Imagine going to work for a business or large organization where they failed to make clear their expectations and vision and what would be required of you. In other words, ‘welcome aboard...glad to have you go figure it out on your own’. That would be just a tad frustrating. Especially when sporadic evaluations came around to measure how you were doing, and then you received poor marks for your performance. You’d be like: “How was I supposed to know?” 

 Countless churches can fall in to that trap as well. Anxious to ‘grow’ and see increase, we tend to avoid spelling out the “small print” of the gospel not wanting to scare or run folks off. I mean, after all, we got a kingdom to build and we need bodies to do that. There are more flavors out there than a Baskin-Robbins when it comes to ‘Christian churches’ and congregations to join up where you ‘find your purpose and calling and destiny so you can be all God created you to be’. 

 I’m glad we have the written word to spell out all that small print for us for those who want to know what they are signing up for. And Jesus was never one to hide the hard truths of what it meant to join Him and be a part of His kingdom. Not only does He make clear what is required and expected of anyone who so desires to be a part of His kingdom, He also lets us know how we will be evaluated and judged. We will be without excuse. Something else you might make note of when it comes to Jesus seeking followers...while it is His desire that ‘all...come to Him and that None...perish’, He does not lower the bar of expectations for anyone. You will come with your whole heart. Period. (2 Pet. 3:9; Luke 10:27-28) 

 I’ve cited the example of the rich young ruler in the past. You can read of his ‘interview’ with Jesus in Matt. 19 and Mark 10. He really did look like a great candidate for this kingdom he came inquiring about. He had wealth...position and power and seemingly a pretty good clean record of living based on the conversation he had with Jesus. I’m assuming he came well dressed for the interview and even showed proper respect when he first met Jesus, taking a knee in reverence. (Mark 10:17) 

 His opening line: “Good Teacher...what must I do...that I may inherit eternal life?” ( He must have heard about the benefit plan and retirement package.) 

 Jesus immediately cuts to the chase and points him to the Law. (Jesus did this to other individuals who came to Him as inquiring about the position...pointing them to the law. Luke 10:25-28) 

 The young wealthy ruler confidently affirms that yes, yes indeed...he has been doing this his whole life since he was a child...keeping the commandments of God. The interview is looking promising. What an asset he will be for the kingdom. 

 Then comes the speed bump. The hiccup. The ‘Uh-Oh’ moment. 

 Jesus has one more little item there He wants to address before He welcomes the young man in to His ‘organization’ and allows him to sign on the dotted line. Please note there in Mark 10:21 – “Jesus looking at him, loved him...and said to him....”Only one thing you lack....” ‘

One thing’? Whatever it is, we all have no doubt it can be agreed upon quickly and resolved. This is a done has to be. This is where Jesus was so good about making clear...the expectations and vision and what would be required of ANYONE who so desires to be a follower of Him and a part of His kingdom. So what was this ‘one thing’? Let’s read: 

 “Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross and follow Me.” 

 Allow me here for a moment to bring in some other similar dialogue Jesus shared elsewhere along these lines of thought before we get back to how this interview ends. 

 “Jesus said to him, ‘If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have...come follow Me.” (Matt 19:21” 

 “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate (love less) his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.” (Luke 14:26)

 “And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be my disciple.” (Lu. 14:27) 

 “Whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple”. (Lu. 14:33) 

 “If anyone...desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” (Lu. 9:23) 

 So just what is Jesus laying out as clear for all to see before the ‘sign up’ on the dotted line? He is saying you better ‘count the cost’ (Lu.14:28) because if you try to hold on and ‘save your life’ you will lose it. But if you lay your life down for His sake, you will find it...and experience true heavenly treasures. it just me, or does it sound like He’s trying to scare off potential candidates? This certainly seems to be a very ineffective way to build a following, does it not? What about your all this ‘small print’ made loud and clear at the close of your service leading in to the altar call where we ask people to walk that aisle and join up so God can bless them? Or do we skip over all that? 

 Oh...and if you are not sure you agree with me about Jesus seemingly trying to drive potential followers might check out Matt. 10:22 and Luke 21:12-17 where He tosses in this “Oh, and by the way, you will be hated by everyone and some of you will even be taken up and persecuted thrown in to prisons and even put to death because you follow Me.” 

 So now back to how the interview with the young rich ruler wraps up. Check out Matt. 19:22: 

 “But when the young man heard that saying, he went away...sorrowful...for he had great possessions.” 

 He. Walked. Away. 

 Probably like those new recruits did in John 6:66 who thought these ‘sayings were a bit hard to digest’. (John 6:60). 

 What is important to make note of here at the close of that interview is what we don’t read. I can only imagine what the other disciples who were with Jesus must have been thinking but they wisely kept their mouths shut. But we don’t see Jesus asking the young man back for a second interview or encouraging him that He is willing to make concessions if he will follow along anyway. 

 The interview was over. He chose...not to join on. Something else...had his heart that he was loving more and not willing to part with. I also find the word ‘sorrowful’ interesting. I wonder how many people today suffer needlessly with sorrow and depression...because they hold on to things that Jesus has asked them to turn from and repent of and lay aside...yet they are unwilling. 

 You do realize...that when God brings something to the forefront of your attention and says it has to go....if you refuse or ignore or in a sense have just turned your heart. You are telling Him you love (whatever that is you won’t let go of) more than Him. Jesus made it love Me, you will do what I ask”. (John 14:15). That which you have chose to hold on to in your heart is what we call an ‘idol’....anything you put before God. Idols are not good. 

 Many people have been incorrectly taught that God understands...and don’t worry...He loves you and you can still tag along and be a good church member and later down the road He might ask you again...but let’s just keep trying...come work in the nursery or teach a class and just pay your tithes and be a good faithful church member. That is fine. This sound more like those in Rom. 10:2-3 who ‘have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge...they seek to establish their own righteousness...and will not submit to the righteousness of God.” 

 Here is where we get sidetracked and the enemy throws a ‘head fake’ our way. When we read or hear those verses about ‘denying ourself’ or ‘dying to self’ or ‘taking up a cross and leaving all’...the enemy is right there to distort and divert. He’ll convince you that you are going to have to sleep on a cement floor...shave your head...give up your puppy dog...drain your bank account...take on vows of silence or eat tofu the rest of your life and that you may as well be resigned to being a miserable wretched soul the rest of your earthly life if you had any hope of chance of ‘making it in to heaven’. You’ll even hear those well-worn whispers that God doesn’t want you to have any fun and if it’s fun, it must be sin. 

 I grew up watching that old TV game show- ‘Let’s Make A Deal’. Time after time, contestants were forced to make a choice...a deal...hold on to what they thought was a sure thing. Or, give it up for what was behind ‘curtain # 3’. Oh the drama and pressure. How many times did their countenance fall when they held on to the less valuable ‘treasure’ when they saw what they could have had. 

 Jesus offers us true treasures that will never fade or disappoint. Yet how often do we hold on to the temporal...the less value...not really sure what lies behind ‘Door # 1’. 

 Jesus is the ‘Door’ (John 10:7). And never the wrong choice.


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