“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”(3 John 2) 

 Over the years, if/when I came across this verse, I would scoff internally, and roll my eyes, mainly in part because years ago, I heard that scripture tossed out frequently to promote a ‘wealth and health gospel’ that was popular back in the day. The problem was, most, if not all, of the emphasis was placed on the first two parts of that verse while neglecting the ‘conditional’ part about one’s ‘soul prospering’. That probably happens to most of us at one time or another if you have been around church life for any length of time, like with Rom.8:28, maybe and others?

So can we begin an honest discussion about ‘health and sickness and disease’ today, and maybe examine a little bit more about what the Bible actually teaches in regards to it? And if you are up for it, can we just agree on these two points – 1) We need not fear what the Bible has to say, and 2) There is no need to rush or jump to conclusions; ok? Let’s just lay some groundwork here for what might prove to be an interesting Bible study.

My main focus is simply to lay out scripture for you to examine for yourself; just set aside (for now, if possible) what you have always been taught to believe and think, along with personal experiences. Both of these can be hindrances to seeing what God has to say about such matters; trust me on that one. (Mark 7:6-13)

Question: Is sickness and disease a blessing and something to desire, or would you say it’s more of a ‘curse’ and something you would not wish for anyone to experience?

Are you aware of any Bible verses that would encourage us to seek after sickness and pray to be afflicted with any assortment of diseases? If there are any, I don’t know where to find them.

Yes, I would agree that ‘positive’ things can result from any unfortunate experience associated with being ill, but that promise is usually reserved for those who actually ‘love God’. (Rom. 8:28). And that is not to say that positive things can’t result as well for unbelievers when they do experience such unfortunate circumstances themselves.

So when the question arises asking ‘Why...is there so much sickness and suffering and diseases in the world today?’...we’re usually quick to respond with: “We live in a fallen world.” That might explain the enormous ‘health-care crisis’ we are always hearing about today.

But since when did this ‘fallen world’ restrict and limit God from fulfilling His plan in spite of its fallen condition? Answer: It hasn’t. Sickness and disease has been around for quite a long time. But so has God. And one of His names is ‘Jehovah Rapha’, the ‘God who heals’. Guess what? God has never changed.(Mal. 3:6)  And what defined the earthly ministry of Jesus that He spent much time doing? (Matt. 9:35; Acts 10:38) Join me tomorrow? (Ps. 103:2-3)


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