What do you think? 

 When Jesus told a crowd who had gathered that unless they too repented, they would all ‘likewise perish’, (Luke 13:1-5), was He threatening them? Was He giving them an ultimatum and condemning them to hell if they didn’t straighten up? Or was it simply a warning given in love? 

 Messaging can often be lost in the tone and manner in which it’s delivered. We’ve probably all been guilty of tainting the message at one time or another. 

 If a fireman enters the 10th story office building you are trapped in and instructs you to follow him out or you will die, is that a warning or a threat?

 If a fishing vessel captain approaches you as your small craft is sinking in shark infested waters and he throws you a line and hollers for you to grab hold so he can pull you aboard…is he threatening you or rescuing you? 

 I want you to listen to this verse from Romans where Paul asks: “Do you not know it is the kindness of God that leads you to repentance?” (2:4) 

 Think about that for a second. 

 His kindness… leads you to repentance. 

 Repentance strongly implies…turning. “He is longsuffering, not willing that ANY… perish”. ( 2 Peter 3:9) 

 The fireman did not make his way to that 10-story building through flames to push you out a window or into the fire. Nor did that boat captain approach you to scold you as sharks devoured you as you sunk. They came to rescue you. 

 And guess what? So. Did. Jesus. (John 3:17)

 My concern that over time, the church at large has presented ‘another gospel’ that Paul warned about in 2 Cor. 11. It is as if the gospel is presented as an insurance policy you might need later in life when you die so you ‘don’t go to hell’. In the meantime, join our church and help us build something grand for God. 

 Other versions of the gospel offered up today invite you to improve your life where God can bless you and fulfill your destiny and your calling and your purpose, etc, etc. But have we forgotten that the true mission of Christ was to seek and to save the lost? And I’m not talking about annual evangelism programs and hitting the streets again knocking on doors where we invite people to church with the hopes they might get closer to God. 

God sent Jesus to earth on a rescue mission. Because of the curse and wrath and judgment that was on the earth due to sin and increasing wickedness and violence, just like it was in the days of Noah, God saw all of humanity drowning in the sea of darkness and came to offer hope and help and healing. He did not come to condemn, rather to save. (John 3:17). He came to bring light to those in darkness. 

 Jesus likened it to the days of Noah just before the flood. (Matt 24:37-39) And He tells us the flood is coming and is already here. I referred to this the past several days. But this time, instead of a giant boat made out of gopher wood to provide shelter from the storm, HE IS…the shelter.  And to be ‘in Christ’ is to ‘be in the ark’ safe from the flood of wrath. 

 Being ‘in Christ’ is not some poetic phrase for theologians to debate what our ‘position’ is regarding Christ and how we identify with Him. Being ‘in Christ’ is ‘being in the boat’. As in abiding In Him. And Staying there. Continuing on with Him. Following. 

 Consider people who have storm shelters in their yard. It’s a common sight in this part of the country. Often times while driving around, I’ll wonder when was the last time it was used…and what does it look like in there. And of course, those are not put in the yard for families to move in and live there. They are installed so the family has place to run to if/when a bad storm comes up. 

 Want to take a guess why folks don’t move in to those storm shelters full time? Because they are much more comfortable in their nice big homes with all their stuff. You can’t haul all your ‘toys’ and comforts into a storm shelter. It would not be practical. 

 Which is what your flesh tells you when Jesus invites us to ‘move in’ and ‘abide In Him’…the One who Is our ‘storm shelter’. 

 You see, this shelter that has been provided for us, at a great cost, I might add, has some stipulations and rules. You can’t keep all your ‘stuff’. Stuff like pride, anger, greed, strife, bitterness, unforgiveness, backbiting and gossiping and a critical or judgmental spirit. Lust and sexual immorality and envy and coveting are going to be taken from you, provided you cooperate. 

 Tragically, there are just so many missing elements of truth that have been omitted from the gospel message that people have fallen asleep, ignorant of the dire situation they are in. I’m not talking about those ‘in the world’. I’m referring to those sitting on the pews. Jesus said that back in Noah’s day, when the floods came, they “did not even know it until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. (Matt 24:39) 

 I mentioned the other day how the dragon spewed water out of his mouth in an attempt to ‘carry away’ the offspring of the church. A spiritual flood…a flood of words and distractions and lies and diversions. Anything that will take our gaze and affections off Jesus and steer them towards the world, which is passing away, as we all know. 

 Do you think it is possible that the reason this idea of loving God with ‘all our heart’ is lost on us is because we have not adequately understood what all He did and is trying to do for us today? 

 If you walked in to a hardware store and stood in line with that fireman or boat captain I mentioned at the start here, you would not give them a second thought. Maybe a nod and a ‘’hello’, but that is it, most likely. 

 But imagine how your heart and affections would be dramatically altered when you realized they were your only hope of living when they entered your life to rescue you. Watching the flames surround you or the sharks approaching give you a whole new perspective regarding the attention given to your rescuer. Books and studies have been written about this intense bond people develop with people whose lives have been saved from destruction by a fireman or doctor or policeman, etc. 

 No wonder Paul told some: “You have no so learned Christ”. (Eph 4:20) 

 Jesus extends this invitation to all: “Come to me, all of you who are struggling and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matt 11:28) 

 The only way you will ever find genuine ‘rest’ and peace and relief, not to mention true joy and even healing…is casting all your cares upon him. Laying down your life and surrendering all is the only way you will get out of that ‘burning building’ or ‘shark infested waters’. 

 It is His kindness that beckons and pleas and invites and leads you…to repentance. But you must understand it’s not a ‘place to visit’. He becomes your life and way of living. And don’t let the enemy spook you into thinking that this involves moving to a monastery and live like a monk. He probably won’t ask you to give up your belongings like he did that rich young ruler either. He could, but that is unlikely. He’s more concerned with ‘things’ in your heart. 

 What He will require of you is to lay down that old sinful nature which is what has been the source of all your pain and suffering. Think of a soldier whose leg was shot up in a battle and is in shreds, while the infection spreads through his body. He only has so long to live. Chances are, in order to survive, that leg will need to be amputated. Yeah…your old nature, needs to be amputated lest you die. But here’s the good part. God has something better than a prosthetic heart to replace it with. He is going to put His heart/nature in you. 

 He’s waiting on your consent.


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