You may appreciate today’s post more after first reading yesterday’s. Just sayin... I’ve been journaling here sharing of my own personal ‘divine moment of awakening’ that took place two years ago. It only continues to get better. And I feel peacefully confident when I say that not only are there many of you yearning and desiring for your own personal divine moment...but God is wanting to make that happen as well. But this time, He wants it to last for you and for your ‘fruit to remain’. (John 15:16) But there are some things we need to understand before He ‘lights that spark’ and ‘opens our eyes’. God is not some ‘spiritual arsonist’ who lights fires just for the thrill of it. There’s a purpose in everything He does. Not only does He want our ‘fruit to remain’, but He also wants the fire to remain lit. He actually confirmed this to me by prompting a friend to send me a verse Sunday morning and they had no idea what or why but felt impressed to send...