Little different direction on my post today. 

 First thing is I realize FB is not a place people turn to or scroll through looking for meaning and purpose in life. I get it. I was reluctant to start posting these daily ‘messages’ here for that very reason. But I felt a compelling to do so and will continue to do so until I feel a need to stop. 

 Yes, I know they are ‘lengthy’ to some. I make no apologies or excuses for that. Part of my reluctance to using this platform was based on my own previous experiences of stopping in here on FB. It can often be out of boredom or maybe to see ‘what’s happening in the area’, etc. I could find myself in times past scrolling…come across an inspirational post or verse or quote and think to myself “Oh, that is really good!” 

 Then I’d scroll down further and watch some silly stunt performed by a pet or drunk college student that was posted. Moment lost. 

 But I do feel that those who are coming and reading it daily are doing it with purpose and intent. My post are not here to offer up a quick sound-bite of inspiration like you might get out of a vending machine for a quick snack. These daily postings might take 5-7 minutes to read through at best. 

 My hope and encouragement would be that you take a little longer with them for your own personal ‘study time’. I usually offer up plenty of verses that would benefit you to look up for yourself. In fact, I would not be surprised if anyone who did that, might find these a good springboard to dive off further into the Word and allow the Holy Spirit to really enlighten you. Go check out 1 John 2:27 ;-) 

 I would even go further to encourage you with this…if you are part of a small bible study group and open for ideas on subjects to study…I think these may prove insightful and good to drive you back into the word and see for yourself if these things be true. (Acts 17:11) 

 And honestly….if you ever come across something I share and you find scripture that might suggest something otherwise, I don’t might anyone pointing it out to me via message or email. ( I prefer to take any ‘discussions’ off board for a host of reasons. But I don’t place myself up so high where I can’t receive correction if anyone thinks I’m ‘preaching error’. But let's agree to keep it centered around the word and not our opinions. ;-) 

 I have to tell you though…I’ve never experienced anything like what I experiencing now. My intent is not to disrupt or tear down or find fault with any particular church these days. But this I know…God has certainly put it on my heart and continues to fill my soul and wants me to share what I've been learning. So as long as that flow continues, I will continue sharing here as well. 

 Having said that, I will be 'out of pocket' the next couple of days. :-). But that doesn't mean God has stopped speaking to you from His Word. Just dive off into it. 

 This I know...He is calling (Matt 23:37). And human nature has always been reluctant to respond to His call...from Adam and Eve who ran and hid in the bushes (Gen 3) to the invitees asked to get ready for a wedding banquet (Matt 22:3,5). 

I started to say that I don't want to sound like an 'alarmist' and was immediately reminded of the cry in Joel 2:1: "Sound the alarm on my Holy Mountain. And we have established that the Parable of the Virgins in Matt. 25 seems to clearly indicate the condition of the church (virgins) was one having fallen asleep and were woke up by 'alarm'. (vs. 6) 

 It has been said that the the only thing we learn from history is that we don't learn from history. The religious establishment back in the day of Christ's first entrance into the world was tragically missed by them. They had drifted so far from His word and were holding dearly to their church doctrines.(Mark 7:6-9) Are we that confident we could not make that mistake again? 

 But this you can be sure of...HIs love for each and every soul including yours. And let me leave you with a verse from 2 Peter 3:9: "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance." 

 Be Blessed. I may or may not be 'off' through the weekend. We shall see.


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