“Come to me, all of you who are struggling and burdened, and I will give you rest...and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. -Jesus (Matt 11:28-29) 

 I think we would agree that ‘suffering’ comes in many forms. Countless people today are suffering physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually…etc. In fact, there is so much suffering that takes place today …both inside and outside the church world, that books upon books have been written explaining ‘suffering is just a part of the human and Christian’s experience’. 

 Yes, the bible has much to say about suffering; but not in the way most people have come to believe. 

The kind of ‘suffering’ that God takes pleasure in has nothing to do with someone going through extensive chemo treatments or imprisoned by the chains of depression or starvation from war-induced famines, etc. Some would think otherwise. 

 I would even dare suggest that many, many people today are suffering needlessly. If we can, let’s avoid jumping to false conclusions, which you will be tempted to do. But if you are one who is suffering to some degree and open to taking another look at scripture for not only explanation, but also a cure, hang with me. 

 Jesus was/is drawn to those who were suffering. We are told He looked upon them with compassion as a sheep with no shepherd. (Matt 9:36) Then He proceeded to heal them of their diseases and deliver them of evil spirits that were tormenting them in both mind and body. (Acts 10:38) 

 To those who thought they were ‘just fine’, Jesus reminded them that the ‘healthy have no need of a physician but that He came to call sinners to repentance.’ (Mar 2:17) 

 Is ‘sin’ not the original source of all the pain and suffering and death in the world today? (Rom 5:12) 

 We always hear people refer to the fact we live in a ‘fallen world’ when trying to explain suffering…what else do you think that means? 

 Let’s examine the Word. We don’t have to run from, nor be afraid of His Word. 

 Psalm 107:20 – “He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.” 

 Sin changed everything. Sin is simply going against God’s word. 

 Don’t eat off that one tree. If you do, you will die. Satan whispered something different, Eve believed it and ate…and the world changed…for the worse. (Gen 3) 

 Talk about ‘opening the door’ to a world of heartache; or Pandora’s Box, or whatever illustration you want to use. Death and darkness , despair and destruction were ushered in through one man’s sin. Death spread to all men, because all sinned. (Rom 5:12) 

 Over time, God established various ‘covenants’ with His people. Because of His love for us, He tried to make a way where we could avoid the fallout of a world now overrun with darkness and destruction…darkness that was the domain of the Prince of Darkness- Satan. This world was and is under his dominion and control. (Rev 12:9 and 1 John 5:19) 

 God promised, as with any covenant He established with His people, divine protection and provision. He promised to take care of our enemies and our needs. He even promised to heal us of ALL our diseases. (Ps 103) There was just one condition…we had to do what He asked of us to do…obey Him. 

 We were Ok with doing that…for awhile. We have quite a history showing the cycle of sin, consequences, brokenness, repentance, and restoration. Over and over and over. When men rebel against God’s word, they end up being taken captive. 

 All we like sheep have gone astray. – Isa 56:3 

 My eyes will weep bitterly because the Lord’s flock has been taken captive. ‘ – Jer 13:17 

 People were taken captive by the devil (sprits/powers of darkness) to do his will. – 2 Tim 2:26 

 Those who have not believed the Son do not see life, but the wrath of God remains on them. – John 3:36 Psalm 78:49-50 will tell you exactly what ‘wrath’ is. 

 Jesus came to set the captives free. – Luke 4:18 

 Who takes people captive? Satan and spirits of darkness. If you don’t believe they exist, you have pretty much already checked out and are not in a good place. 

 Want to take a guess how and why the prince of this air is able to snatch folks up easily with little effort? Sin. And our sinful flesh nature makes it quite easy for him to do that. (Eph 2:1-4) 

 Satan, the thief, comes to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10) 

 Satan prowls about like a roaring lion seeking to devour. ( 1 Pet 5:8) Our flesh nature is his feeding ground. (Gen 3:14) 

 Sin is the open door for him to ‘come in like a flood’. Hence we are told to ‘give no place to the devil.” (Eph 4:27) 

 Jesus came to lead us out of darkness. It involves us surrendering to Him. As in, changing masters where He becomes the Lord of your life. Which means you do what he tells you. Why call Him ‘Lord, Lord’, if you are not going to do what He ask? (Luke 6:46) 

 He instructs all men everywhere to ‘repent’ and follow Him. (Matt 4:17; Mark 10:21) 

 Acts 3:23 declares that "every soul who will not hear that Prophet (Jesus) will be utterly destroyed from among the people." PLEASE go read that one more time. 

 Here’s a ‘word picture’ for you. 

 You know what a minefield is, yes? Hidden explosive devices planted randomly that when stepped on or triggered by an errant step, blows up and will injure and maim, if not kill the unsuspecting victim. This world is a spiritual minefield. Like it or not, it is the world you were born in to. It is the result of sin. 

 Line ten people up across a minefield and challenge them to see how far they can go. We can conclude it won’t be pretty. Will some get further than others? Of course. When the mines start going off, the range of injury will vary most likely. And just because one person can go 20 yards further than another does not make them any more ‘righteous’. Who in their right mind would want to take this challenge? Especially if told before hand you have ZERO chance of getting across alive. 

 Don’t be confused here. This is not some ‘Hunger Games’ production where God is in the control booth being entertained. On the contrary, He saw this world of darkness, full of heartache and suffering and left His throne in heaven, took on the form of a man, and demonstrated how one can get through this maze of darkness and be made whole. That is what Jesus came to do. And he did it successfully because He only did what the Father told Him to do. 

 Guess what. It’s your turn now. And He is the Only way you will get across. 

 Where we have been deceived is thinking because Jesus made it through to the cross, all we have to do is believe that and then we somehow magically get transported across that minefield which is this sinful world. 

 Um…no…doesn’t work that way. 

 Now it’s your turn to take up Your cross and ‘walk Just like Jesus walked ( 1 John 2:6) And the first thing He’s going to lead you to do is deal with the sinful nature. You are going to set your mind on the spirit that will lead to life and peace. If you think you can preserve your carnal mind and sinful nature, it is only a matter of time that you will step on a ‘spiritual mine’ and suffer greatly and be destroyed. 

 Our focus is not to be on ‘mines’ or ‘demons’ or ‘laws’ or commandments’. Our focus is to ‘abide with Him’. (John 15) And an amazing thing will begin to happen when you turn to Him with all your heart. He will set you free of every sin and weight that has been the source of your suffering. 

 Jesus has never stopped telling those who seem unable to ‘walk’…to ‘take up their bed…and go…and sin no more…lest something worse happen to us.’’ 

 The other big mistake or lie we have bought into...was that it was a matter of "us...just trying to do better!". 


 See you tomorrow.


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