"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people." (Lu 2:10) 

Make no mistake about it…when God clothed Himself in humanity and made His entrance into our world over 2000 years ago, it was just not good news…it was VERY good news. 

And get this…it was very good news for ‘ALL people’. That sounds pretty all-inclusive…which is who the gospel is for…’whomsoever’. 

 “The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, And upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned.” (Matt 4:16) 

 If you had been hiking in some caves and lost your way and could not find your way out and the situation had grown perilous…serious enough that your absence had sparked a search party to go in looking for you…seeing the light…would be very great news. 

 If you were sitting on death row and the darkness of the hour of your execution grew near, and a pardon was handed down to stop your execution, the light of this news would be encouraging and hopeful indeed.

 If you were like the blind man we read about in John 9 who had been in darkness his whole life and one day you hear the news of the one they call Jesus is nearby…and then you hear his voice…just before the scales drop off and the brightness of His glory and the light of the world shines into your darkness…it is good news indeed. 

 If you were like the man in Mark 5 whose life was tormented by demons of darkness that had bound him for who knows how long…and you are without any hope of ever knowing peace of mind again…when you see Jesus after He crosses a stormy sea just to come and set you free…it may be hard to find words that will adequately describe just how good of news His coming was. 

 I’ve always said that the qualifying factor that makes ‘news…good’ …is when you hear the bad news first. Too many people need not be told the ‘bad news’ today…as they are living in it. They are experiencing it. They may appear ‘ok’ on the outside but inwardly, their hearts are hurting and afraid and uncertain and cold and…dark. Many of them…are trying their best to find the way…many of them…even sit faithfully on church pews but for some reason, it has not ‘worked’ for them. 

 If you are one of those who knows all too well the darkness that surrounds you, I have some good news.. “Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you.” (Isa 60:1) 

 Just know that not everyone who sits with you in the darkness is looking for that same light to shine. Many will not come to the light because they actually love the darkness more. (John 3:19). But don’t let that stop you from coming to the light. There is a freedom and joy that awaits you like you have never known. 

 Just know this…the Christmas story was not given to us to create good feelings and warm memories. 

 The One who created you and loves you left all…to come to earth in search of you. 

 When you find Him…or I should say …when He finds you…please be prepared to leave all…to come to Him. (Matt 4:22)


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