I wish I had a time-travel machine...just for today. No, I would not take you back to the pilgrims celebrating the first Thanksgiving....but Happy Thanksgiving anyway. :- ) 

 I would set the target dial to the summer of 1865, around the end of June and the location would be just outside of the Galveston, TX area. Why then and there you ask? Because just a week or two earlier, federal troops sent by President Grant came into Galveston to free up the rest of those being held as slaves. 

 Apparently, many slave owners in this state failed to send the memo out to all their slaves that they had been set free by the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation issued by then President Abraham Lincoln. Oh...one small detail here...that document had been signed TWO YEARS previously. Not sure how that slipped the attention of slave owners here in the great Lone Star State...but it did. 

 And why ...would I want to show up in that region then? Because I would be curious to witness how this news was received by all the black slaves who were hearing this for the first time....that they were no longer slaves but indeed, free people. Well, as ‘free’ as one could experience ‘freedom’ back then in those circumstances. 

 I’m not sure what is harder for me to wrap my head around in understanding...How could slaveowners have purposefully kept this news from their slaves...or how does a person who has known nothing but slavery process the news that they are no longer a slave. 

 Now bear with me here and let’s use our imagination as we explore this scenario. Given the time period where there was no TV, Cable News, Radio, Social Media/internet....you can imagine how slow news would travel. Let’s pretend for a moment, that you and I have been appointed by federal marshals to travel into some of the outlying areas to deliver this much delayed...’good news’. We have a document as proof, we now have horses to travel on with supplies...and off we go down dusty roads to share the good news...that the slaves have been set free...and free indeed. 

 It stands to reason that white slave owners would not be happy to see or hear from us. We get that. And some might even snarl and wave their guns and nooses and threaten us with violence. But...we’ve been assured...that we are protected by the power of the U. S. Government and to stay the course with full confidence in that we are acting on behalf of the President of the United States. 

 I can see coming in to our first community...maybe even meeting at a local black church where the slaves have been ‘permitted’ to attend. After all, many white slave owners saw this as an opportunity to get folks saved and hear the gospel. But I digress. 

 Those in attendance are puzzled and curious as to why we are there, and we are invited to stand before them and share this ‘good news’. We might safely assume they were aware that President Lincoln had been killed just a few months earlier and most likely died for doing what he believed was the right thing to do that all men might be free indeed. Or, as he put it, “shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.” 

 Now let’s just take a few moments and really try to picture the responses...the facial expressions...the reactions...and yes...even the words and questions that might follow upon hearing this news. 

 I can see some eyes fill with tears as their heads bow in gratitude whispering thanks to God. No doubt, there would be looks of puzzlement and confusion, if not disbelief. I bet there would be some outburst of ‘demonstrative celebration’. If you have never been blessed to worship with a black congregation...well...never mind...let’s move on. IYKYK ;- ) 

 So after our visit there where we shared this good news, we move on to other outlying areas to continue our mission. Now let’s say after 6-8 weeks, we travel back to stop in on that first community we visited. And much to our shock and surprise, we discover that the majority of this black community are still living day to day...as ...slaves. Nothing has changed in their lives. Oh, they might be smiling a bit more and singing a bit louder but aside from that, they still are living as slaves and subject to the whims and commands of their ‘owners’. 

 Upon meeting with them, they might again, thank us for the good news we brought them...and even show us a copy of the document that freed them, hanging proudly on the wall of their humble homes. But aside from that...they are still living as slaves. When we ask them ‘why’, we are greeted with an assortment of responses like this... 

 “Oh...well you know we are slaves...set free by President Lincoln. But we will always be slaves. And you know a ‘slave is gonna slave’ cause that is what we are...’slaves’. But we are ‘slaves set free by Abe’. 

 Or how about this...we notice that some have acquired a small piece of land to farm for themselves, but three days a week, they return to their ‘owners’ place and work for them for free because...that is what slaves do. Even if they ‘do it less’. In their minds, they might not be ‘slaves like they use to be, but they are still slaves’...even if it’s only occasionally. Because, after all, that’s what slaves do...they ...’slave’. They probably even sing songs about how some day on the ‘other side of glory...they will cease to be slaves’; but that won’t happen ‘till they get to heaven’.

 Now here is where it gets interesting. We try to convince them otherwise. And they get offended and even downright mad at us for suggesting such outlandish heresy that they no longer have to live as slaves but are free to go and live their own lives...no longer bound to any man. You know...sort of like...’Go...and slave no more’. 


 End of our time travel journey. Yes, I am fully aware that historically, many freed slaves back then, had little if any other options afforded to them. Many did continue to live as ‘slaves’ for the most part given nothing really changed for them. History lesson for another day. But I think...and hope you see where I have gone with all this. 

 Jesus taught this: “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” (John 8:34-36) 

 Paul was sent on a mission to deliver this news to men everywhere. (Acts 26:15-18). He was stoned in some places and met with much opposition. Yet, he continued preaching and writing and delivering this same message saying such things as: “having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness...you WERE slaves of sin’...but Now...having been set free from sin, have become slaves of God’. HOW...shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not!” (Rom. 6:18,20,22,1-2) 

 There was a pretty stiff price paid for our freedom, which most believers should agree with. 

 The Son of God paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom for all who truly believes in Him. 

 But...”if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.” (Heb. 10:26-27) 

 You know...it just now occurred to me...that had more free white men gotten involved with the freed slaves of the south, maybe even ‘adopting’ them and leading them out of their dire conditions...mentoring them... educating them and guiding them on how to truly live as a free people...that many more folks might have experienced a better and more fruitful life early on than what the majority experienced. But because that did not happen widespread, most continued to live miserable lives...even though...they had been ...‘set free’. 

 Guess what...we have One who comes to us...to truly lead us out of slavery and bondage. He tells us to pick up our beds (and crosses) and walk...and to ‘go and sin no more’. And the only way this is possible is if we abide in Him. (John 15:1-8) We must surrender to His Lordship and experience His love and grace and mercy...not to mention the power He gives us to overcome every sin and temptation that we might encounter. It’s not theory or poetic language. 

 It. Is. Reality. You won’t walk this walk without Him though, that, I can assure you. 

 But IF...you are abiding in Him, you will no longer be sinning. (1 John 3:6). IF...you are born of Him, you cannot sin because His seed is in you. (1 John 3:9). And IF...the Son has set you free, then you are free indeed. (John 8:36). His words, not mine. 

 One last thought. Some might point out and say that ‘we are still slaves’, according to Paul where he talks about being ‘slaves of God. (Rom.6:22). Jesus Himself taught that no man can serve two ‘masters’. So yes, we will continue to live as ‘slaves’ if you want to view it that way. But up until a person comes to Christ, we are told we were slaves to Satan. How’s that worked out for you? At least Jesus gives us the choice to “choose whom we will serve.” 

 This is some good news...worth celebrating. That is some wonderful news in which to be thankful for. 

 Happy Thanksgiving. :- )


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