If you have not experienced it yourself, chances are you know someone who has. 

 A marriage sadly ends in divorce where children are involved. One of the parental units gains custody and then tragically, fueled by hurt, anger and bitterness, they begin a pattern of ‘poisoning the well’ in their children’s hearts and minds regarding their knowledge and understanding of the ‘other parental unit’. 

 An old classmate of mine shared with me a few years ago how he had a chance to rebuild a broken relationship with an adult daughter who was finally beginning to discover that he was not the evil person her mother had made him out to be. 

 Yes…that ‘root of bitterness can truly defile many’. (Heb 12:15) 

 I cannot imagine how challenging that would be to have to ‘unlearn’ so many unfortunate lies and misconceptions of a parental figure when another perspective had been engrained in you over so many years. 

 Do you think that it is possible that has happened to people regarding their view or belief of God? 

 Years ago, while doing community theater, there were a series of one-act plays that we performed. One of the titles stands out to me, but it is only the title that I remember which was called “Will The Real Jesus Christ Please Stand Up”. I honestly cannot remember what it was about, but that title seems relevant to me today. 

 Paul warned the Corinthians of his concerns that they would end up following ‘another Jesus’ and receiving ‘another gospel’. (2 Cor 11:4) Jesus warned in Matt 24 how many would come in the last days...in “His Name” …deceiving many. (vs. 5) 

 Who can blame the average guy on the street who is so confused and overwhelmed with the variety of ‘flavors’ that churches promote today when it comes to ‘selling their spin on God.’ 

 And No, I’m not trying to enter the mix with a new version to offer. But I am intrigued and captivated by revisiting multiple scriptures that have seemingly been ‘hidden’ from my view which have brought much enlightenment and freedom into my own life. It’s hard not to share with others. Especially when I see the seriousness of it all. 

 Paul wrote to the Ephesians and told some there that they ‘had not so learned Christ’ (4:20) 

 I don’t know about you, but I have no problem admitting that in spite of ‘coming to Christ’ over 40 years ago, I feel at times as if I’m back at square 1 being reintroduced to Him. And oh how wonderful it is. I have nothing to prove and ‘seniority in the faith’ is not a goal of mine to boast in or pursue. I’d much rather be at Square 1 abiding in Him than way up the ladder somewhere that is leaning against the wrong building. 

 So which ‘version of God’ were you raised with or are most familiar with? Is he an angry old deity who is overly demanding and sits on some throne with a slingshot wanting to take out any vile sinner who stumbles or messes up? 

 Maybe you’ve seen a pitifully weak and lonely figure who is always begging for someone to come be his friend and deals with his kids like an overly lenient parent who basically lets their spoiled kids do whatever so long they will still like them. 

 Or perhaps the ‘God’ you have seen portrayed in your life by others around you was some mystical ‘genie in a bottle’ that people only ran to and rubbed when they needed something ‘extra’. 

 Oh…let’s not forget the ‘Oprah version’ where everybody gets a car’. ;-) 

 I totally understand my limitations in sharing here from scripture what I have learned of late and hope others may see for themselves. All I can do is continue to share and plant with the hopes that God will water and give increase. Please don’t misunderstand my continued sharing here that I think I have some ‘secret revelation’ that so few know about. 

 This I know: Twenty two months ago, I had an ‘awakening’…a ‘burning bush’ experience. I liken my experience to being ‘another Lazarus’ who was called out of a dark tomb of death and stench. When a person is brought ‘back from the dead’, you just can’t keep that to yourself. And in the process of being ‘washed anew with His word’, I’ve learned a few things. 

 Not ‘new things’ but truths that have been lying in the open there in our bibles for years that for whatever reason, the ‘god of this world has blinded many of us from seeing’ (2 Cor 4). 

 Someone told me recently that they were puzzled by my story as they has always viewed me as someone to be looked up to for 'spiritual advice/counsel.' I have no doubt that God can still 'speak through a donkey' as He did with Balaam. But I also know Jesus rebuked the church at Sardis for having a reputation or name that they were 'alive' but were in fact 'dead' in His eyes. (Rev 3) 

 I will continue sharing with the hopes that ‘whosoever has ears to hear’ will study for themselves and hopefully find a freedom and joy and peace such as what I have found. And it’s all about abiding in Him on a path of peace that God declared has been lost to His people. 

 One last thing…If all is well in your walk with the Lord…I could not be happier for you. Praise God. Personally…I feel as if God has me reaching out for those who are not in such a place as you are. 

 Remember, Jesus said Himself that “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Mark 2:17) There are just so many wandering sheep out there who are hurting and hungry and needing help. 

 Freely I have received…and now freely…I am wanting to give. 

 See you tomorrow?


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