“I have this against you…you have left your first love…” 

 Leave it to God to get straight to the heart of a matter. Unlike us humans that oftentimes will tap dance around root conflicts in a relationship. 

 Jesus was speaking to multiple churches in the first few chapters of Revelation. Seven of them to be exact. And the first one was the church at Ephesus. 

He began commending them on a few points but then dropped that line on them speaking to the seriousness of this condition and the consequences if they did not repent and change. “You left your first love…” (Rev 2:4) 

 I would submit to anyone reading today that this is the number one reason why we don’t truly walk in His peace or on that ‘path of peace’ I shared about yesterday. 

I did debate making yesterday’s a two-parter as there is so much to address here. And I’m not talking about ‘experiencing moments of peace’ on occasions. 

 I mean walking in it. Continuously. 

 As I pointed out in scripture yesterday, it was God who said we simply have not ‘known the way or path of peace.” (Isa 59:8) Some will be quick to scoff and say that the idea of being able to experience this kind of ‘walk’ is idealistic and foolishness, if not downright cruel to suggest to a new believer otherwise. Well, you can’t experience this if we are not abiding in Him as he instructs us to do. (John 15:1-7) 

 I’m reminded of the boat incident where Jesus was sleeping as Him and the disciples were crossing over a body of water in a boat and a storm came up threatening to sink the boat. The disciples, several of them trained fishermen and use to such weather, began to panic and awoke Jesus crying out in fear that their lives were in danger. He was pretty quick to rebuke them for a lack of faith and then turned and calmed the storm immediately. 

 Yeah…this peace thing that comes with abiding in Him is for real. And contrary to the way so many of us have attempted to walk out this faith walk for years, it was not designed to be a ‘part time gig’ which many have tried to perfect to an art. I think you know what I’m talking about. 

 I’m telling you…this deal about being ‘all in’ is God’s plan for us. Jesus made it clear to the rich ruler that being 90% in was not going to cut it and He let him walk away. (Matt 19) 

 Abiding in Christ is not a ‘weekend only’ practice. And that is great if you do morning devotions regularly reading passages from your bible along with prayer. Nothing wrong with that. Please keep in mind that I am addressing folks who know they are not in the place they should be as well of those who long to walk in this place of peace I write about. I also realize this kind of talk can stir pangs of frustrations which make you want to yell out “What more does God want from me?” Trust me…I understand the battle. 

 So let me assure you it’s not about trying harder or ‘working’ more. It is simply a ‘heart issue’. 

 Which takes us back to our church at Ephesus. They had ‘lost their first love’. Did Jesus not make it clear that we were to love God with ALL our heart, soul, mind, and strength? 

 And in my lengthy post from yesterday, I cited multiple factors that come in and cause our hearts to ‘drift’ or ‘wax hard’ from the ‘deceitfulness of sin’. It can be such a subtle thing. Satan has mastered this technique in leading God’s people astray despite a book full of warnings and advice on how to counter his ‘schemes’. 

 So what did Jesus tell the church was the remedy for this ‘great falling away’ (Interesting term there, is it not?) 

 He told them to ‘repent’. It is always God’s kindness that leads us to repentance. (Rom 2:4). 

That means to have a change of heart or to steer/turn your heart back to Him. Then He offers them this word of instruction: “ and do the works you did at first.” (vs.5) 

 Please understand that God is not threatening us or ‘shaming’ us or trying to manipulate us to perform in some religious fashion. What God is actually trying to do with His sleeping church is arouse us from our slumber, so that He can direct us back into this place of shelter and protection; because He knows what is coming down the ‘pipe’ so to speak. 

 In the same way He was leading the animals into the ark before the floods came, Jesus is crying out once again as he did while looking over the city of Jerusalem knowing what would befall them: “How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!” (Matt 23:37) 

 So just what were those ‘first works’ that marked a believers’ passionate devotion early on? 

 Come back tomorrow and we will explore further. :- )


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