‘Keep both hands on the wheel’. That is how most of us were taught to drive a car, and not just have those hands anywhere, but in the ‘ 10-o’clock and 2-o’clock position’. There was a specific reason for keeping your hands in that particular position too. I may have a faint memory as to why that was important...something about having better control of the car, but it just never stuck with me. When I look back over the years as to how I normally drove and where my hands usually were, I shake my head in amazement to think I’m still alive.

But there really is a good reason for having your hands firmly held to that wheel and in that specific location. The light finally ‘came on’ for me the last time I took a Defensive Driving Class after getting a speeding ticket. It’s been a few years now but I actually benefited in watching the demonstration on that video. When you are driving and have to make a fast and unexpected turn of the wheel to avoid hitting something in the road, you are less likely to over compensate and lose control when holding that wheel firmly around the upper part of both sides of that steering wheel. In fact, the video demonstration made such an impact on me that I tried it myself and found it to be true.

I won’t say I drive like this 100% of the time today, but I am much more conscious of doing so; and like many of you, we probably instinctively grip the wheel in that manner when driving in adverse weather or traffic conditions. Where am I going with this ‘driving lesson’ today, you ask? Great question... and I would submit to you that there are some great driving tips we can draw from and apply to what it means to effectively ‘abide in Jesus’. And I am speaking from personal experience now, backed up by plenty of scripture as usual. I pray you would open your heart and allow the Holy Spirit to encourage you with this as well. I have a good feeling this will benefit anyone who has ‘ears to hear’ and a ‘good heart’ (Matt. 13:23) so that you might respond in kind.

Let me first state that abiding in Jesus does not suggest we are gripping the wheel in terror with ‘white knuckles’ while sweating profusely like many might do in heavy city traffic during a thunderstorm. Nor does taking the advice of that popular song where we ask Jesus to ‘take the wheel’ translate to abiding in Him either.

I do need to get one small matter out of the way though before we proceed further with this train of thought, which I will continue on with tomorrow. Call it a ‘theological’ matter if you will, but allow me to say it this way: Whenever I get in my car to go somewhere, there is no pausing on my part before I start the engine... where I sit behind the wheel and wonder if I will arrive safely at my destination. But I would be foolish to take for granted and just assume...that I will. While I always anticipate arriving at my destination safely, there is absolutely nothing about or in that car that guarantees me that fact.

Yet...how many sincere people have made a start or a commitment to ‘follow Jesus’ and were told that ‘arriving in heaven was guaranteed. “Not everyone who says, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but those who do the will of My Father in heaven.” (Matt. 7:21). Friends... it's time to buckle up. 

Meet me back here tomorrow?


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