When you think of being ‘purified’, what comes to mind? 

 A simple definition of the word is: “having had contaminants removed; cleansed.” 

 When a precious metal is ‘refined’, there is a process in which it is heated up with fire or a furnace of sorts and as the heat intensifies, the ‘impurities’ that resided within that gold or silver rise to the top. 
 Then they are easily removed and the metal that was refined is made …pure. And that increases its value. 

 The bible has much to say about the ‘refining’ process of the saints of God. 

 Perhaps you have heard the word ‘sanctification’. It’s a big word. 

We will nod our heads in agreement when we hear it used occasionally from the pulpit and might even whisper a few ‘amens’ as well. 

 But can you explain to a new believer what that ‘process’ actually is, why we are to go through it and why it is so important? 

 The topic often gets hijacked by religious entanglements that want to debate if ‘sanctification’ is tied in with ‘salvation’; or are they separate. Hence…the reason we have so many churches denominations and doctrines today saying different things. 

Not everyone can be right. Yet, Paul writes there is only one body, one Spirit, one Lord, one faith…”

 I’m not here to ‘debate’, rather just share what scripture says and I’ll let you wrestle those issues out with God. Just study and you come to your own conclusion. 

 When a new believer ‘comes to the Lord’ in faith and repentance, this is a good thing. 

 It is the start of something glorious. Notice the use of the word ‘start’. It’s a beginning. Finishing is a good thing too. Go take a quick peek at Matt 24:13. 

 You enter this relationship with God and He takes you at your word when you confess and/or profess that you have come to Him with your whole heart. That’s why you experience all this peace and joy and genuine refreshing. God sets a ‘hedge’ around you. You have begun a ‘walk’ with Him and in His presence, there is fullness of joy. You are now walking on that ‘pathway of peace’. He begins to lead you beside still waters and green pastures. (Ps 23) 

 While His love and acceptance for you at that moment is genuine and unconditional, it would be silly to think you have been made ‘pure’. Ha. Far from it. But He still loves you anyway. He knows what is in your heart and it is not pretty. Jeremiah 17:9-10 describe it as well as Jesus does in Mark 7:20-23. 

 We have some work that needs to be done…some cleansing…some purifying. This is called sanctification. 

 Honestly, when was the last time you heard some extensive teaching done on ‘sanctification’ in your church? I mean some serious time given? Satan and his religious spirits have no problem with folks ‘walking aisles’ and ‘making professions of faith’. As long as it goes no further than that. 

 You want to talk about some serious omissions of a vital component to the Christian walk? When you truly understand the meaning and process and importance of sanctification, you will begin to see things in an entirely different light. And lots of question you have had over the years will be answered. Trust me on this one. 

 Sanctification is being ‘set apart’ or ‘purified’ or ‘made holy’. You want to know how important it is? Hebrews 12:14 says “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness (sanctification) without…which no one will see the Lord. Yep…go read that verse again. Aloud. 

 In 2 Corinthians 7:1, Paul writes: “Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from ALL filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” 

 1 John 3:3 – “And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.” 

 Then that stand alone verse Jesus uttered on the Sermon on the Mount makes a bit more sense…” Blessed are the PURE in heart, for THEY shall see God.” (Matt 5:8) 

 It always goes back to the heart.  That same heart that Jesus said is full of all kinds of evil in Mark 7 like evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, deceit, lewdness, pride, foolishness, etc. 

 If you want to see an even more detailed list, go revisit Galatians 5:19-21 where Paul itemizes the ‘evident’ deeds or fruit of the sinful flesh nature. He caps it off saying ‘those who practice such things will NOT inherit the kingdom of God.’ 

 I’ll never forget the time God ‘turned the light on’ for me regarding verse 24 in that same passage: “Those who belong to Christ HAVE CRUCIFIED the flesh with it’s passions and desires”. I sat there thinking to myself, cowering,…’wait…these things are still active in me…they are not anywhere close to being ‘dead’. 

 Yeah…can I just tell you this whole thing is so much more serious than you dare to imagine. We’ve been asleep. There is a trumpet blowing and ‘wise virgins’ are getting their oil out and making themselves ready. (Matt 25) 

 Isaiah speaks for God in 48:10: “I have refined you , but not as silver. I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.” There’s that ‘testing’ word again that we spoke about yesterday. And my goodness, all the scriptures you see regarding ‘fire’ in both the OT and NT will begin to make more sense. Especially when you see what that ‘fire’ actually is. More on that later. 

 Let me finish up this morning with this: “If you are not ‘abiding with Him’, you are not being sanctified or purified. And this would not be a good thing. You know that bride that Jesus is returning for that has ‘no spot or wrinkle or any such thing but is holy and without blemish’? (Eph 5:27) 

 Let me just say here that it is a church that has been ‘perfected in love’. ( 1 John 4:12,17) God’s kind of love- 1 Cor 13. And by THIS will all know you are His disciples, by the God kind of love you demonstrate. (John 13:35) 

 You will know them by their fruit. A good tree produces good fruit. It cannot produce bad fruit. (Matt 7:18) I hear/see a lot of fruit coming off this page often and think, ‘what is the lowing of that cattle and bleating of the sheep I hear?” (1 Samuel 15) 

 It’s serious folks. You. Have. No. Idea.


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