Is it possible for those who profess to be ‘believing Christians’ simply remain as ‘part-time abiders’? 

 Can we just abide part time in Jesus? Maybe when it’s convenient or maybe when we feel like it? Granted, we do tend to send signals out to God that we are more interested in abiding when we are going through a personal crisis of issues, family crisis, marriage falling apart...job loss, financial problems, etc. 

 I want to springboard from the passage in John 15:1-8 this morning but I also want to speak from my own personal experiences and what I have learned personally this past two years during this ‘awakening journey’. Let me say up front that personal experiences are just that: personal. They should never take the place of scripture nor alter one’s interpretation of scripture. For example vs. 7 in that passage indicates that God answers in whatever we desire. So if you prayed for something and did not see that prayer answered, you might conclude that God really doesn’t answer prayers like that based on your experience. That can be a dangerous precedent. 

 But back to my opening ‘part-time’ abiding in Christ really a ‘thing’? On the surface, I would say ‘yes’, we may think we abide closer at times more so than other times. Perhaps though the other question to address is what would be reasons as to why we would Not want to be abiding in Him ALL the time? That is...if we really love Him...with All our heart? That would seem to be the Real question to examine. 

 When I had my awakening two years ago...after days upon days of being immersed in His word during the first few weeks of ‘shut down’...there was just such an awareness of His presence in my mind. I remember in those early weeks, and I would pop in here on FB and people were bored and restless and irritated and confused...and also, by their own admission, ‘binging’ on Netflix and other shows...often asking for suggestions for something else to watch. I remember thinking I was ‘binging’ on the Word and could not get enough of it. 

 I had a full two months of job bookings to shoot that just literally disappeared with all the cancelations and shut pics...ball leagues, etc. It was as if God just carved out this block of time for me to do nothing but spend time with Him in His word. I don’t share that to make myself sound like I’m some super spiritual person because as I’ve shared previously, this was just a divine moment of grace where God called me out of my tomb of darkness likening it to Lazarus being called out...or finding Moses on the backside of nowhere. I did NOTHING to prompt this. But there I was and I knew something genuinely divine was happening in my life. 

 I liken this ‘abiding in Him’ as a heightened awareness of His presence being in our midst. You just know you are not the same and something Holy is working in and near you. And you don’t want to do ANY-thing to disrupt it or stop it or hinder it. Scripture talks about having the ‘mind of Christ’. Paul admonishes us to ‘set your mind on things above and not the earth’. (Col 3:2). We read in the writings of old that ‘perfect peace have they whose minds are stayed on Him’. (Isa. 26:3). Psalm 1 talks about how blessed that man is who ‘mediates on His law day and. Night’.(vs.2). I know...those passages never seemed realistic or attainable to me either. That is...until I found myself in His presence. 

 Abiding is not only being aware of His presence...but it involves following...or remaining and continuing on in it. I have to think many of you have experienced moments or seasons of this in your own life but would also admit it was brief and did not last. Maybe it was your annual ‘revival service’ or a ‘church camp’ you attended. It could have been just a special time at a church altar where you just poured your heart out to God and you ...experienced Him...but seemed like He was gone again. I would even bet many of you reading this now ...something in your heart is yearning to experience it again but you also find yourself asking ‘what happened’ and why did it not last? I’m sure there are multiple reasons and we should address those but my first guess would be we had not been adequately prepared or taught to handle the onslaught of spiritual influence from the ‘dark side’ that would counter that experience. 

 For example, look at Mark’s account of the Parable of the Sower. We know that when the seed (God’s word) gets sown into our hearts, who comes immediately to snatch that word lest it take root and it bears fruit? Satan does –(vs.15). If we have not been taught to ‘resist the devil’ or been made ‘aware of his devices/schemes’ (2 Cor 2:11) or maybe even have never really given any thought that there is ...a devil or spiritual force working against us (Eph. 6:12), then no wonder nothing ‘stuck’. 

 But let’s read on...look at vs. 19...seemingly something began to grow when the seed took root, but what happened? This was the ‘seed sown among thorns’. Jesus explained to His disciples there that the ‘cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter in ...and choke the word... and it becomes unfruitful.” 

 Wow. Let that one sink in for a moment. 

 Take a look at Luke 14:15-20. We read a parable of a great supper...where this certain man was inviting many to come and dine...he had quite the spread laid out ...and when the invite went out...look at the responses that came back as to why they were declining the had bought a piece of land that needed tending to. Another had purchased some new oxen and they needed attention. One asked to be excused because he was recently married and...well...he was unable to attend. 

 None of those ‘things’ seem sinful or unreasonably out of place ...but...they obviously took precedence over something God was wanting to offer them. There’s a similar parable in Matt. 22 where they simply were ‘not willing to come’ (vs. 3) and others...made light of it...going their Own ways’. (vs. 5). And what was going on with all those in the days of Noah before the flood came? (Matt 24:38). Again...nothing listed there that seems just way out of bounds or wrong. 

 I bet Hebrews 2:1 may resonate even more with you now: “Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard...lest we ...drift...away.” 

 Have you ever been out on the water, maybe in a small boat or air mattress and you close your eyes or get distracted and when you look have...drifted...further away than you would have thought possible? 

 Yeah...that happens to all of us...spiritually. It sure did to me. And I paid a price for it. Believe me when I tell you I know what mercy and grace is all about. I am a recipient and product of it in full measure. 

 I understand that we have ‘responsibilities and obligations’ in this life. This is not about neglecting those. I remember early in my spiritual walk some 40+ years ago, I was cautioned about getting ‘too zealous over God’ given ‘some verse’ that implies that ‘to be too spiritually minded is of no earthly good’. Yeah...that’s not in the bible by any stretch of the imagination. LOL 

 Just think for a moment and consider this: What if God was desiring to move...once again in your life and ‘light a spark’ in another single ‘divine moment’. You know, another “Genesis Moment’ where the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters and your heart that seemingly had grown ‘dark and void and without form or purpose’. (Gen 1:1-2) What if He wants to turn on or ignite another light in your world? 

 Are you familiar with the OT story of the prophet Elijah on Mount Carmel? It’s in 1 Kings 18. You can read it on your own but it was a challenge to King Ahab and the people of Israel. They were backslidden...and Elijah confronts them all asking “How long will you falter between two opinions?” That is a remarkable question given James would rebuke a generation of Christians in his letter to the churches telling them to repent of their ‘double-mindedness’ and to ‘purify their hearts’. (James 4:8). Can I just tell you that is directed to a multitude of believers today who find it totally acceptable that they can seemingly live for Both the flesh nature and the spirit as well? One leads to death and the other life. (Rom 8:5-13) 

 So Elijah calls them to stand up and finally make a choice. You can’t serve two masters. And “If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” (vs. 21). Please note, Elijah does not tell them to ‘believe’ in God, or to join the local synagogue and get involved. He says: “FOLLOW HIM”. He then basically sets up one of the most incredible displays of God revealing Himself by fire where an altar is erected and a bull sacrificed and then comes ‘show time’. It’s a great story to read where the false prophets wear themselves out with all their religious motions trying to call fire down from heaven to no avail...with Elijah even making fun of them with a few snide remarks. Then he steps up...orders a trench to be dug around the altar and filled with multiple pouring’s of water to douse and soak the wood and everything around it. (You do know that wet wood is hard to ignite, yes?). And of course when Elijah calls on God, there was no small divine moment of God showing up. (vs. 38) 

 Now...what if God was wanting to ‘light a fire in you’ again? Are You forsake do as Mary advises “Whatever He says to you, do it?” (John 2:5). I can tell you up front it’s not going to be crazy, radical, extreme things either. 

 There’s another great example of a ‘divine moment’ that changed a man’s life in Mark 10:46-52. It’s the story of blind Bartimaeus. I’ll let you read it but making note of two verses particular, 50 and 52. This was his divine moment. I don’t have time to expound on the significance of him tossing aside his cloak when Jesus heard his cry and bid him to come, but it is noteworthy. And after Jesus opened his eyes...what did Bartimaeus do?- He followed Jesus on the road. Of course you know the story of the rich ruler who had a divine moment wanting to transform his life...there was something he was unwilling to cast aside and do the same. 

 Don’t miss tomorrow.


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