It’s a legitimate question and for the most part , a fairly sincere one. And it’s one that most any believer ‘should’ be able to answer if asked. The answer or explanation should also involve plenty of scripture to support your response as well. Because using personal experiences and ‘feelings and opinions’ mixed in with ‘traditions’ and ‘how you were taught’ could lead people astray. Let me also say here without adding any extra pressure on you is this question is probably one of the most important questions any new believer could, or ever will ask. If you or I are the one being asked….we better get it right. Are you curious now as to what the question is? 

 Here it is: “This idea and talk about being ‘led by the spirit’…what does that mean and how does it work?” Or put another way, “What does being led by the spirit look like?” 

 Can I first tell you why it is so important? 

 In the very first chapter of John’s gospel, we are told that “In the beginning was the Word; the Word was with God and the Word was God…and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” (1:1, 14). “God…became flesh and dwelt among us.” 

 We are also told in this same passage of text that ‘He came to His own people but they did not receive Him.’ (11). (I’m assuming here if you have any basic bible knowledge, this should be clear to you who all we are talking about now.) 

 John continues: “But as many who did receive Him, He gave them the right (authority) to BECOME the ‘children of God’. (12). Please let that sink in for a moment. 

 Hopefully you do know that contrary to popular opinion and belief that we (everyone in the whole world) are NOT ‘all the children of God’. That makes for good song lyrics and poems, but it is not true. 

 In order for you or anyone to ‘become a child of God’, they ‘Must be born again’. (John 3:7) 

 Now get ready to underscore this pivotal sentence found in Rom. 8:14 as in you might want to highlight or underline it and let it be engraved upon your heart. – “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, THESE…are the sons/children of God.” 

 IF…you are Not being led by the Spirit of God, then can one rightfully conclude that they would Not be a child of God? 

 Or were you taught a gospel that teaches you can be a child of God but exempt from having to follow or obey God? 

 Jesus taught this as well: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.” (Matt. 7:21) 

 And let’s not forgot the core message that Jesus came preaching which was basically this: “The Kingdom of God is here…Repent (turn) and Follow Me!”. 

 If you don’t repent (turn from the direction you were going in), you will “perish and be destroyed”. (Luke 13:1-5; Acts 3:22-23). This was not a threat. It was a warning and He was so serious about this that God clothed Himself in humanity and suffered the most unimaginable death to demonstrate His love for you so that you would not perish. (John 3:16; Rom. 5:8) 

 This has nothing to do with ‘condemning’ you and has everything to do with ‘saving you’. (John 3:17) 

 The fact that Jesus taught that He was the ‘way, the truth, and the life’ along with being the ‘only way’ to the Father’ (John 14:6) leads me to ask - then how in the world could we ever think for a moment that we would not need to ‘follow Him’? 

 To ‘follow’ someone strongly suggest that they are ‘leading’. Which brings us back to our opening point about what does it look like to follow or be ‘led by the Spirit’. 

 Would you agree that sounds like a pretty important question, and with so much on the line (eternity), it would seem we might ought to have a very good explanation as to what this (being led by His Spirit) looks like? 

 This all ties in to this idea where Jesus in theory becomes ‘Lord’ of our lives. Granted, the word ‘lordship’ is not a part of our lingo here in modern America, at least outside of the church world. But I would submit to you, as arrogant and offensive as this may come across, for the most part, the church world is clueless to what that concept means as well. We know the ‘word’ but its meaning is lost on us due to faulty teaching and diluted gospels that are in abundant supply today. ( I told you that would come across offensive which was not my intent) 

 Why Jesus Himself asked “Why do you call me Lord, and not do the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46) 

 If you have been reading any of my postings this past year, you have seen plenty of scripture references I offer up where we are warned about the dangers of being ‘deceived’ or ‘drifting’ or ‘falling away from the faith’ and even making the choice to ‘no longer follow Jesus’ anymore. 

 Friends…this is serious. 

 As I mentioned yesterday, I would be making my way back to Texas this weekend and did not think I would be posting this morning (Sun). He had other plans. I hope you join me tomorrow as we begin to explore in the bible what this idea of ‘being led by His Spirit’ looks like. And if this is any encouragement to join me, consider this: So many people today are wandering and confused and lost and would love to ‘connect with God’ and be led by Him. I mean, after all this is a big ‘selling point’ we evangelicals pitch to non-believers how God has this ‘wonderful plan for their life’. And I believe that as well. 

 But here’s the catch…when it comes to ‘specific plans’ God may have for your life personally…you know…jobs, careers, future spouses…all those personal details…these things would fall under the canopy of what we call God’s ‘revealed will’ for your life. And He is more than happy to reveal those very things to you and me. It’s just that we have overlooked one small detail. God is not going to share His ‘revealed’ will to us until we get what He has already shared with us in His ‘written will’… as in His word. 

 Yeah…let that one settle in. I’ll see you tomorrow. ;-)


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