Want to hear some good news? You don’t have to be a genius or an intellectual giant to understand the bible. Nor is it required for us to be an expert on Middle East issues or even be proficient in ancient languages like Hebrew, Greek, or Aramaic. (That’s not to say one might glean some interesting insights having knowledge in these areas) Yesterday, I stated in my post that the bible was ‘just a book’. I guess I could have added the fact it is also a ‘closed’ book. And there are some very enriching and significant truths woven through it that God truly wants to make known. But He has ‘conditions’. Now I can’t tell you why...He has set it up this way, but He has. The fact of the matter is...He’s ‘hidden’ these truths and we don’t find them or discover them because of our intellectual prowess. He “reveals” them to us. And He desires to do just that. But as I just said: He has conditions. I love that story in Acts...