“Beware...brethren...lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” (Heb. 3:12-13)
I realize for the most part, all of us professing ‘believers’ were taught from an early age that not only were we all a bunch of wretched sinners in need of a Savior, but after we met this Savior, we would continue to be ...wretched sinners...’saved by grace’. In other words, you will always continue to ‘sin’; maybe not at the same level and frequency that you did prior to ‘coming to Jesus’, but still...’nobody is perfect’. And besides...”now your spirit is saved’ so you going to heaven should not even come in to question’ (as the line goes). It’s just that old, human-flesh nature that you have to contend with before Jesus comes back and sweeps you away to heaven. And we all know how that ‘old man’ gets the best of us at times, right? That’s the part where we all join in and chuckle sheepishly as we hang our heads and join in for another resounding verse of ‘Amazing Grace’. Why else would we repeatedly tell others: “Don’t look at me...I’m a mess! Look at Jesus!”
There’s just one problem with that narrative: It’s not biblical. For starters, when we do make such statements like the one you just read there, what are we saying about the workmanship of the Holy Spirit that came to replicate the nature of Christ in us in order that we become a ‘new creation in Christ’? (Rom. 8:29; 2 Cor. 5:17) Are we suggesting He does shoddy work?
All I can do is continue to point you to scripture and let you read for yourself. What did Paul write to the Galatians in chapter 5:19-21 where he lists many of those attributes of the ‘flesh nature’ and how evident they were, and what those who continue to practice such things could expect when it comes to inheriting the kingdom of God? And did you catch that part in vs. 24 where he mentions who the people are that actually belong to Christ...have done...as in , past tense? After you read that verse, go look at 1 Pet. 4:1-2.
Oh, you mean that really is a ‘thing’, that we can be free of that ‘nature’? Well, yes, actually it is and that is exactly what takes place with true ‘sons of God’ who follow the leading of His Spirit. (Rom. 8:13-14; Gal. 5:16). But if you have been taught another gospel, as Paul warned could happen (2 Cor. 11:3-4) then you probably did not get that memo and have continued to live as a ‘sinner saved by grace’, or as I have heard others say...a ‘saint who still sins’. ...sigh...
And therein lies the deception we read of in our opening verse. To continue to sin hardens our hearts and makes us less responsive to God’s word. And we know what happens when the seed of God’s word lands on hardened hearts...the ‘birds’ come and eat it up. (Luke 8:11-12).
The deceptive part of such teachings most of us bought into... would be akin to an 18-year old whose dad is the local judge in town. And every time that son gets another speeding ticket, Dad warns him again about not speeding, while dismissing his ticket for the umpteenth time. That son might even have good intentions of slowing down, but doesn’t. Why should he if he’s been raised to believe his tickets will be dismissed... nor will he lose his license because he’s a ‘son of the judge’. That is pretty much describes the theology that so many people in church have today.
I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but for those of you who know in your heart that what you are reading here resonates with you, but there is also a growing frustration within you as well because you continue to struggle with the same old ‘sins’, I have good news for you: It doesn’t have to be that way anymore. You can truly be free...of lust, anger, greed, self-pity, impatience, pride, etc. Come back tomorrow and we can discuss this further.
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