Jesus said: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” (Mark 2:17) 

 For those of you who may be reading and ‘have it all figured out’, good news…you can skip this posting today. :- ) This one is for those still trying to ‘make themselves ready’ for an upcoming wedding. 

 There is a story shared in three of the four gospels that I sense many believers would do well to spend some time studying. It’s the story of the rich, young ruler who came to Jesus inquiring what he might be ‘do’ in order to receive this eternal life he had been hearing Jesus preach about. (Matt 19, Luke 18, & Mark 10)

 I can appreciate the honesty of this young man’s heart in that he recognized something was missing in his life. Why else would he have inquired? People who have ‘arrived’ no longer feel a need to ‘seek’. We read in all three accounts where Jesus directed him right back to the Law, of all things. “You want to experience life? - Keep the commandments”, He told him. I appreciate the fact that Jesus subtly poses a challenging question of sorts to this young man by asking him in a round about way…”Do you really want this life?” 

 Can we just stop here a second and acknowledge that Jesus already knew what was in this guy’s heart. He also knows what is in Your heart today, and mine, better than we do. And let me encourage you with this promise- The God of this Universe desires to ‘show Himself Strong to those whose hearts are loyal/perfect/fully devoted to Him. ( 2 Chron 16:9) 

 Back to our story now. The young man asked quickly, ‘which commandments?’ Isn’t that just like us to ask for a ‘check list’ of things we ‘need to do’ so we can ‘win the prize’? It’s almost as if Jesus was ‘baiting him’ because you can see his face light up asking ‘Which ones?’ Tell me what things I need to ‘do’ so I can go to heaven. 

 Jesus plays along and begins to list about a half dozen of the commandments. Now this guy senses he is even closer to winning the ‘golden ticket’. “I’ve done all these things since I was a lad!” (Do I win? Did I get all the answers right?) I love the three variations we get here in all three gospels. It’s not a matter of them contradicting each other, rather ‘filling out the conversation’. Let’s take a look. In Matthew’s version (vs 20), the man asks: “What do I still lack?” Luke records Jesus saying “You still lack one thing”. (vs 22) (I cannot for the life of me imagine God just telling me I only am ‘one thing’ away from being perfect’.) 

 But it’s how Mark records this next line that touches me. (vs 21) Jesus, Looking at him, LOVED him, and said: “One thing you lack”. Pause…. Jesus is at this very moment, looking at You and into Your heart. He already knows what’s in there. Can you just admit and agree with Him, it’s not all pretty? There are things in your heart you are no doubtedly ashamed of and have longed to be free of for a long time. And while your first tendency might be to run and hide and ‘sew fig leaves’ together to cover your nakedness and shame, please stop and listen. 

 Even in spite of what is in your heart, He is looking at you, and loving you. Don’t run. Light has come and is shining into the darkness. You can trust the light. Remember, God created the light and He said it was good. (Genesis 1) 

 Now Jesus poses an interesting challenge in Matt 19:21 when He tells this man “IF you want to be perfect…” There’s another one of those pesky little two letter words, ‘If’. 

 Do you think he presents this question as if it was an option? We really don’t have to be ‘perfect’ now, do we? Nobody is ‘perfect’. Can this young man still have eternal life and keep this ‘one thing’ that Jesus said is lacking? I dunno…you tell me? Are we suppose to ‘love God with ALL our heart, soul, mind, and strength? (Matt 22:37; Luke 10:25-28) 

 If we hold something back and refuse to surrender it to Him, are we not suggesting that we ‘love something more than God’ if we resist obeying or surrendering that ‘one thing’? Do you suppose that ‘one thing’ could easily become an idol in our heart if it takes first place over God? 

 I sense at this moment, that some reading this now know exactly what that ‘one thing’ is that has resided in your own heart for way too long. You know it. It’s been blinking off and on in your mind while you have been reading this. No one has to even point it out. The Holy Spirit has been dealing with you on this for some time. Your struggle has been trying to overcome it, repeatedly, and failing. 

 You probably feel defeated and gave up long ago trying to rid yourself of this ‘one thing’ that you know God wants out. Maybe it’s a root of bitterness, or a grudge you have nursed for years. It might be a critical or judgmental spirit that has flourished in your life to your own shame. Maybe it’s a sexual sin or anger issues. There is no shortage of ‘issues’ God wants to clean up in our lives. 

 Let me encourage you now, the Great Physician is present and He is sending His Word that you might be healed. (Psalm 107:20) Confessing it is the first step in being set free. His grace and kindness is leading you to repentance. And if you join me tomorrow, we can discuss further, how you can truly ‘die’ to this ‘one thing’ that is hindering your relationship with God. 

 You. Can. Be. Free. 

 See you tomorrow.


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