For the sake of this posting today, let’s just assume that all these passages that God gave us in His word are in, He really meant everything He said in this beloved book we call the Holy Bible. 

 While many church members today are looking at multiple ‘natural signs’ that seem to unfold before us, there is a spiritual storyline that is unfolding as well which we would do well to ask God for a more clear understanding. When Jesus foretold that the days prior to His return would be akin to the days of Noah and that a ‘flood’ would come over the land, He was not talking about a natural flood. I know all the news footage pertaining to ‘climate-change-induced natural disasters’ can get people’s attention. But the flood being unleashed today is a flood of spiritual darkness. And it will test men’s foundations. (Matt. 7:24-27) This ‘flood’ is indeed embodied in a spiritual evil of demonic forces. (Isa. 59:19; Rev. 12:9). But a sleeping church is oblivious to it. (Dan. 12; Matt. 25:1-11) 

 Many seem to think their protection will come in the form of some hopeful ‘rapture’ that is going to take people off this planet before things get really bad. I’m not saying at some point in the future there will not be a ‘catching away’ that we read about. But our place of protection is in the same place that Noah and his family found it and that was ‘in the ark’. Jesus, is...the ark. To be ‘in Christ’ is to be ‘in. the ark’. It is the protective barrier that is raised up when the enemy comes in like a flood as Isaiah mentioned. Are you in Him? – (1 John 2:5; 2 Cor. 13:5) 

 But contrary to popular teachings widely promoted today, we don’t get to set the terms and conditions of how we enter this ‘ark’ or place of peace and rest. Jesus does. And he taught repeatedly that unless we were willing to forsake all, we could not be His disciple. (Luke 14:25-33). 

 There was a young rich ruler who most of us would have assumed he was an easy ‘shoe-in’ to be a part of this kingdom. However after his conversation with Jesus, (Matt.19:16) it was pointed out he lacked only one particular area that needed to be addressed. When Jesus brought it to his attention, he ‘blinked’ and walked away. 90% in, was not enough. And Jesus did not chase him down asking him to reconsider. To enter this ‘ark’, this place of abiding in Him where you walk in covenant as you follow and obey Him, Jesus is either going to be Lord of all, or not Lord at all. You can find a host of misleading teachings that will tell you differently, but there is no getting around what scripture clearly states. (Luke 6:46) 

 When one finally comes to a place of complete surrender, something supernatural takes place. It’s not like your heart is instantly purified in that exact moment. Remember, it is akin to the land of Canaan that needs to be cleared of a variety of ‘nations’ that God will lead you to clear off in time. But God wraps the shelter of His loving arms (like a hedge) around you and fills your heart with peace and He calms the raging storm that has tossed you to and fro over the years. It is not some emotional high that is short lived. It is, on the contrary, a lasting peace that abides in you as long as you continue to abide in Him. 

 The first two chapters of Job offer great insight to this ‘hedge’ that God sets around those who trust and obey Him. (Heb. 5:9; Prov. 16:7) But it is in this place of peace and rest, where God begins His work (not you, but Him) of sanctifying or purifying your heart which is...the will of God. (1 Thess. 4:3; Matt. 7:21) This is the process where you are made holy and we are told that without holiness, no one will see the Lord. It is not an option for ‘super saints seeking extra credit’. (Heb. 12:14; Matt. 5:8) 

 God begins to lead us by His Spirit to put to death all those things that governed us (other spirits) operating through our sinful flesh nature.(Rom. 8:13) This is the reason it needs to die. Want to get rid of roaches in the house? Get rid of their food source. Our flesh nature is Satan’s food source. (Gen. 3:14;19). Why else to you think he is adamant in tempting you to yield to the flesh, which is sin. And God lets him test you just as He allowed the enemy to test Jesus (Luke 4 as well as Peter (Luke 22:31). 

 James tells us to ‘count it all joy’ when we encounter these tests given they are part of the refining process of purifying our hearts and making us perfect and complete. (James 1:2-3). Oh, what did Jesus say we were going to be? (Matt. 5:48). And John talks of how all those who have this hope within them purify themselves as He is pure. (I John 3:3). And it is not some optional, light-hearted religious activity we consider doing. Paul said we better make sure we are diligent in ‘perfecting holiness in the fear of God’...purifying all that contaminates flesh and spirit.. (2 Cor. 7:1) 

 So let me sketch another picture straight out of the bible to illustrate how this process looks. I am praying now that God will give you further insight to this while confirming His word in ways He knows how best to do. 

 As we begin this walk of abiding in/with Jesus, (John 15:1-7) we are walking in His peace. We need not attempt to try harder to please Him, nor do things for Him; and He does not need our ideas or input. We are to rest in Him and obey. When He points things out to you, you will hear His voice and follow. (John 10:27; Heb. 5:9; Luke 6:46). So as an example, you, like most people, may have been hurt by others in your past. For some, it may have been recent. For others, it might have been years if not decades ago. And in the process of that wounding, an infection set in. But remember, we are not talking ‘natural’ germs or infection here; we are talking about ‘unclean spirits’. A spirit of resentment and unforgiveness had easy access in to your heart and it became a stronghold where a root of bitterness took hold over time. And because this stronghold has existed in your life for so long, it provided a channel or opening for other spirits to come in and to ‘steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10). 

 Oh sure, you’ve probably heard sermons or read books on the need to forgive...and you tried repeatedly to ‘do it’, but it never really seemed to ‘take’. You know deep inside you have to forgive, but doing it, and even ‘feeling it’ has eluded you. Meanwhile, over the years, you lost your knew something was not right within. I would even say for some, they have suffered physically because of it...with sickness or disease or other ailments. And because you were unable to be freed from this, you harbored those ill feelings and while you may be an outstanding ‘church member’, it would be apparent you have not been abiding in Jesus. Because if you were, well, ...things would be much different and let me leave it at that for now. 

 In all likelihood, perhaps due to poor teaching or even a lack thereof, the enemy was able to find access easily back in to your life. Remember what Jesus taught in Matt. 12:43-45? It is where He shares what happens when an unclean spirit, like a spirit of resentment or unforgiveness goes out of a person. It will seek to come back and find a way into its ‘old house’ (your heart). 

 So all these years, due to a lack of knowledge, (the reason God’s people suffer- Hosea 4:6) you have maintained a lot of religious activity, but your heart grew cold and hard. You lost your first love, as Rev. 2:4 speaks to. You at best, have walked in a ‘form of godliness’. Maybe you can remember at one point, you had actually repented of that sin of resentment and forgave your offender and without even understanding what transpired, that unclean spirit had to leave as the blood of Christ was applied to that area in your heart through your act of obedience in repenting and forgiving. 

 But then, God allowed your heart to be tested in this area, and you failed. You let down your ‘shield of faith’ to quench the fiery dart or arrow that the enemy shot your way with some...thoughts, of all things. (Eph. 6:16) And most likely due to ignorance, you failed to ‘bring in to captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ as we are commanded to do. (2 Cor. 10:5). You were not remaining alert and vigilant as Peter instructs us to be. (1 Pet. 5:8-10). You gave the enemy a ‘foothold’. (Eph 4:27) 

 Maybe you had ‘grown at ease in Zion’ or complacent, as the prophets warn against doing. (Amos 6:1; Zeph. 1:12). It may have happened while spending an hour or two watching some mindless TV show that offers no spiritual food for your soul. And then it happened...some scene in that show triggered a memory that came out of nowhere reminding you of how that person you had forgiven long ago...had hurt you. And for some reason, you allowed those thoughts to linger...and settle...and take root. You did not actively ‘resist’ the devil who then began to water that seed he planted. He is quite crafty and experienced at this. And that little seed of thought worked its way down in to your heart and before you knew it, some snarky comment came out pertaining to that incident or offender. It may have even surprised you in the moment, but for some odd reason, it felt kind of...good. Sort of like an ‘old friend’ who came to visit. 

 And because you did not deal with it in a timely and scriptural way, it caused your heart to grow a tad cold or hard. The voice of the Holy Spirit grew just a few decibels softer. You do know that a serpent can slither and work its way in quite easily...when doors are not shut. And you know what one trait of ‘virtue’ the enemy has that many of us don’t? Patience. He knows us quite well and gives his seeds time to take root. Next thing you know, there is another kind of fruit coming out from the abundance of our hearts, and it is not good fruit. 

 This happens All. The. Time. If it’s not forgiveness, it’s lust, or jealousy, or self-pity, which can lead to depression. Maybe it’s a feeling of inferiority, or just the opposite, a boastful or prideful sense of self-importance. Instead of us being God’s field, (1 Cor. 3:9) or vineyard, where He wanted to cultivate the good fruit of His nature in us, we became a fertile field of the enemy where more tares were sown. And we know what happens to trees that don’t bring forth good fruit. (Isa. 5; John 15:1-7; Matt. 3:10; Luke 13:6-9; Matt. 13:24-30, 37-43) 

 Because of faulty teaching or a lack thereof, we simply were unaware of a ‘war’ taking place for our souls. As one teacher I heard years ago state...There is a war going on and the church failed to show up. He went on to say that many Christians think ‘spiritual warfare’ is driving to church in the rain. The. War. Is. Real. And like it or not,...or believe in it or not, you are in the middle of one. Many have already been taken captive. Do you recall reading how God’s people were taken captive by the Babylonians and lived in exile for seventy years? There was a generation of people born and raised in captivity...that never knew anything else but that life. Think about that for a moment. 

 The good news is...God is trying to awaken a sleeping church. But just like in the parable of the ten virgins, only the wise will allow the light of God’s spirit to illuminate His word so they can make themselves ready before that final door is shut. (Matt.25:6-13)


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