I’m guessing many of you have probably experienced this at some point in your life when you were out in public somewhere and saw somebody’s kid(s) act out in a manner that would have brought swift response from your parents had you done something similar at that age. 

 Or maybe sitting at a table eating out and your kids witness it and then cut their eyes at each other thinking what would have happened to them had they done that with you sitting there. We see quite the variety of ‘parenting styles’ out there today for sure. And this is not about ‘judging’ them, but there is no sin in ‘noticing’ things. Jesus taught that is how we will ‘know a tree’...by the fruit it produces. (Matt. 7:20) 

 There are plenty of people today who claim to be a ‘child of God’. And while this discussion could turn quickly here wanting to argue as to who are we to judge who is and is not a true child of God, you cannot ignore many of the things Jesus taught us regarding this subject. 

 “BY THIS...ALL will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35) 

 Jesus got in to it with a group of Pharisees there in John 8. They were claiming to be God’s children since they were ‘children of Abraham’. (39). Jesus flat out tells them they are in no way children of God...stating that if they were, they would have received His word gladly. (47). And to clear up any confusion, He told them exactly who their father was despite what they thought or believed. “You are of your father the devil.”(44). Ouch!  

John writes in his first letter stating “In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his bother.”(3:10). We read there in the previous verse where he says “Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.” (9) 

 Going back to Eph. 2:1-3, Paul uses the term ‘sons of disobedience’ as those who are ruled or led by the spirit of the ‘prince of the air’ (Satan) and he operates through their old flesh nature and carnal minds. I like how he adds that (in theory) we ‘once conducted ourselves in similar fashion’, implying we don’t do that anymore IF we are children of God. 

 Children of God...are ‘led by His Spirit’. (Rom. 8:14). And if ...God’s children ‘act up’ or ‘sin’, God will waste no time dealing with it immediately and effectively. Unlike those parents of the unruly children we talked about earlier, God chastens those whom He loves...and it is not pleasurable by any means. (Heb. 12:5-11) 

 Oh...and ‘sons of disobedience’ do not escape the wrath of God either. Let no one tell you otherwise....(Eph. 5:6) 

 So let’s open the door of discussion as to the possibility that while many people today have been told...and believe...that they are ‘children of God’, scripture would suggest something quite the contrary. There is simply no getting around that fact. I know this has to be confusing and even a bit unnerving for folks. Some might even suggest or accuse me of creating undue anxiety and confusion throwing doubt in the minds of ‘sincere believers’. 

 But if you are leaning in that direction, would you suggest that Paul was doing something similar when he wrote: “ Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ in in you? Unless indeed you fail the test’?” (2 Cor. 13:5) 

 Why do you think Paul encouraged us all to do this? I bet it had something to do with what he had written just two chapters previously warning how many might be led astray and deceived to thinking they were on the right track but indeed were not. And why would they ‘think’ they are? Probably because in the say way Eve was led astray by the serpent...who can ‘come as an angel of light’ (2 Cor. 11:14), it could happen to us as well. How? By being seduced by ‘another gospel or another Jesus’ and even ‘receive a different spirit’. (2 Cor. 11:3-5) 

 “Receive a different spirit”. I bet we don’t give that aspect much thought often enough. A ‘different spirit’, would imply here that something akin to the Holy Spirit maybe...but in reality, it’s not? A counterfeit perhaps? So...is it safe to say that if it is Not the Holy Spirit, but a ‘fake’ to make you think it’s of God, then it must be from the enemy? (Why would God send a ‘fake’ spirit’?) And what does a ‘spirit’ in this setting actually do? Perhaps give one a sense or ‘feeling’ that what you are being misled by is really from God, but is not? 

 We often hear, read, witness, and experience...a ‘sense of the Holy Spirit’ bearing witness to truth, which Jesus promised would happen as His Spirit comes to lead and guide us and bear witness to the truth. (John 16:5-15). Take some of my postings you have been reading here. I have no doubt that some folks who claim to be believers would be opposed or argue against many things I have shared here from God’s word. I get that. They might come across statements and verses that causes something inside them to rise up and want to refute or strongly disagree with, but just don’t engage. Others, on the other hand, maybe even you, have been reading these and something inside of you just is bearing witness to what you are seeing from the bible and you just know that it is ...’truth’. This creates a conflict. Which ‘spirit’ is right? 

 I don’t share that to confuse anyone, merely to bring your attention to the fact that in a day where widespread deception runs rampant, we better know which spirit and which gospel and which Jesus we are aligned with is the ‘right’ one. 

 That guy we read about in Matt. 7:21-23...would it not appear that he was absolutely convinced that he was a child of God? How did Jesus introduce us to him and his plight? – When He taught “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, ‘Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My father in heaven. ”Many will say to Me in that day, ...”but Lord...did we not do all these wonderful things in Your name?” And Jesus says...(not me)...”Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who continue to practice lawlessness/sin.” 

 I could be wrong here, but I have a hunch this guy who obviously was quite religious and active in church work...had a ‘false security’ or a ‘false peace’ that had deceived him. 

 He thought....yet...he thought wrong. He. Was. Deceived. 

 What did Jesus warn those early followers about regarding the ‘end times’?- “Take heed that no one deceives you. Many will come in My name saying...and will deceive many....many false teachers will rise up and deceive many...and because lawlessness will abound, love/hearts will wax hard (grow cold) [ meaning they become unreceptive to God’s word/seed]...and if possible, even the very elect would be deceived”. (Matt. 24:4,5,11-12,14). Then Jesus says this: “See...I have told you beforehand.” (25) 

 So we have a genuine peace that we are told marks the path and heart and mind of the true follower of Jesus. (Rom. 3:17; Col. 3:15; Isa. 26:3). And then we have something that suggest a ‘false peace’ can come in to play. Paul mentions in 1 Thess. 5:1-3 that the ‘day of the Lord’ will be preceded by a ‘peace and safety’ message that many will be advocating...before ‘sudden destruction ‘comes upon them’. 

 Would you do me and yourself a favor and right now, turn to Jeremiah 23 and read vs. 16-20. 

 Anything in that text stand out to you? If not, go back and read again. Seems there was an issue with false teachers/prophets telling people they could walk in peace even though they walk according to the dictates of their own heart thinking they are immune to judgment or evil. (17). Notice the part about saying to those who ‘despise Me’ (meaning they hate God)? 

 Jesus said IF...we love Him, we will do what He says. He also taught that we cannot serve two masters; and that we will either love one and hate the other. Paul talks about how if we remain carnal and our minds set on the flesh and not the spirit, that we are ‘hostile to God and will not subject ourselves to the law of God and certainly cannot please Him. (Rom. 8:7-8) 

 Now, go read/mark Psalm 81:11-15. He talks of a people who ‘pretend submission’ to Him, but because of their stubborn hearts, actually hate Him and walk the way they want to walk. 

 One last passage- Deut. 29:19-20. Moses had just finished up sharing quite the list of blessings and curses that would come on those who obey God and His law...and those who don’t. You can read those in chapter 28. Then he makes this statement saying that those who claim to have peace even though they follow the dictates of their own heart...will bring the anger of God on them and every curse that is written in this book would settle on them and that the Lord would blot out his name from under heaven.” 

 Now you might be quick to say that we are not subject to the curses of that law. To which I would respond...again, pointing to His word (not mine), those who are led by His Spirit are not under or subject to that law...IF....IF...IF...they are led by His Spirit. (Gal. 5:18). 

 Children of God are led by His Spirit. (Rom. 8:14) 

 Let. No. One. Deceive. You.


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