“Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!” (Matt 23:37) 

 Do you know when a mother hen spreads her wings and gather’s her chicks? - when a storm is approaching, or danger is near. And those baby chicks RUN to her. Seems like they are smarter than us. They will RUN to their shelter. But Jesus suggested that we simply are not willing. 

 Jeremiah voiced an interesting statement (8:7) “Even the stork in the heavens knows her appointed times; and the turtledove, the swift, and swallow observe the time of their coming. But My people do know the judgment of the Lord.” The prophets of old had much to say about the days we live in. And Peter said we’d do good to pay attention to them. (2 Pet 3:1-2) 

 Amos warned “Woe to you who are at ease in Zion (church life) ” (6:1) Paul wrote of those voices (as did Jeremiah) that would rise up saying ‘peace and safety’…then sudden destruction would come upon them. ( 1 Thess. 5:1-3) 

 Can I just interject something here that occurred to me this morning (as the winds howl outside my house at this very moment). I know you can’t hear/read a story that is weather related anymore today without hearing ‘climate change’ being the cause of every storm, fire, and drought that occurs. In fact it almost seems like ‘overkill’ the way it is used, IMHO. But from what I do hear and read, ‘They’ say that based on data collected from around the world by scientists, our ‘climate is changing’ and there are serious consequences coming in the form of serious weather changes.

 I’m not smart enough to understand all that. But, while the scientist are gathering data and connecting dots and warning the world of impending doom and gloom, I have to be honest here…I’m seeing a whole lot of scripture of late that has me concerned. In the same way ‘they’ are sounding the alarm of approaching storms of severity and destruction, I hear and read the prophets of old sending a similar warning. And many today scoff at such a warning, in the same way many scoff at climate change theory.

 Funny how Jesus called the church crowd ‘hypocrites’ because they could ‘discern the face of the sky, but not discern the signs of the times.’ (Matt 163) Jeremiah 30:23- “Behold, the whirlwind/tempest of the Lord goes forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind; It will fall violently on the head of the wicked. The fierce anger of the Lord will not return until He has done it, and until He has performed the intents of His heart. In the latter days you will consider it.” 

 Peter referred to writings of old to proclaim a distinct and sobering warning in Acts 3:22-23 that God was going to raise up a Prophet (Jesus)…”And it shall be that every soul who will not hear that Prophet shall be utterly destroyed from among the people.” Paul describes a force of angels in the heavens ‘in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not OBEY the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ ( 2 Thess 1:8) 

 Pause here… IF at this moment your current perception and ideas and beliefs in God are unsettled , let me direct you to Peter’s impassioned reminder: “HE is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Pet 3:9) 

 He has provided a shelter from the storm. He provided and ark for Noah and as it was in the days of Noah, so it shall be in these times. But don’t be looking for a boat and if you think some rapture bus is on the way to sweep you out of here before things get bad, you might want to think twice on that and even pray about it. All you need to do is make Him your dwelling place. (Did you read Psalm 91 yesterday like I suggested?) 

 We can abide in Him. He invites us to abide in Him. 

 There came a moment for me in this ‘awakening’ where ‘abiding in Him’ took on a whole new meaning and mindset. It can best be described this way… I went from a former sense of “I have to, I need to, I should”…. To now…”I Get to? I WANT to” …abide in Him. Does that make any sense? Read that again if you need to. 

 Let me offer up in closing this analogy for reflection. A family of four attend a local carnival or fair in the area. Mom and Dad are with their two 14 and 15 year old kids. The family seems to get along with each other and are cordial. The parents provide the money for entrance, food, and plenty of tickets for rides and games for the evening. (I realize using some analogies can be flawed but bear with me here.) 

 Which scenario best describes your personal walk and relationship with God: 

 1- The minute they enter the park, the kids bolt and run and have no interest in hanging with their parents but seek out other activities and friends immediately and only meet up with their parents as the event closes down for the night and they need a ride home. 

 2- The kids thank their parents for taking them and for the money given to them…walk around for a brief time with them, maybe enjoying one or two games but they are chomping at the bit to ‘cut loose’ and go be with their friends to play games with them. Hanging with your folks all night would just not be cool. 

 3- The kids really have no interest in running off without their parents and would much rather spend time with them the whole evening interacting with them and enjoying their presence. IF you can readily identify with the first two scenarios, then can I meekly say you might need to stop and evaluate your own heart here. 

I would even go as far to say that you might be missing out on something. In fact, if all you are looking for is a ‘storm shelter’ and nothing else, you could very well find yourself banging on the door, knocking and pleading. (the scene from Wizard of Oz and Dorothy banging on the shelter comes to mind as the tornado approaches her house) Jesus made similar references as well. (Matt 25:10-12; Matt 7:21-21; Proverbs 1:24-33) Some might think I am needlessly alarming people with this post today. 

I would politely disagree


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