We’ve been looking at this topic of idols and idolatry and how demon spirits can often be the driving or compelling force behind them. Back in the OT, God often referred to it where people went off and ‘served other gods’. We also took a look at that second commandment about having or making idols that got between us and God... provoking a ‘jealous God to anger’ and He would end up ‘visiting the iniquity of the fathers to the third and fourth generation’. (Deut. 5:8-9) 

 I have no hesitation admitting to you here that there is much I do not know or understand about this subject. But what little I am begining to see and understand I share freely with you. I feel no need to be afraid of exploring God’s word which is truth and we know what truth does...it sets captives free. (John 8:32). 

 Perhaps you are familiar with the term ‘generational curses’. While the idea of God ‘visiting the sins of the fathers to multiple generations down the line’ poses some troubling questions, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see where certain ‘bondages’ do pass down from generation to generation. Perhaps you have experienced it in your own family or know of others who have suffered the pain of physical/sexual abuse as a child...only to discover the perpetrator was themselves a victim at a young age and the cycle just continues on. Or with drug addiction or alcohol or money or food disorders, etc. Think about it...how does ‘mental illness’ seem to pass down family lines? 

 Why do some people lose control of their temper and anger issues so easily? What’s the old saying about the ‘apple doesn’t fall far from the apple tree’? You cannot deny that these things do get ‘passed down’. And while many with good intentions want to make the case that people can ‘break the cycle’ with various tools and education, I simply want to make the case that there is a spiritual component here that needs to be spiritually ‘broken’ by the power of Jesus’s name and through His shed blood by faith so we can walk in freedom and victory. But we have to do it His way. 

 So let’s review a moment. I want to address the subject of ‘idols’ on two layers here. The first one has to do with those ‘external’ things we pursue and chase after. I would make the case that there are still demon or unclean spirits behind anything...that lures our heart and affections away from God. And as God warned the Israelites who were about to go in to this good land He had for them, it was not without ample warnings about ‘following other gods and serving them and worshiping them”; and if they did, they would “surely perish”. (Deut. 8:19-20). It’s no different today. The NT is filled with similar warnings. Think how easily or gradually we can be led astray and ‘turn to other things’ to provide comfort and security and pleasure and such...things ...instead of God who promised to supply ALL our needs according to His riches. (Phil. 4:19). 

 It starts out so subtle...so harmless and before you know it, that ‘little bit’ of comfort or pleasure falls short...so you think...I just need more. Before you know it...food or sex...or money...or hobbies become the source of comfort and pleasure and self-worth to the point you seem unable to control the cycle. You end up indulging in excessive ways...then comes that ‘crash’ of defeat and self-loathing. You cry real tears of defeat as depression sets in and the only way out of that miry pit of darkness, in your mind, is to run right back to that source that put you there. IF I just eat more chips and salsa and chocolate cake, I will feel better. Or if I go spend more money for more things, I’ll be happier. Or if I just fulfill these sexual urges and compulsions, I will be satisfied. 

 So how is that working out for you? 

 There are no doubt, external vices and bondages have ensnared all of us, things that we need to be set free of...and can be if we truly want to be ‘made well’. (John 5:6). Even for the new believer, who has been ‘called out of darkness’, we read there in John 11:44 where Lazarus came out of the tomb...he who was dead and now alive. Yet, he still had some external bondages or wrappings that Jesus then sent His disciples to ‘loosen’ him from. You know...those ‘grave clothes’. Many new converts when they first come to God are quick to rid themselves of those various vices.... And while ‘giving up’ tobacco or rock music and beer may be beneficial and a good thing for many, let us not forget the real mission of Jesus and what He came to really set us free from... 

 In Mark 7, He goes to explaining to the Pharisees that it is not what ‘goes in to a person that defiles them, rather it is what comes out of them’. Spend a few moments reading over vs. 17-23 there in that chapter. Jesus came to cleanse, purify, and create within us...a pure and clean heart. (1 Tim. 1:5). Therein lies the real issues that separates us from God and provides a feeding ground for a spiritual enemy. It’s a lot easier to ‘give up the cigs’ but don’t touch this pride of mine. Or I’ll stay away from the bars but don’t be messing with this unforgiveness and bitterness that has rooted deeply inside of me. 

 Even that rich young ruler in Matt. 19 got called out by Jesus who went straight to the issue of his heart...which was greed and covetousness. And the young man made a choice. He walked away and was not willing to give it up. What he was saying in effect was...I love this greed and covetousness more than I love you, Jesus. And that became an idol in his heart. Sadly, many today think they can hold on to certain idols...AND still have a walk with Jesus and profess to love Him as well. 

 You might want to write this down and put it on your fridge: “Jesus won’t be one of your idols.” 

 You are either going to love God with ALL your heart, soul, mind, and strength, or you will have no place in His kingdom. Many false gospels today will teach you otherwise...that you can have both because “God understands”. But I’m telling you, that is a lie from the pit of hell. God told Adam and Even back in the garden that if they chose to ‘eat off that one tree, they would surely die.” (Gen. 2:17). The serpent slithered in right after that casting doubt ...asking “Has God really said....?” Then with more words of deception out and out turned it around saying “You will not surely die.” (3:5). And the rest, they say...is history. 

 Paul writes a similar warning in Romans 8:13 – “If you live according to the flesh, you will die.” Pretty clear, is it not? And if there is any mistaking what he is talking about when it comes to the ‘flesh’, go read Galatians 5:19-21. He explains exactly ...in detail...what the ‘evident fruit of the flesh’ is. It is quite the list. He drives home the point in vs 24 there that ‘those who belong to Christ have put those deeds and desires to rest...as in to death’. And you might go underscore vs. 21 where he says “Those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” And if you need a few more verses to back that up, make note of Eph. 5:3-6 and 1 Cor. 6:9-10. 

 So you might be asking yourself at this very moment...”IF...I can really be set free...IF...what you are telling me here is true...then HOW can I be set free of this ‘idol or spirit’ that has me bound?” Good question. I will gladly share but with this one warning: If you are not serious about surrendering your entire heart to Jesus and committing to abiding in and with Him from here on out, then (as the saying goes) “Do not try this at home!” Reason being...You’ll be right back where you started...and seven times worse off. (Matt. 12:45; Lev. 26:21) 

 Jesus commands us to ‘repent’. Confess your faults/sins that you may be healed. (James 4:7-10 and 5:16 spells this all out nicely). The moment you turn in your heart and confess and renounce your sin of turning to __________ for comfort, pleasure, whatever, then admitting you have made an idol out of it, in that very moment, the blood of Jesus by faith will wash over you and cleanse you...as in removing that ‘spirit’ from that area of your heart/life. Don’t be looking for a ‘Hollywood style of deliverance’. Just know- that spirit HAS to leave immediately. It’s that simple. You can begin to experience a new freedom. Also know, that when that ‘spirit attempts to return’, you will need to stand in the power of His spirit, knowing your faith and heart are being tested. But fear not, Jesus was tempted in the same manner and is willing to give you grace/power in your moment of need- to Stand! And as you resist the devil who has to flee, your flesh may ‘suffer just a bit’ as you prove to God you love Him MORE than that sin/spirit of ________. And after you have suffered a little bit...(this is the kind of suffering God is pleased with, when we ‘deny ourselves’ while drawing from HIS Grace and power) that He will then come and strengthen, establish and perfect you. Please go study these verses before you move in this direction: James 1:2-4; Hebrews 2:18 & 4:15-16; 1 Pet. 5:8-10 and 4:1-2) 

 Here's the cool part...you don’t even need a person to ‘lay hands on you and pray. The bible says “He sent His word and Healed them”. (Ps. 107:20; Matt. 8:8). Have a great day. :- )


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