IF....you are not... truly abiding in Jesus, then it is impossible for you to bear the fruit that God is looking for! I mean, there is absolutely no chance of it happening. Jesus could not have made that any more clear as He explained this in John’s gospel, 15:4-5.

He then lays out three rather declarative statements that should make us all sit up and read again, maybe even a time or two. Jesus said that if we were Not abiding in Him, then we would be like a fruitless branch that is cast out, or cut off and is ‘withered’. Then ‘they’ gather them up and throw them in the fire. (6). Ever wonder who ‘they’ are that He refers to there? That was not the only place he mentions what happens to ‘fruitless’ branches and trees. (Matt. 7:19). Seems John the Baptist was the first one to bring this sobering topic up right after asking a religious crowd what they knew about the ‘coming wrath’. (Matt. 3:7-12)

Then Jesus throws in this word of encouragement: “IF...IF...IF...you abide in Me, and My words abide in you...you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you.” (7). That sounds rather promising and uplifting, does it not? I would like to point out how Jesus first mentions us abiding in Him also includes Him...’abiding in us’; did you catch that in vs. 4? Then He states there in vs. 7 how it’s necessary for His word to abide in us as well.

Here's a little ‘bonus’ nugget for you this morning to consider. Religion is good about trying to ‘clean us up’ on the outside so we appear to look ‘righteous’ to others...sort of like what Jesus accused the Pharisees of specializing in. (Matt. 23:27-28). But religion leaves you void of any supernatural power that is able to transform us into a new creation. (2 Cor. 5:17). Hence, Paul mentioning how many would end up having a ‘form of godliness but deny the power’. (2 Tim. 3:5).

Now go read Matt. 12:43-45 and take a look where Jesus explained how ‘unclean spirits’ can re-enter a person who was ‘cleaned up’, temporarily. (Pay attention to vs. 44) Now, back to that third and final declarative statement Jesus made when he states: “By this... My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.” (John 15:8). I don’t know who needs to hear this, and it will most likely be offensive to some, but it’s important to point out what He did NOT include here to signify what brings “glory” to the Father. Have you ever noticed how much more time and emphasis is placed on ‘singing’ to, and/or about God, that we like to call ‘worship’ and get ‘caught up in’? You might go visit Amos 5:18-24 and 6:3-7. Having musical talent is not ‘fruit’. It may be a ‘God given talent’, but it is not the ‘fruit’ that is the by-product of abiding in Jesus.

And one last point to ponder here today: I’m not saying that this spiritual transformation takes place ‘instantly’ where we go from a ‘bad fruit’ bearing tree to a ‘good fruit’ bearing tree at the snap of a finger. But...once you are ‘tapped in’ or ‘rooted in Jesus’, there may be some lingering bad fruit that will, and needs to, die off quickly. But for those of you who find comfort that amidst the ongoing bad fruit in your life that still is manifesting, you see little signs of ‘good fruit’...you might go get some clarification from Jesus as found in Matt. 7:17-20. And my pointing this out is not directed to younger or new coverts, ...as much as it is to those who have ‘been around’ for a while’.


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