who wants to provide us comfort at all times, Do cut up, fried tortillas really have that kind of ability or power? Or sexual matter how ‘good’ they make you feel at the moment when you surrender to them, after the’s another story, is it not? If you don’t believe there are spirits attached to all that, you are naïve and deceived. Why do you think Paul threw in that part about ‘receiving another spirit’ there in 2 Cor. 11:4? 

 God wants our pleasure and joy and happiness and fulfillment and self-worth to come...from Him alone and abiding in Him; not temporal things and objects that would lure our hearts away from Him. 

 The first and most notable lie, if not biggest, that was ever propagated to humanity took place in the garden when the serpent convinced Adam and Eve that God does not mean what He says. They were lied to. “Hath God said? That’s not what He meant...You will surely not die.” (Gen. 3) 

 Then came the next big lie that was self-imposed when they told themselves (or thought) that they could hide themselves from God. I mean come ‘on...really? (Gen. 3:8) Hid...from God. He knows everything and He sees everything. Jesus affirmed this Himself: “For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light. If anyone has hears to hear, let him hear.” (Mark 4:22-23) 

 (I hope you go read about Achan in Josh. 7) 

God knows about every thought that we welcome and entertain. Guys...He sees us every time we ‘take that second look’ after the Holy Spirit whispered to you: “Don’t Look!” He sees every motive behind what we do, and He’s fully aware of those hidden things we harbor in our hearts, be it lust or resentment or bitterness or pride or whatever else has a grip on you. 

Why Jesus even makes it known to us that “for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgement. For by our words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Matt. 12:36-37 Jesus’s words, not mine. 

 Now if you have bought in to a false gospel that provides you a false sense of security that none of this really matters to you...since you are ‘saved’...well... what is even the point of reading the bible? Just eat, drink, and be merry until you get raptured out of here. But just keep a good sharpie on hand so you can blot out all those verses that might suggest otherwise. (I don’t say that to sound ‘snarky’ either. Believe me.) 

 When I was growing up, my parents instilled in me that if/when I ever did something ‘stupid’...I would be much better off coming to them and they hearing it from me first as opposed to hearing what I did from other sources. I didn’t always take that counsel. Go figure. But they meant what they said. 

 Here’s the amazing thing about God. In spite of knowing every single detail about you and all those sins that reside in you...He still loves you and is still ‘willing to make you clean’. But you are going to have to first ‘come clean’ yourself and humble yourself before Him. That is the only place you will find grace and mercy in your time of need...given that He resist the proud but gives grace to the humble. (James 4:6-10; Heb. 4:15-16). 

 His hand is stretched outward to you right now. Tag Him.


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