For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And His name shall be called…Prince of Peace… Isa 9:6 

 I have a question or two for you this Christmas morning… How would you adequately describe to a blind person…what color…is? Or what words could you write out for a deaf person to read that might explain what music is? 

 I could make the case that something else as equally challenging would be to explain to someone what the ‘peace of God’ is. 
 If you have ever tried to explain to a young child who might ask what it feels like to ‘fall in love’…the only way I know to respond is…” You will know it when it happens to you.” 

 Which is how I would probably try to answer if asked to describe the ‘peace of God’. 

 This I know…HIs peace is probably one of the greatest gifts Jesus came to bring us. 

And while opening gifts this morning is the norm for so many, can I just tell you that no gift is as loved and appreciated as the one that supplies that which was lacking in your life. 

 God spoke rather plainly when looking down upon this dark and troublesome world as we fumbled through trying to find our own way when He said: “The way of peace they have not known.” (Isa 59:8) 

 Perhaps this morning you know for sure you found a perfect gift for a loved one that they were in great need of.. and I have no doubt there is an eagerness within you to watch them open it and react. 

You might say that is what God felt when choosing the perfect gift for humanity. I can almost see His eyes light up and a smile grow across His face as He tells his angels “I know what I will give them…something they don’t have and need Oh so badly…I will send my Son and give them the gift of Peace”. 

And so He did. Have you opened It up yet? 

 If you are not sure…then I can tell you…you haven’t. It’s still waiting for you. 

 I can also tell you it will change your life. So whatever you do…when you receive it, don’t lose it. It is not a ‘seasonal gift’ like others you may have opened today. 

It is designed to be with you every single day you live. 

 Oh…when you find it, the ‘gift card’ on it telling you who it is from… it may look something like this: 

 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” - Love, Jesus 

( John 14:27 & 16:33)


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